Baby steps...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RasFW, Dec 20, 2014.

  1. RasFW

    Now that we have a wieldable knife (which I am very much looking forward to trying when I get a decent computer again), the next logical step is to allow us to holster our weapons completely.

    You'd have to unholster and equip a weapon to shoot someone.

    25% movement speed bonus.
    I guess you also don't have to deal with holstering your current weapon to draw another, so logically there could be some equip time reduction on weapons.

    That's it. Simple thoughts for the start of a discussion.

    My personal thoughts is that this will make the game more better. By not having a weapon equipped, you could "better" prepare yourself for things that come your way. I'm going to use arbitrary numbers here.

    Equip time on a rocket launcher: 2 seconds.
    Time it takes you to holster your main weapon: 2 seconds.

    If you're sitting at the top of some stairwell looking down with your GODSAW or Orion and a MAX comes around the corner, you have the option to A) shoot him in the face, or B) spend 4 seconds drawing your rocket to shoot him in the face instead.

    By standing with weapons holstered, you're less prepared for any attack, but regardless of what comes around the corner, you're 2 seconds away from engaging effectively.
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  2. TheFamilyGhost

    Great idea, but forumside will never accept it.
  3. TriumphantJelly

    Think of running the nOHK knives to your *** simply because the guy switched.
  4. NinjaTurtle

    I like the idea, I think it has potential to be a fun and skillfully useful mechanic
  5. RasFW

    Not even skillfully used.

    Think of those times where your spawn AMS and the front line are hundreds of meters apart. It might take you a 30 seconds to walk where you want to go. Well, holster your gun. You'll get there in 20-some-odd seconds now.

    Now you want to pull an aircraft. But the closest base you can spawn an aircraft (and just because your luck, the only one besides the warpgate) is a tech plant! That's a long walk. Well, there's 0 bad guys between you and the air terminal. Holster that gun and get there faster.

    Now you're an infiltrator. Someone is chasing you with their gun out. You throw on your cloak, holster your weapon and book it. You might be too late and dead already, but in the off chance that you're not, you now have speed to your advantage and you can lose them.
    Just about anywhere where you're not actively engaging enemies, holstering your gun for a run speed boost only makes sense. Of course, you could run around with your gun out all the time, just in the off chance that there IS someone around that corner.
  6. FateJH

    What I want to know is why we're starting with the assumption that putting one's weapon away will give you a speed bonus.
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  7. Atuday

  8. RasFW

    If you're going to go into a realism debate, just don't.

    This is a simple mechanic. You trade your ability to fire for a slight increase in speed. Its a convenience item that can be used in a myriad of ways.
  9. Titan6

    I like the idea, but it gives me pause. The game already acts incredibly odd when moving quickly, this might exacerbate the issue even more.
  10. Rovertoo

    It's not too far of a stretch of the imagination that being able to move your arms freely would help you run. Imagine running a 5K while holding a milk jug, and imagine running the same 5K with the milk jug tied to your back. Same weight, but holding it would certainly slow you down.
  11. FateJH

    No, no, that's not what I meant. I didn't mean realistically because you can argue that with logic easily. I want to know why we're jumping to that kind of reasoning in this game?
  12. CorporationUSA

    That sounds like what happens when I press the sprint key.
  13. RasFW

    This is different than sprinting and if you sprint with guns holstered, the speed boosts stack.

    In one instance, you're engaging enemies and need to move cover to cover. It makes sense to sprint with your gun out.

    Any other instance where you're either not in a direct combat role or you're not at the battle yet, it makes sense to holster and sprint.
  14. Flag

    Or just give a speed boost when knife is out like CounterStrike.
  15. RasFW

    I can't quote... But @Flag:

    The problem with that would be making the already powerful OHK knife more powerful. I fear that will have serious backlash if it was considered or implemented.
  16. Crator

    This would be nice... If you didn't know, PS1 had this mechanic... It also had a surge implant which let you run faster which required you holster your weapon or tool in your hands....

    A lot of folks asked for enter/exit vehicle animations during development (PS1 also had this). But the devs wouldn't do it cause too much time involved to make it work....
  17. Flag

    Then make it a perk of the "normal" knife then. Or make them give the benefit at different strengths, so the OHK ones gives X bonus speed and the non-OHK ones gives X+a bit bonus speed.
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  18. RasFW

    I like that