Back from a long break -- my thoughts

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BoomBoom4You, Jun 7, 2015.

  1. BoomBoom4You

    I've come back from a long break and wanted to give my thoughts about the state of the game, good and bad. First, the good.

    * I like the continent locking system and the "new" alert rewards. Not great, but at least it's a start
    * Glad they finally put in directives, it gives vet players something to work toward

    Now, the bad

    * The directive rewards are incredibly underwhelming. The NC LMG directive award, the GODSAW, is inferior to the stock weapon in most ways (is that a flash suppressor on it -- look at the gun when you equip it. LOL??). After a week of grinding toward it, once I got it and looked at the stats and attachments, I really regretted wasting my time. Oh, and the text description isn't even correct. Brilliant.

    * Changes that patch notes say were made, are clearly not made (sorry to keep using the GODSAW example, but the patch notes say the ADS COF was reduced from 0.5 to 0.4, but it's still clearly 0.5 in the description)

    * Game runs worse than it did before I left. Using equipment terminals causes me a few seconds delay, that never used to happen. Same for opening the map

    * Very, very little new content. There have been virtually no new items since I left

    The most concerning thing is very little has changed. I was a PS2 fanboy for a long time but now it's very clear that they have given up on this game. I feel sorry for the few poor souls left working on this pile of crap -- RadarX and others are hard workers but they aren't getting the support they need. Thank god Luperza left when she had the chance!
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  2. Kronias

    They have focused all their current attention on PS4 launch, and are working on the Conquest Mode. Which imo should be dropped as a "Mode" and overhauled as "PlanetSide 2 2.0" Sony didn't give a flying crap about the game, the new owners are giving it a chance. Should we know better than to believe them? Probably, but I say, give the new owners a chance before we write them off. From a development standpoint the new "DBG" Haven't had time to actually publish new content. They had to finish the PS4 launch first. What they do after that will determine this games future.
  3. n0pax

    I totally agree, the game is basically one step above maintenance mode despite being under 3 years old. I feel very sorry for dedicated players and players who spent money on this game and still feel they have not gotten their money's worth out of it because PS2 is not long for this world.

    Great game, one of, if not the best core game around not on a household name game like Battlefield. Unfortunately it does not have enough funding, time and player's goodwill to build upon and enhance that core. This game will go down with others like Warhammer the PvP MMO, such a great game but it just launched too early for how little post-launch support it received.

    I would argue this game at launch and still to this day is worthy of an Early Access tag on Steam and that is a real shame because at this point it's never getting "completed" (a metagame).
  4. toast2250

    Continent locking is horrible as it is imo compared to none or continental lattice as it should have been. After the alert the map simply becomes unavailable for everyone and stops any fighting that otherwise could have been prolonged a little, in late hours many people log off as a result.

    People wanted directives and got them. I however find them to much of a farm and don't consider it in the slightest. I would rather see something more that affects the gameplay, sunderer cloak and inhibitor is good a start and example.
  5. eldarfalcongravtank

    i get that you're a returning player but i also think there's no point in repeating what could have been. as far as i know the devs simply had not enough budget to constantly implement new content into the game. but with the new owner, new company name and a (hopefully successful) PS4 release, this might change and we could finally get the stuff (especially for meta/endgame) this game deserves
  6. KoRneY

    Continent locking on quite a few occasions has felt like...

    Log on. Fight's great. Getting immersed. Oh. Three minutes before it's over. It's over. Continent's locked. A giant chunk of my platoon/squad logs off. I log off too. The end.

    It feels like the equivalent of making a beautiful sand castle on the beach and then some beach bully comes over and kicks my **** apart and tells me to leave.
  7. BoomBoom4You

    Good point, I agree it's not a perfect system, but I was impressed they at least TRIED something and implemented a change. I really, really hope this isn't the "final" alert system, but with the pace of changes, who knows.
  8. BoomBoom4You

    I'm willing to see what they come up with, but I was amazed when I logged in and spent 5 minutes fooling around. I was thinking "what the hell has SOE (now DBG) done with their time the last year?" I guess the PS4 launch is a good excuse, but I hate being put on the back burner for a console game :mad:

    I hope the DBG execs are motivated by money, and they probably are now that it's backed by a private equity company instead of bloated Sony. What's good for them is good for us...a better game = more players = more money.
  9. Kronias

    Thats the whole purpose of the PS4 launch. If it succeeds then they get more money. More = more personnel and man hours. So pray that it succeeds, for all our sakes. If the PS4 launch fails, It's probably a forgone conclusion that PS2 will die.