Awesome Infil story

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by AveryLuna92, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. AveryLuna92

    So I just had this happen when I was on Esmir as Vanu. I manage to run up the middle of an area, to the top of a hill, taking a VERY small detour to flank the enemy, I get behind them and proceed to knife; 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 guys killing all but the last who takes one knife, I finish him off with my pistol. I then run into the building and look out a window overlooking the point getting capped, I headshot one guy quick, then the second, ignoring the MAX of course. I dive down, and end up flanking a guy trying to get to my position, but his buddy who was behind me ends up killling. That's one awesome kill streak that I wish I recorded!
  2. Dcrd

    Cool story sis.
  3. Bloodmyth

    Nice one, and its frustrating to not be recording, we've all had at some point a golden moment like that, I had one recently where in a big fight I was running all over some hills and rocks killing infantry left and right and they just seemed to ignore me. I'm glad there's no automatic record function however because more often than not I do some daft stuff too ;)
  4. Rudette

    Pretty epic!
  5. Syphers

    Cool stuff, one of my most epic spree was around 30 with my LA though it's much less satisfying than a well played infiltrator run :cool:
  6. AveryLuna92

    I know what you mean, I've had a big spree (Might have been bug induced) where I was at a Amp Station SCU, jumped up, and killed a small army from right in the middle, didn't feel as good to me since it wasn't clever sneaking, just in the midst of chaos (or bug)
  7. AnuErebus

    These are the kinds of stories that make playing infiltrator so fun. No other class, except maybe light assault can have quite the same type of crazy awesome moments. I just wish I had the ability to record things without hurting my frames too much. Then I'd have plenty of awesome clips of ridiculous shots and killstreaks.

    For example. Today I got a kill on a Reaver. With my RAMS .50. Yes, I shot down a flying aircraft with a bolt action sniper rifle. I doubt I'll ever get another shot like that again.
  8. Alien51

    Once I knifed a NC MAX to death from full health. He didn't realize I was there for some reason till the 3rd knife.
  9. Messaiga

    Lol I am surprised he did not whack you in the face with that Shotgun of his, so how did you manage to get the rest of the knifes off without him going "PEEEEEEEEW! PEEEEEEEEEEEEW!"
    Anyway on light assault there were about 2 squads of TR on the landing pad of a Bio Lab. So I manage to get out there, use the jump pad to get to an outlieing base, blast like 2 guys in the face with an SMG, jump off the pad, use the lift to get back up, kill some more guys and I repeated this until a medic finally killed me after I had gotten some 13 kills. Not the largest streak but it was sneaky as hell, they just acted like I was not there, goes to show how oblivious people are to you when they are focusing on people inside of a Bio Lab. Eventually their sundy got destroyed and I did not get to farm them anymore with the same tactic. This was with the AF4 Cyclone, too bad I got the Blitz on my NC account but I was playing on my brother's account cause at that time I had no CQC Weapons for my Light Assault on my own account. Good thing cert reset is coming soon because I got that Blitz with certs, which means I can get the AF4 instead and recreate that type of situation.
  10. Blackinvictus

    Couple of nights ago, I unwittingly dropped into (on to) a base we were losing and landed on an odd ledge. Base was lost and I see several TR and vehicles spawning right below me. Pop off about 3 of them..they still pouring out of there. See an Engy right below me starting to repair a turret, headshot. Comes back...headshot again. They are still pouring out and NOBODY sees me again and again shooting them in the back lol.

    Like a dumb *** though, I jump off my sweet spot on the ledge, make it to the bottom of the base, and get run over by a spawnig lightning...

    good times!