[Suggestion] Attention!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DirtyZaniestMemory, Mar 4, 2017.

  1. DirtyZaniestMemory

    Hello everyone, I am a player from China.
    I have a lot of suggestions to say, But suffered from my poor English, I can't tell
    After a period of study, With the help from translation software
    And I heard that DBG's R&D department has attention here
    so I come here to share my ideas.
    But in order to let everyone willing to spend time reading my poor English,
    So I decided to use both language to do a brief self introduction and gain some attention.
    First of all, I am a disabled person,
    in 2002 I hurt my left hand during work. It was very serious. I spent a long time in hospital and had multiple surgeries. I been able to leave the hospital until 2004.

    I don't really know video games before the injury. I used to love outdoors sports such like cycling, roller skating etc.
    But after I lost my left hand I became autistic, depressed, felt very despair to my life. Nightmares were killing my sleep, The world was full of darkness. I no longer want to go out, stay in my room for every day. Since that video game came into my life.
    Adventitiously, I started play PlanetSide( Chinese server). I indulged my self in the game gradually. Met new friends, touched a new world, forgot about the reality. No more nightmares in the night but fighting with my friend shoulder to shoulder for bases.

    Until the Chinese servers been shut down in 2006. I gradually managed to control my left hand and walked out of the depression caused by the injury. I regained my hope and direction of my life. Even though the game is gone, but life went back to track. Appreciating and loving this game. For me, this is not just a game.
    In 2012 I heard about Planetside 2 and there will be a Chinese server. I was so exciting then left my job immediately. With the flags i collected , I began a 30 days , 2000 kilometers journey to Tibet.[IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG]在中国区开放之前,就为了信仰充值约600美元,可是这却成了新噩梦的开始,从2013年到2016年关闭,中国区外挂泛滥,版本落后,BUG一堆,而我只是把这一切归罪于第三方代理商。
    I spent about 600 dollars before the server open, just for faith XD. But this is the beginning of a new nightmare. From 2013 the serve opened until closed in 2016. No update, no fix any bugs, no treatment to hacks. But I only blamed all of this on the Chinese agency.
    This game is not just a game for me. More like to be a kind of feeling, a memory, an appreciation. I just want to simply playing this game until I get old. I been broadcasting this game for years in China to advertise.
    In 2015 I moved to US west server which is Connery. And charged money again. I also need to paid 15 bucks every month additionally for VPN because Daybreak banned Chinese IP. Taking the risk of losing my account. And undergo the accuse of lagging from other players.[IMG]我没有开挂,没使用BUG,也没故意TK别人,更没有辱骂其他玩家,却一直被指责为lagger,甚至侮辱性的言语;我花了钱,只想体验游戏的乐趣,是你们让我没有别的选择。
    I didn't cheat, didn't use any bug, didn't tk others on purpose, nor abuse and player. But I been considered as lagger for all the time. I spent money just for enjoying the game. But you gives me nothing to choose.
    My first request is set a server in Asia. Extricate the Asian players from the suffering of lagging.
    The second about DIRECTIVES,Can we have four new directives?
    1st INFANTRY

    Can be done by Finishing any of the 5 directives of infantry. Reward is metallic white CAMO.
    2nd WEAPONS (EXCEPTIONAL is must be finished)
    Can be done by Finishing any of the 5 directives of weapons. Reward is metallic black CAMO.[IMG]第三个算是载具成就,完成任意5种载具成就,奖励全载具阵营专属喇叭
    3rd VEHICLES (all Vehicles can use)
    Can be done by Finishing any of the 5 directives of vehicles. Reward is Vehicles Horn.[IMG]第四个是阵营成就,完成以上三个新成就,奖励阵营专属语音
    4th TR&NC&VS when INFTRY, VEHICLES, WEAPONS all finished, Reward is Voice pack.[IMG]
    The Third about 3rd weapon of Infiltrator[IMG]类似PlanetSide1的黑客工具,可以在隐身状态下入侵终端和炮塔,入侵无人载具,取消默认的E键黑客入侵。
    Like planetside1 hack’s item,when hack things,must using this ,not just E key.but Can be Invisible when hack the terminal and vehicles, etc.[IMG][IMG]第四个小建议
    Fourth about grenade,here have two plans.
    1st is simple way
    A new EMP grenade, anti vehicle, you can detonate explosives, interfere with the machine gun tower, etc. to interfere with the vehicles weapon and skills,Invalid for infantry
    The old EMP ,cancel detonate explosives, interfere with the machine gun tower, etc. Valid only for infantry,Effect time extension.[IMG]第二方案是手持手雷,一些主要职业手雷拥有两种设定模式,可以在手持状态下切换
    2nd grenades can handing[IMG]The EMP grenade mode 1 & 2 I was said

    The flash grenade mode 1 & 2[IMG]The medic grenade mode 1 & 2
    [IMG]The concussion grenade mode 1 & 2[IMG]我还有对建造系统,地图布局,锁图机制,军团权限,职业技能树等构想,不过内容过于庞大,我可能要先找专业的翻译合作,才能阐述,如果对我的构想感兴趣,可以一起来讨论一下。
    I have about to building system,map,the map lock mechanism, army authority occupation skill tree and other ideas, but the content is too large, I may need to find a professional translation and cooperation, to elaborate on my idea, if interested, can work together to discuss.
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  2. DirtyZaniestMemory

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  3. DeadlyOmen

    Best PS2 post ever.

    I've played with LovelornApostle a lot. I had no idea.

    From the perspective of a California player, I hope that the Asian players stay at Connery.
  4. Hell Diguner

    Below is my attempt to further refine the English translation. My intent is to make the original post easier to read, which may be of academic interest to DirtyZaniestMemory. This will not be a direct translation, since I do not know Chinese. Instead, I shall interpret DiryZeniestMemory's intent based on the original English translation, and write those ideas the way I normally write English.

    It should be noted that since text in Planetside 2 is written in English then translated to Chinese, the contextual meaning of some words is different between the two languages. As an example, what started as "outfit" in English appears to have become "army authority occupation" in the conversion from English to Chinese to English. This is not the fault of anyone, as "outfit" in the context of Planetside 2 is different than the English definition of "outfit".

    I will place personal comments in brackets [my comments], typically in places where I am confused by the original translation.

    As a final note: I rarely visit these forums. If you wish to get my attention, a private message to my Reddit profile is your best bet.
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  5. DirtyZaniestMemory

    thank you very mush,I came here because it can send pictures
  6. customer548

    Epic post.
  7. Garedar

    And the forum changed .

    And that's how it got "hacked" the last time."