Average age and gender of PS2 players ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by customer548, Nov 6, 2015.

  1. customer548


    I'm a bit curious about the average age and gender of PS2 players/customers.
    I had a quick look on the net in order to see any data about it, but i didn't find anything.

    Who are the people we are firing at on Auraxis ? :eek:
  2. Akashar

  3. customer548

  4. CorporationUSA

    I'm a 72 year old woman with 3 grandchildren.
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  5. customer548

    Congrats for having such a large family. Problem is that i'm not interested in YOUR own age and gender. I mentioned "PS2 customers" and "average age and gender"...It's all about stats, average customers profile and product target.
  6. TombsClawtooth

    I'm 28 and male.

    I don't think you're going to find many young people on the forums, at least in any comparable ratio to what's in the game.

    The only data you'll get is from people responding to this thread...
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  7. Akashar

    Well all I can give is my age and gender, since I don't know of any website that gathers this data.
  8. FieldMarshall

    Its probably over the average age, since a lot of people who play PS2 played PS1.
    I think i read somewhere that the average age in general is 15-16. If people were 15-16 when PS1 was released (2003) they would be 27-28 now.
    Then add all the teenagers who started playing when PS2 was released to lower the average a bit.
    So my guess would be 21-24. Just guessing.

    Though a lot of the people i have played with were 20+, and that was in PS1.
    I still see them around in PS2 sometimes, so i have no idea.
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  9. Iridar51

    Average gender? HOW? What the hell is that?
  10. customer548

    Thank you for your answers.
    Ahah. Ok, it's about distribution of genders in the PS2 players/customers pool. X % Males, X % Females are PS2 players. The average PS2 player is X years old.

    Maybe RadarX would be able to answer to my question.
  11. RubeLott

    I dont think DayBreak will provide you with any official data on this, so you can only do a statistic from the ppl contributing to this thread. So from the first 2 ppl that replied we can assume the average human playing this game is a 50-year old hermaphrodite with 1 and a half of a grandchild.
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  12. customer548

    Ok. Thank you all. :)
  13. Atis

    X=X, every second PS2 player is hawt gal!

    But seriously, just take data from any shooter, add 1-2 years to average age and you wont miss much.
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  14. McMan

    103 years/male

    EDIT: I am 104 years old/male. Just had a birthday.
    EDIT: I am 104 years old/female. Just had a gender surgery (lost my *****).
  15. TheChris

    VS has enough Average Gender. Just look at their Sexy Spandex :p
  16. Goretzu

    The "average age" is likely mid-20's although I would guess most players are either younger or older than that (given there's probably two demographic humps in PS2, old PS1 player and new players).

    The "average gender" ( :confused: ), ignoring Barney :p , would likely be 90+% male.

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  17. DooDooBreff

    you should keep those shifty habits on craigslist where they belong