AT Mine Suggestions

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Lueyja2, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Takoita

    I agree with this. As it stands, the only other use for these besides suicide runs on sanbuses is mining the vehicle terminal's pads. I say we need minefields.
  2. Nuubo

    Riiiight.... because mining bridges/roads doesnt work.......

    .... oh wait, it does. It is just that most Engies have only 2 AT mines unlocked, so they cant really mine two places at the same time, yet.
  3. ron1n

    I think the real problem with mines at the moment is the lack of visibility or obvious indicator for friendly vehicles.

    I'd more inclined to drop them across roads, bridges or choke points, If I knew for sure that allied vehicles wouldn't be driving over them without a clue.
  4. Nuubo

    Wait, wait, wait.... the AT mines are not triggered by allies, unless they shoot at them. Sure, they can be hit by enemy shooting at your allies, who are standing near your mine and hit the mine instead, but not using mines for that is like not using grenades, because they can bounce back and hit your allies.

    Besides, AT mines are great when you know you are gonna lose an outpost and enemy will probably move to the next one, so you go ahead and mine the bridges/roads/whatever leading to it - got 7man Sundy yesterday, this way..... :)
  5. Compass

    Behold, the Giraffe Poop Technique. Lure an enemy tank after your giraffe, drop two turds, keep driving.

  6. Ghastt

    People are being stupid. The mines do what they should do. They kill vehicles. They cost a lot of resources, they require either not defending your sundy, or blind luck to work.

    Rocket pods are a waaaay bigger issue.
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  7. Soylad

  8. Aelloon

    Yeah and then a vehicle with mineguard rolls around and it won't do ****.

    Also, rejoice, people's whining was heard and mines got nerfed quite hard. Got to shell out those cert points for C4 now, wish they would give the mine certs back at least. You can't place down two in quick succession anymore, they kinda work like ammo boxes now - if you put it down it will force a switch to the primary weapon and after that you can place another (it takes long enough for the first mine to detonate). Also you can't place them close together anymore, it will probably disappear too if something moves onto that mine while it's being placed (like ammo boxes).
  9. Bloodlet

    Yup apparently crying on the forums works. I'll make sure I leave this site open while I play tonight and will make a post about every weapon that kills me.
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  10. Kudzoo

    Unless you whine about air, that evidently gets buffed based on the amount of tears shed.
  11. InducedApathy

    I've sat at sundys on my engi layed a couple mines (they didn't go off..) and for about three minutes just knifed everyone that spawned. The only susceptible sundys are the ones like this generally speaking. The other thing I will point out is that I've layed plenty of mines to protect my sunderer and they work (while I'm off away to attack the base). You can place mines and they do the job just fine. There really isn't a need to change them at all period. SOE needs to get this client up to snuff for a basic mmo. The platoon system is garbage (most mmos do better raid frames than this pos). Group XP doesn't exist. Why bother teaming up all the time for no benefit other than base cap xp? There are far more important things like getting this game to a vanilla or basic usable state for people.