Auto-Turret Test Feedback.

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Cest7, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. Cest7

    Had a good time on the PTS testing these auto turrets. Phase 1/2 went flawlessly. There were not enough turrets in phase 1 to really make them noticable. Phase 3 started to get some FPS drops, but overall was still playable. Once there was 1k turrets though, it started to hit the fan. I went down to 10-20fps, poor connection and the adaptive rendering kicked in and things started disappearing. Some of em started to spawn underground and shoot through walls, whatever, it was just a test.

    The current models are pretty expensive IMO but devs said that they would be different models, hopefully they are well optimized.

    One thing that's gotta get changed is the audio channel priority. With 100+ turrets firing, all sound just cut out.

    Thanks for the test, was fun :) Screens for anyone who missed it
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  2. SpaceZeal0t

    It was enjoyable but I don't feel happy about the turrets being without an ammo pool engineers can refill or a heat syste, especially if they are going to be unloading bullets constantly until their target dies.


    1st phase went smoothly with no hiccups. once we got around 1500 things went downhill with he frame rate and sound quality, cut outs of sound and ending up around 30fps ultra on a decent end rig.

    After 2000 the game went down to 15 - 20 fps and for some reason motion blur was on. Huge delays from actions, mines and hit markers and then sound cut out for everything besides turrets.
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  3. Targanwolf

    Had enemy players making VANU characters killing vanu faction players. COSMOGIRL was one who killed me 2x.
    Stopped testing when this test was not being controlled.
  4. Lord Blackadder

    In my case, a "normal" session on the test server gives me a ping of 115-120 ms (I'm from Europe), and a frame rate of mostly a solid 60 fps (locked to 60 due to vsync). The frame rate especially has been incredibly smooth since a couple of weeks both on the PTS and Live, by the way.

    The lowest frame rate I got, was about 40. This was during the last stage of the test, which started with 4000 turrets (I think?), with that number being incrementally increased over time. During the last 2,5 minutes of testing, 200 turrets were added every 20 seconds, so I can't really say what the highest amount of turrets was at its peak.

    During the heavy load my ping increased over time to about 200 ms. Certainly a good result for me personally, performance-wise, looking at the ridiculous (but epic!) amount of turrets being spawned in and shooting/targeting at the same time.

    One thing I'd like to note: I stayed for about 10-15 minutes after the official test was over, and the frame rate didn't fully "recover" after the turrets were gone, and kept hovering at around 45-50 fps. It was rather laggy (in terms of fps - ping was normal, at about 120 ms), but I don't know if this is a normal/expected reaction from the server. Just thought I'd mention that.
  5. BobSanders123


    Less resistance against infantry small arms, It takes way too many rounds to put one down.
    One shot rocket launcher is agreeable, in a good spot.
    Damage is piss poor, only when six auto turrets started firing at me did I actually die.
  6. z1967

    Keep in mind guys that this was just testing that they work and they will never be released in this state. Hence why they tickled you to death instead of killing you in a reasonable time.

    Also placeholder models and stuff, so there is that as well.
  7. Rikkit

    In my Opinion they are not that bad,
    but they need some mechanics that can be exploited to kill them. (currently the only counter to them is cloak and cover)
    Things like:
    a limited turning speed, so when you sneek behind them, you should be able to destroy them with the new knife, before they do a 180° turn, and deal ~250dmg to you.
    Also the fact, that they magically know where you are is a bit sad.
    it would be great, when they onlyl aim and fire on everything, that is in front of them and has a line of sight to them.
    Or when the ennemy is visible on the minimap (spotted by a player / using a weapon with out silencer / recon devices)
  8. Zica96

    I thought they were gonna be different then those we already have? Well that sucks!
  9. Lord Blackadder

    They are going to be different. These are just place-holders.

    People seem to really confused about what the test was actually about: it was NOT to test the turret functionality/properties/cosmetics. It was a test to see how the server/client would react in terms of performance to an increasing amount of turrets shooting/targeting at the same time. Nothing more, nothing less.
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  10. eldarfalcongravtank

    what do you mean? the turrets you see in the picture above are just placeholders. the test was about measuring the burden on the servers. the actual (final) auto-turrets will have different models, animations, functions and sounds but they weren't ready for the test yet
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  11. Zica96

    Good to hear it! If they added the same turrets, but just with the AI function, that would be freaking stupid and not fun at all.
  12. BiggggBRIM

    What slot do they take up? Can I have a robot turret and my own manned turret?
  13. Doomzzg

    Model has been in the files for ages.
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  14. barunedpat

    Anyone else bummed that the turrets cannot be instantly destroyed with EMP grenade?
  15. xxx-reaper

    For anyone who hasn't had the chance to actual test these. They suck. You can side step faster than they can turn. They deal terrible damage, you have to be really close to be detected, stealthing auto stops it. The only time I've died to one was when iwas typing a message. They offer a good distraction because people will kill it for that extra 20 Xp.
  16. xxx-reaper

    I really want the emp to have at least some effect of all turrets.
  17. Kumaro

    I don't mind them as they are just give them hard points so they aren't as easy to kill.
    Slam some of those mana shields on it and im fine with how they are now.
    And perhaps some upgrade options?
    Like proximity emp??
  18. Jaybo H

  19. Tuco

    WIth that many polygons, and large size, SONY doesn't intend to give us more than 1 spitfire turret.

    oh well what can you do

  20. JudgeNu

    On test now.

    Goes in Turret slot.
    Deployable just like Mana Turrets.
    Not able to be placed in mid-air as I had once thought.

    Very easy to kill with standard munitions.
    Rotates 120 degrees apx every 5-10 seconds and has a blue light under it just before rotating.

    109 rof and 1/1 damage, w/e that means.

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