AV Turrets

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by zaspacer, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. zaspacer

    Anyone else having problems sniping Engineers using the the new Engineer AV Turrets?

    I've had multiple times that I've been behind and above them, with a clear view of their entire exposed back (from head to foot). I take aim at the fully visible head and snap off my 2x shots (semi-auto sniper rifle)... and I hit the AV Turret.

    If these things have full body shields (or some other extended protective covering), they really should show it in the game so we can know that we can't shoot them. I don't mind if they make them 100% safe to bullets (other people can decide how balanced that is), I just can't stand that what I see is not what is actually in the game.
  2. Ztiller

    I have had the same problems with MANA-AI turrets. So frustrating to land a clear headshot, but still only damage the turret.