Attack On Auraxis: Infiltrators

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Sworaven, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Sworaven

    The latest episode of Attack On Auraxis, the show hosted by KidRiot, was dedicated to Infiltrators. The guests were [FCRW] Torokokill, [BWC] Mustarde and [NUC] sPWNish.

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  2. Mustarde

    Yep, that's me.

    Check it out, leave feedback if you want! Thanks to kid riot for hosting and taking the time to discuss the often forgotten infiltrator!
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  3. m44v

    Good watch.
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  4. Scudmungus

    Much as I love* staring into your less-than-vacant eyes**, these vids could probably do with something shiny/flashy + you and your associate's mugs overlaid on top.

    Staring at 4 dudes - the top two being possible clones, and the bottom two being possible clones is... an experience***.
    Not that I wouldn't take you home to my fat momma* - I would. You know it.

    Association is a powerful tool - show, don't tell - and folks will form their own connections. It's a standard marketing principal. Obviously you can't visually articulate exactly what is being discussed. However, conscious design decisions can be made regarding the experience we wish to impart upon the audience. See: Any decent marketing campaign ever.

    I realise you're a guest on the media - and yet, as a star**** you can demand/suggest, aside from beverages heated and flavoured in a ever-more exacting manner, appropriate presentation that will maximize audience satisfaction*****.

    I DEMAND MOAR!1!******

    Before I die of old age. Which, judging from the videos, will be much sooner than you and yours!

    Keep up the good work!

    *..for a given value of Love.
    ***...the realisation that your image is now imprinted in some form within my consciousness should worry us both. All I'm saying is that - Beard go high, clean cut short tops take the low!
    ****..I think we can safely use the expression without cause to recant.
    *****..and in turn, maximize your awesome.
    ****** case it needs to be restated: Good vid. Thank god no certain-druid-whose-name-shall-not-be-mentioned.
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  5. Tenebrae Aeterna


    There should have been a central box highlighting each individual's sniper oriented gameplay. The person within the footage could have had their box highlighted, switching between everyone throughout the duration of the video. I think this would have been the best possible way to do this video, because everyone likes to see a little action aside from the slightly shifting facial expressions of the individuals behind the killer. With that said, still a great video thus far...I've been going back and forth with it while baking pumpkin bread.

    .................................because real men bake, damnit.
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  6. Scudmungus

    Aye - the potential is there. Just need to work on the execution. Many great works have been lost due to presentation that doesn't do their content justice.

    I think it's safe to say that many of us want to see Mustarde and Co* realise their full potential.

    If nothing else, we'll have a (relatively) sane gamer who plays the class we enjoy, with the potential of representing us.

    *..but possibly not a certain-druid-whose-name-shall-not-be-mentioned-but-who-is-obviously-a-deviant-of-the-highest-magnitude-but-who-will-be-totally-cool-with-this-because-A-it-mentions-his-name-and-B-I-Loves-him-honey-xxxx
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  7. Tenebrae Aeterna

    It must have been love, but it's over now.

    It must have been good, but they lost it somehow...
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  8. Scudmungus

    I love those who love what I love - and who love loving what we love*

    Which, obviously, includes you, Mr. Tenebrae Aeterna, a certain condiment, a druid-whose-name-shall-not-be-mentioned and... pretty much anyone else doing what they do, enjoying it, and sharing 'dem jollies with the masses.
    Also - HEAD SHOT!1!!**

    *..and why the fickle would we not? You awesome people! x
    **..some folks can't handle the feelz.
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  9. IIXianderII

    Is that a purple shirt? We will make a vanu out of you yet.
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  10. IIXianderII

    I think if the sniper had some kind of Area denial tool they would be more viable in competitive play. The sniper rifle is already quite good at locking down a specific area, if that role were expanded upon I think the sniper would be a more defined role. An example of the kind of tool I am talking about is the XM25 Airburst weapon in BF 4.

    This kind of tool would allow snipers to lock down zones and soften up a specific zone for friendly pushes. I am not saying copy paste it from battlefield, but this kind of mechanic could help flesh out a sniper's long range support role. I don't think the sniper right now needs this tool, but kidriot said he wanted to see situations where a squad needs a sniper, this is the kind of tool that would accomplish that.
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  11. CuteBeaver

    This was a great video to watch. I ended up staying up late to see the end, and couldn't agree more about what you guys said for new players regarding the learning curve. I found it interesting that sPWNish wanted the recon drone, as this change was my least anticipated one for the infiltrator update. Understanding he wants the drone weaponized however puts it in perspective.

    He might want it because of being chained down to the squad in order to supply adequate radar coverage. I hope any new players understand when reading this, infiltrator in a competitive setting is NOTHING like it is on LIVE. All those little limits imposed on us like the cloak sound, tracers, radar signatures on the map, even the shimmer, makes scrim play, nothing like on live servers. Then throw in the fact your up against skilled opponents with teamspeak. You die so fast. While it might feel constrictive at first your tether to your squad is a good thing and you learn to embrace it. Without them your dead. However its like relearning an entire class and our limits really stick out like a sore spot.

    I'm so glad you guys brought up the lack of activity in bases. The disappearance of terminals really takes allot of fun out of the class, and its value. Calling out base design issues is critical feedback, especially from top tier players. I think one thing which is going to be fantastic for infiltrators with the new AMP station is the capture points. Once it goes live we provide a spawn location just be being cloaked on point, quickly ahead of the zerg. Often on Waterson I forgo base EXP in order to secure the next lattice point giving the pubbies enough time to get over. I doubt this would work well in a competitive setting but never the less, our sneakyness might help with these types of captures.

    I really think we need some kind of option dare i say mustard gas? Something like mentioned in the video for area denial. Right now tossing for 4 frags into a room isn't area denial because its over really quickly. It doesn't have the persistent effect and my squad cannot count on that entrance being blocked or suppressed. Iv suggested giving LA's molotov cocktails for similar affect.
    In any case its good to see that as far as competitive gameplay goes our limitedness (is that a word) has been noticed. I am fine with being a support class, but giving us more to offer tactically would go a long way for an E-sport.
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  12. Scudmungus

    Whatever form additional functionality takes, it seems that, after the initial contact, the Infiltrators role outside of an open-field/complex skirmish is limited to darts/recon/SMG runs. While we can run with the pack, bringing our favourite rifle/weapon, we're there to hack and dart - the additional firepower is rarely essential1.

    If we need some extra element to make Infis attractive in organised team vs team environments/comps*, I'd prefer something more deceptive than outright damaging/debilitating - and, ideally, something that can be employed with more consistency through out the confrontation. However, perhaps having a tool/option that allowed 24/7 pressure on the enemy would probably be too much.

    I'd prefer it not to be grenade based, simply because we see the tendency for SL's to call for grenade spam on a point. It's an effective tactics, with Smoke / AT Grenades but it's also kinda dull**. Personally, if there has to be some area control tool that damages/debilitates, I'd prefer it was a main weapon*** or a tool.****

    Perhaps if the Decoy grenades would actually.. decoy.. effectively - we might get some real mileage out of them. Upping the fake radar pips might be an idea, so as to give the impression that two or three allies are waiting round a corner/moving in an area. Or perhaps a tool that places fake radar pips, like the decoy grenade, except fired from a variant of the Sensor Dart tool.

    Or something like a hologram projector, ala' classic Duke Nukem that could draw enemy fire*****.

    Maybe a lethal-injector on the recon drone might also be fun. Should the Infi manage to sneak it behind someone's head, they could be taken out - for a few moments or actually killed.

    Heck, even being able to tag enemies with darts - and having the darts move with the enemy - would work for me. It's either force them to break away from the group, making them easier pickings, or force them to return to the group, giving us vital intel.******

    1..Not that I don't enjoy darting, hacking and shooting stuff - I love it! Of course, it would be nice to scout-spot targets without SHOUTING!! This should have been asterix number one but I'm editing and.. the number of asterixed points in this post is getting.. silly.
    *..I can only go on hear-say. I would never take my Infi anywhere near such a scene in its current form.
    **..basically, we got something like that now and while I can live with it, I wouldn't want to add MORE ways of making defending a point hell! biased? Most probably!
    ***..or secondary if said area control tool, if it was more of a luxury than an essential.
    ****...perhaps instead of AP mine/Resto/Medi kit. That'd make it a tought (balanced?) choice to make.
    ****.. I'm sure they've appeared in various forms on these forums/elsewhere.
    ***** there! Think Transformers are CG? WRONG! They're horribly animated 80s cell-animation. Anyhoo.. Duke Nukem had a hologram projector that basically mimiced your movements. So, you'd slap it down and run off - anyone see it would see your animations, which made it quite a convincing decoy for those with itchy trigger fingers - and could stall the more cautious for those crucial few seconds.
    ******..I really like this idea. *pats self on back*
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  13. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    I feel like im the only infiltrator that plays the game for lols and kills :( and those kind of ideas don't even cross my mind :/
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  14. Scudmungus

    While one head is lolling and killing with glee, my OTHER HEAD is plotting and scheming*.

    Leaving my nut-sack free to make smutty jokes about ferris wheels**.

    *..I have a lot of free time at the moment! Who wants therapy *before* Christmas? Ha!
    **..I can't think of a single smutty joke involving ferris whee..oh wait...... ! >_<
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  15. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    But I do tactics too ! :(

    I tell " hey FqqRTx open map and check where is a good fight. "

    While he does so I put c4 on his back.

    I then spawn a flash and tell him to go LA (we always go LA when the other drivers... believe me im like the female driver )

    I then proceed to turbo off a cliff and jump off and laugh.

    He jumps too and laughs at me for "failing to kill him".

    I then proceed to detonate the c4.


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  16. Tenebrae Aeterna

    While I'm quite interested in that weapon, I believe that a part of what gives us the ability to justify our infantry killing efficiency is our inability to do a single thing to vehicles and enemy aircraft. Were we to ever gain the ability to effect vehichles, I believe the indirect impact caused by hacking Ammunition Towers would be the best course of action...not that this effects air at all, but light indirect effects are what I believe we should possess.

    The ability to tag people and vehicles with recon darts is something I wanted from the very start. When I initially began playing, I got it in my head to shoot someone with a dart...and got extremely excited when it actually stuck to them. Then, much to my utter dismay, they just ran off and left the dart suspended in mid-air. I was quite saddened that day.

    I'd also like silent spotting.
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  17. Get2dachoppa

    Lies. That can't be you. The real Mustarde is a god among men, standing over 8 feet tall. I hear his eyes are black as coal and burn like the sun. His skin is stained a dark crimson from bathing in the blood of his vanquished enemies. The mortal in this video is likely a high priest of Mustarde, nothing more than a frail mouthpiece.
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  18. CuteBeaver

    I just had the most ridiculous and happy thought of an engineer constructing a tesla coil for area denail.


    I like your thinking though. Gernades could be abused... horribly. Where as something constructed, or dropped at your feet would mean the player would need to be physically there first. CLEARLY the above situation (while hilarious) would probably be overpowered. What could we as infiltrators construct or hide that would act as area denial?


    Failing area denial, maybe tactical advantages? What could we do? Hide allies using a constructed device that cloaks everything inside a bubble? I think we should brainstorm ways an infiltrator could manipulate enemies.
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  19. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    How dare you insult my boy to.....*cough* a mate of mine...

    ONLY 8 FEET!?

    Or were you only referring to his pe*is, cuz then it's k.

    lol that's hilarious. Almost as good as having that Granade slot + several emp ones + hostile Zerg .

    I gotta sometimes record when u spam them and they all start freaking the **** out x)