Back after a year away and played for 3 weeks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DeadCypher, Jul 12, 2017.

  1. DeadCypher

    And I've now gotten through all this game has to offer, seriously what happened to the potential of this title?

    I've played small skirmishes to large battles, I've played tank combat, I've given air a go. I've run solo and joined up with my old outfit, NOTHING has changed, winning is still a matter of numbers not skill or base driven tactics. organised squads redeploying back and forth over a map that doesn't move hardly adds a real world feeling as your in and out of a load screen. no tactics or side objectives, just a stagnant repeating frontline. The combat is stale and generic, implants are replacing the unique aspects of the classes (invisibility, healing, resupply ect), clearly because the devs don't have any kind of imagination for new mechanics.

    And the devs appear to be doing all they can to remove the unique aspect of this game, turning it into any old shooter, the player bases explored some unique world building mechanics found in Planetside 1 like having supply lines running to keep a base operational so your team can spawn but haven't expanded on them, leaving a husk of have developed content being built on each map. For a small moment when a squad said they wanted to go do a base raid I had hope that some new game experience was going to happen but it turned into the same combat cycle found everywhere else.

    And now I'm seeing tank crate drops and a vehicle revamp with no thought about actually redesigning the core of the game so these vehicles have a purpose. The "content" they add is not what the players seem to want, its adds little to the game and is nothing more than more things to get revenue from.

    This game is not growing, it's not expanding, it has a dedicated community holding it together but thats it. Without them its dead.

    Exactly what vision does daybreak have for this title? Because other then a $ sign they dont seem to have one.
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  2. Liewec123

    implants dont replace classes, they make you not 100% reliant on classes,
    if noone is playing engi then you're no longer doomed to run out of ammo,
    you can get 1 mag (which isn't much) ever 1-2 minutes.

    the same with regen, if there are no medics around then you can heal slowly if you hide away,
    a medic would do a much better job, but you're no longer tied to having one around.

    as to Minor Cloak it doesn't offer a great deal, it comes with a 1,4 second delay once you've unstealthed before you can do anything, and in this game the majority of weapons can kill you three times over in 1,4 seconds...

    also we had someone post the good ole "nothing has changed!" thread awhile ago so i'll copy and paste what i typed to him,

    implants changed drastically,
    quite a few new cross faction weapons,
    new galaxy guns,
    TONS of weapon balance, BRs are pretty good now, oh and infils can use them.
    Directive weapons are now decent! Godsaw can damage vehicles!
    LA got a tool slot! rocket rifle.
    Engies can deploy shield walls,
    pistols received scopes! no more ugly ironsights.
    CONSTRUCTION, you can now build your own base,
    a new vehicle, the Ant, which is immune to small arms fire and can be an absolute monster when they cert out the shield.
    new sexy cosmetics by Doku for TR and NC (VS coming soon),
    you can now spawn straight into a vehicle without needing to go to the terminal!

    tons has changed.
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  3. Callum

    I like the base building feature and the Ant that comes along with it.

    And also a small squad can still beat a bigger zerg if you know what your doing, because skill does come into play, if you suck at aiming in general, you need a zerg to kill a squad , but where as the smaller squad if their all relatively good fps players , you can easily win.
  4. Inu

    Yup, always been a numbers game. Psychologically i've personally
    never have been able to get passed that. It's why i generally quit after a few days.

    No matter how good i am it really doesn't matter.

    I've suggested for years they need match modes, with 64 vs 64 battles, cross server
    map battles similar to Battlefield 3 etc.

    That's what adults like. You know, the people with money. Battle sizes where your skills can matter.
  5. LordKrelas

    If you can't apply your skills properly, doesn't matter indeed.

    So basically you want the open world battlefield to become exact match-making battles of 64x64 rather than possible hundreds vs hundreds.

    Ah yes, implying everyone who plays a FPS wants a match game or isn't an adult. Lovely.
    At 64x64, your skill won't entirely matter much either if you can't apply it properly.
    As well, what happens mostly is someone's lack of skill is noted, making one side have the numeric advantage...

    Oh wait, that's basically what usually happens in PS2, since it's more likely that one person is countered by meat-shields.
    Due to inability to prioritize targets, mixed with poor positioning, and lack of actual team work to make your skill matter in a larger battle.

  6. DeadlyOmen

    The game is not supposed to be an arena game.

    The proposed moves towards making the game more of an arena game may push out players.

    If one is looking for an arena game, they should go elsewhere. There are some very good arena games out there.
  7. PlanetBound

    I'm not saying you are acting entitled but PS2 wasn't developed to your specifications. Generally, if you don't like a game you move on and try something else. Fortunately PS2 is F2P. And the developers listen to reasonable suggestions. My preference is team play against bots but haven't found any so it's PS2.
  8. Inu

    First of all, i never said change the entire direction of the game away from MMOFPS.
    I said "they need match """modes""".

    There can be built in incentives in both "modes" of the game that encourage
    both are used, if not the MMOFPS portion more emphasized.

    For example. Winning 2 match modes is a daily "directive". Giving an initial bonus xp.
    And also gives 5% xp bonus for you personally for 16 hours in MMO FPS mode.

    I'm only suggesting this to prolong the life of this game. It's very unattractive as a whole to the general populous as more and more popular games are becoming "smaller team-based matches". Overwatch, LoL etc.

    I believe this is a decent compromise.

    EDIT: And holy cow you guys need to calm down a little. I'm sorry i insulted your precious little jeweled corner of the universe.
  9. LordKrelas

    So basically, the entire game is a mode, and this new match mode grants XP bonus in the original game for 16 hours.
    So winning in the match mode is literally something you do every day, just to get EXP in the actual game every 16 hours.
    Which means people don't buy EXP boosts, they win a match, go into the real game and maybe buy a boost if they want even more EXP.

    Prolong the game by splitting the player base into people who do match-making gameplay, and those whom play the original game.
    This entire title's premise is large scale open-world warfare not arena shooter.
    There is a lot of games, none of them became an arena shooter - They originally were that.

    Not a single game has a match-making mode and an open-world mode in the FPS genre.
  10. No0T

    The implants taking others peoples habilities vvas my idea not the devs, and you sound like a but hurt guy vvith no skill... I killed 40 guys in one spavvn in 30 sec... I think I did actually make an impact... vvhen I killed 27 2 minutes later lol... You guy... just go vvithout crying please just go... gogo.. lol these type of guy that ******** for not being able to enjoy a game thinks he needs to **** on it gets ME.
  11. Tankalishious

    Ive seen alot of ****** suggestions.... this one is right up there with the worst of em
  12. DarkStarAnubis

    Not an oldtime player (started a few months ago, playing sporadically) but I agree with the OP the game lacks a focus.

    There are way too things overlapping - from top to bottom:

    You are supposed to work your *** for hours to lock continents. How much XP you get as reward? I do not even remember but I guess if I rezz a few guys in an intense fight in 10 minutes I get the same amount.

    Take or defend bases: makes more sense however if 50 enemies attack your base and there are 5 defenders all you can do is snipe from the spawnroom until the countdown is at 10 seconds and then redeploy at the next base where the zerg will come in 5 minutes tops. Sure you rack kills but other than that it is boring.

    Attacking is similar: either zerg mode with a 1:10 ratio between defenders and attackers or ninja mode (1:1, a private game betwe en two stalkers).

    Then you have a plethora of directives for pretty much anything you can do, it is nice however you can't even choose which directives you want to track because the game resets your choice every time you log.

    Finally medals for killing guys, ok that is clear cut, just rack +1000 kills with weapon A to get a multi-color weapon A+ with fixed attachments and 90% like A since all weapons are sidegrade.

    Other examples of mixed approach: there is no logistics in ps2 (teletrasport) BUT it is not possible to go directly anywhere, instead do a sequence of jumps from the gate to the frontline, OR choose instant action and getting out a sunderer just to be C-4ed by a flying LA.

    Which kind of botched system is it? Either make true logistics (spawn at gate, reach frontline with vehicles) or let ME choose where to go without restrictions.

    Don't get me wrong, I love PS2 but to have some kind of more focus on certain gameplay and associated reward system, either more 'arma like' (military, ammo mgmt., logistics, combined arms support, take bases and continents ) or more 'casual like' (spawn anywhere, shoot and scoot rack kills like a pro,...) would help.

    Now it is a mix.
  13. Urban-ski

    Sorry but I don't agree with much of what you write OP.

    A small squad of well organised players who know what they are doing and communicate can hold off and and often does beat a much larger force. That has always been the case in this game.

    The whole tide of a battle can be tipped with one well placed sundy. An infil or two behind the line can cause untold damage and tip the scales.

    If you want to play as a mindless zergling then yes it will often feel like you are getting nowhere and the whole game is rinse and repeat battles.

    I'm happy with the new stuff, base building etc...

    I would agree the player population is not what it used to is really a peak time only game now which is a shame but during those times there is more than enough going on, I can still find huge battles every night.

    Tell me one other game that can bring the scale or scope of battles that PS2 does. True combined arms gameplay.
    After 5 years I'm surprised the game is still going at all tbh.....there are so many titles out there.

    As for development, PS1 was ruined by the devs creating BFRs, Artillery (and that terrible crystal caves expansion) which basically meant battles became sieges and whoever brought more BFRs to the party won. These devs are a lot more cautious which is sensible. It would be good to have some new content though and I'm not sure a couple of new vehicles will do it.
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  14. Liewec123

    the AV thing is more of a side quirk, godsaw was already a really good LMG,
    it took the gauss saw and made it even better with a much shorter reload,
    it has special attachments that make it better than the stock saw, like having higher bullet velocity
    (and i think less recoil but i could be wrong, i can't remember) :)

    there are still some pretty sucky auraxium weapons though,
    like Tempest, which does the opposite of what you want an SMG to do. (be a CQC monster)
  15. DeadCypher

    Then you clearly cant read.
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  16. LordKrelas

    The Gauss Saw has less ammo troubles, according to the people whom use it.
    It's near identical - in all but range & ammo.

    The quirk is used to say NC can 'shoot down' tanks with an LMG, as if it's practical rather than suicidal & consuming all ammunition to achieve nothing.
    It did us no favors.
  17. Chubzdoomer

    Implants are nothing more than a money racket.
  18. DeadCypher

    Reliance on classes is what makes classes well, classes. I dont understand your point of view at all. your contradicting the definitions of the topic your discussing.

    If a class is missing from your squad players are encouraged to switch to accommodate whats best for the team, this is called team building, this is the benefit of working together as a team and builds a community within the game. because its suppose to be an MMO. so you're clearly a solo player and a game designed around working as a team doesn't work for you. go find something else to play.

    If minor clock isn't an issue then why does stalkers cloak disable your primary weapon?

    When I refer to nothing changing I'm talking about the gameplay. its boring repetitive and pointless cycle of base capturing still exits with no depth, and if the devs have made a TON of changes as you suggest and nothing positive has happened to the core of the gameplay then isn't that a sign they have no ******* clue what they are doing?
  19. DeadCypher

    I didnt say players didnt like the base building part of the game I said it didnt fit/integrate into the existing game well, its actually funny because the system is a loose copy of what PS1's normal base system was yet the devs still dont seem to understand what make that system popular in PS1, it doesnt add anything to the core of the gameplay, squads dont naturally form to remove bases as its a ton of hassle for little reward.

    As for small organsed squads defeating or holding back zergs yes thats a really good aspect of the game BUT again the devs keep trying to add thigs to deal with the existing zergs but dont understand the root of the problem.

    Zergs form because there is a lack of in game mechnics to organse players into effective working squads. why? because there are no missions that require an organised squad to form. taking bases can be done with a mob of disorgansed players. side missions like those found in PS1 need an oragansed squad to not only travel too but to complete the objective.
  20. Liewec123

    and like i said, that is still the case, if your squad needs ammo you really should switch to engi.
    your squad isn't going to get by on 1 magazine every 1-2 minutes by all running ammo printer...

    you claimed "implants replace the unique aspects of the classes", they simply don't.
    they're pale imitations, ammo printer implant does not replace the need for engies to supply ammo,
    without engies you'll still run out of ammo pretty damn fast with ammo printer, just not quite as fast as without it.

    huh? i don't understand the link, stalker cloak disables your primary because it allows you to sneak around almost invisible forever and then instantly unstealth and attack when the moment is right.
    minor cloak however only works after sitting still for 8 seconds and then does not let you move,
    and you cannot ambush people, once you decloak there is a whole 1.4 seconds were you cannot attack in any way,
    enough time for most weapons to kill you 3 times over.
    ask any infil if they'd swap their stalker or hunter cloak for that, i can guess the answer.

    i find that a tad bit insulting,
    unlike you, i have been playing none stop for years, enjoying it for years,
    yet you come back and tell me to go play something else because this game isn't meant for me?!

    one of us has stuck with the game and had fun, the other quit for a year,
    came back and is already complaining that the game is "boring, repetitive and pointless",
    which one of us should really go find something else to play? :rolleyes: