AV mana missiles still invisible?

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Pikachu, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. Pikachu

    I just had my tank destroyed and like 50% of it was AV mana missiles yet I saw none coming at me. It was during an attack on Quartz Ridge Camp so you know the direction where the damage comes from.
  2. IronWarrior

    AV Turrets are in dire need of balancing for sure.
  3. Call-Me-Kenneth

    av turrets are fine, and also yeah, the GFX for the missiles seem to be broken, the bug seems clientside. you see other missiles wobbly around, but yours flies fine.
  4. IronWarrior

    Yes, if you mean fine by allowing players to shoot other players on the borderline of render distance while half the time they just pop out of render distance and in again making it pretty hard to return fire that's if you lucky enough to see them in the first place and when you do see them, unless you close to them, they are almost the size of a dot.
  5. Serafine

    Mana turrets have a strange bug (the missile optically stays at the launcher for 1 second before moving) and Lancer traces and Fractures are invisible.
  6. Reis

    Not to mention the damage, just 2 or 3 people will kill a defended Sunderer if they have a good position and concentrate fire. Even just 1 will hassle the lone sunderer pilot.

    The only situation where they are bad is when you are close enough to be killed, which is sort of moronic, considering the ability to guide the rockets into the cert pinatas known as vehicles.