AV MANA turret video

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jaybo H, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Jaybo H

    I just whipped this up real quick. It's not meant to be as complete as my 'Be Less Derp @ Planetside 2' series:

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  2. Jeslis

    To the top with you!. Excellent preview.
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  3. Lewk

    Love this new weapon. this is what lockons should have been!
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  4. SilentSalvo

    What's the ETA for the nerf cries to start?
  5. Halcyon

    ETA for the crying? Immediately.
    ETA for a nerf? I give it 72 hours for a hotfix.
  6. absolute86

    I know it's going to happen, I feel it in my bones, but god I hope they don't nerf it or atleast don't nerf it into uselessness. The engineer has needed something like this from the beginning, along with portable shields (I know the previous turret was useless outside of the shield, but I need a bigger one for 2-3 people to cover behind).

    I mean look at this thing - it fixes all kinds of lame tactics (spawn camping, 30 million sundies camped everywhere, etc. etc.). Yet it is also easily neutralized by real tactical game play that doesn't feel lame and stale. I'm picking one up with SC tonight. It's gonna be fun, and brings my favorite class back to the forefront of my account.
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  7. bodmans

    as i stated in another thread. i hope it wont be used as a last line of survival method, in terms of that you just had a close quarters-ish tank duel, youre on the winning side. the other guy jumps out just before his tank blows from your last shell, pops his turret in 2 sec and boom ur ded

    also i think this is what PS2 needs more, may need a bit of tweaking though. that rocket was fast as hell

    i guess this nullifies the complaining about strafing mags
  8. I Keel You!

    just like in half life !
  9. Zotamedu

    You're too late. They started crying the minute the servers were back up again so it's been going on for a couple of hours now.
  10. Gavyne

    Pretty much, those of us that have played BF:BC2 & BF3 have all said the game could use less long range lock-ons, and follow more Battlefield examples of guided missiles, and lock-ons that require you to shoot a tracer dart first. Both of which would've done away with these long range lock-on spams that people are complaining about.
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  11. Pixelshader

    waiting on an esf gibbing compilation