AV turret is like making Medics pay real money for the AOE heal or Medi Gun Revive

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Poorform, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Poorform

    The cert cost is a non-issue. It's the fact that it's not an ability that's linked to the ACE tool, like the resist shield is to the nanite shield, and that you can pay money to unlock it. Imagine if players could do this with all second avenue abilities. Immediate fully certed Drifter Jets, Resist shield for example, however those would be less idiotic than the current upgrade in all directions AV turret. Truly pay to win at this point.

    The fact that people are ok with SOE charging for abilities means they'll just keep doing it. This is where you could have stopped this, just fyi, but you're going to blissfully ignorant to the issues that this situation spawns forth.
  2. allattar

    Its a weapon
  3. Phyr

    Bull ****. This isn't a democracy. They need to make money.
  4. The Funk

    All I'm reading in this thread is whining from cheap bastards that want the latest shiny handed to them. You all are flowering it up quite a bit and making plenty of excuses but basically that's what it boils down to.
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  5. aedn

    sigh, every vehicle and class in this game has slots. in each slot you can put in a weapon or class specific tool, along with a universal utility slot. The types and variations of tools and weapons available are based on what the vehicle allows along with what class your playing.to state that the sky is falling because a new turret was placed into the game, which still has cert requirements just like any other weapon or tool is rather absurd.

    What the AV turret is, is the same as a zephyr cannon, HE cannon, AP cannon, 3 rocket launchers, and all the various class specific weapons in the game.additionally, the AV turret only replaces the existing weapon in the slot, it does not create new slots, its an alternative to the mana turret, which is frankly better because mana turret is useless 95% of the time.

    The AV turret in no way shape or form, resembles revive grenades , c4 , anti tank mines, concussion grenades, etc because those items are in no way obtainable through the store, and require certs to be able to be used, as well as consume resources.

    The AV turret in no way is comparable to the medic heal gun, or the engineer repair tool, which are class specific baseline abilities, similar to the HA shield, the infiltrator cloak, and the LA jumpjets. The only difference is that the medic gains 2 specific baseline abilities, vs every other classes gaining 1, and engineer has no F ability, while having class specific tools like the medic.

    People need to use some common sense. This game will only survive as long as it has income coming in to it to keep the servers running, and fund development, If that falls to low, the game will be required to go to a pay 2 win model, or a subscription model, at which point its essentially dead as far as advancement goes anyway.Additionally, every single item in the store can be obtained by players who do not spend a single dollar on it, they just have to invest more time.
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  6. GhostAvatar

    This is the most stupid argument I have ever seen. Forget all this its a weapon/ability argument, forget the its like the HA rocket launcher.

    Simple fact is, if you class it as an ability that would mean taking it out of the store and placing it in the cert tree. So then, they add it in the cert tree to be unlocked for...... 1000 certs. So how are you any better off than before? as a store item or a cert unlock it is still going to cost you certs.

    All these people who are crying about it not being fair are nothing more than the entitled generation, who think they deserve (scratch that) who think it is there god given right to have it and are entitled to it for nothing. To them I say grow up and get on with your game.
  7. Sevre

    This really isn't the issue. The issue is people complaining about a game that you can enjoy entirely for free. There were never games like this when I was growing up; nothing this amazing was free, except for demos.

    If you don't like the fact the AV turret costs money then don't buy it. You can still play!

    I've put plenty of money in this game, I love playing it, and guess what? I haven't bought the AV turret. And I STILL enjoy the game.

    Odd that. It's like I can enjoy it WITHOUT buying every new gadget they come up with.

    Inb4 entitled players say SOE is evil and everything new should be 100 certs and cost no SC.
  8. Aghar30

    No problem with having to buy the turret, only problem I have is that its 700/1000 same as the multi class weapons, for a single weapon. They need to reduce it a bit and the cost would be fine.
  9. Metalsheep

    In Beta is was a Cert Tree you certed into to get the AV turret. Though in Early Beta/Tech Test, the Mana turret also damaged Tanks with its bullets.

    They shouldnt have put it on the marketplace. Its part of the ACE tool, which is the engineers other ability.

    Personally i think it shouldnt even need to be equipped on the loadout screen and can just be selected by using B with the ACE. The whole idea of the ACE is that it can be used to construct a variety of deployables with a single device.
  10. Poorform

    Yup. But people that are joined to the hip to daddy SOE aren't seeing the problem.
  11. Divinorium

    The only problem i see here is that:
    All the talk about SC just buy "side-weapons" without being a straight upgrade were thrown out of the window with the Turret-AV.

    This game was always very inclined to Pay2Win model... and its being inclined even more with that new "weapon".

    The AV-turret it's not a side-weapon because the AI-turret is just a extra ammo box.

    With the 1000 Certs you use to buy a weapon you could fully cert it and still some more to spend.
    Pay2Win model doesn't refer to "armor/weapons only obtainables with real money"
    But refers to placing no-cash users in a situation where he always have a handicap.
    The cash user already have a advantage of beginning with a better weapon, he kills more and get more certs.
    By the time a no-cash buy the weapon the cash would have 2~3 times the amount of certs.
    This place No-cash player in a hard place.
  12. Revanmug

    Wait, you are still playing? It would be great if you just quit right away. It's not like Waterson TR will lose anything of value.
  13. Clutchstep

    Protip: You don't actually have to man the turret for it to provide cover.

    Perhaps you don't play to objectives, so maybe you've never noticed that most cap points are either out in the open or in rooms with 2 or more entrances. If you don't have enough people to watch all the entrances while you guard the cap point, you can set up the turret to either block one of the entrances or place it to one side of you so that your flank is covered by the impenetrable shield. This lets you more effectively guard two entrances at the same time.

    The turret is very accurate at short to medium ranges. Properly burst-fired you can easily control the CoF to maintain accuracy and pretty much fire continuously without ever overheating the turret. It does terrible damage, but with the great accuracy you can land a lot of headshots. It's situational, for sure, but certainly not useless, as you can fire a lot more shots with greater accuracy than you can with a carbine. To be honest, the chances for the turret to shine as an actual weapon are few and far between, but they're there.

    Perhaps the engineer class isn't for you. You seem determined to say that your class sucks while not using the tools at your disposal.
  14. bodmans

    NO, GOD NO. its a wep, designed to make the ENG a shieldless HA with more mobility ad unlimited ammo
    stop complaining. im glad its that costly
  15. Hunter_Killers

    More mobility.

    I'm pretty sure a static object is immobile.

    I'm waiting to see Icarus Jumpjets in the depot. Along with everything else that was removed for release from the beta.

    ACE Tool is the Engineers ability.
  16. bodmans

    they can pop up an AV turret anywhere at any time, and do it again without cooldown. thats more mobile tan pulling a rocket launcher out of your pocket