Assault Rifles for Heavy Assault? Why not?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MarthKoopa, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. MarthKoopa

    With the Lancer being pretty awesome now, it would be nice to have a weapon that compliments its long range nature. The Corvus would be wonderful to have with the Lancer... none of the current LMGs, even the Ursa which is complete trash, are good at long range battles.

    It's just so.... not fun having a super long range gun, and a super short range gun. They defeat the purpose of each other and you might as well only have just one of them in the first place.
  2. Sturmwaffles

    I do not play HA much, but when I do I use the is basically a LMG Corvus.
  3. WalrusJones

    Assault rifles are the unique thing keeping medics as Combat medics.

    That is why medics are a serious threat in combat.
    Giving them to another class would trivialize Combat medics.
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  4. Tommyp2006

    If they were to give heavies assault rifles

    1. The battle rifle would LITERALLY serve no purpose, as if it wasn't already bad enough

    2. Less people would play medic. Many people play medic just for the Assault Rifles

    3. Heavy assaults don't really need to be any better at range.
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  5. DJPenguin

    +1. Never understood why an automatic rifle of all weapons is more limited than carbines, smgs, shotguns and battle rifles

    lol what. Medics are a threat because they can revive a room full of people i slaughtered in seconds if i end up dieing afterwards, not because of the weapon they carry. And it's not like the weapon would all of a sudden be less effective if given to another class.
  6. Sebyos

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  7. MarthKoopa

    Letting one class use a basic weapon type that another class has will not "trivialize" the other class. Taking away all of a Medic's gun would be a problem. It doesn't matter if Heavy Assaults got to use them too... all it would do is provide more options for HA to decide how they want to fight.

    1. Then give something to BRs to make them appealing in some situations over ARs. (As if BRs are any good in the first place...)
    2. You just listed one of the key flaws of giving ARs to only medics. The people who play medic exclusively to use ARs are not the type to bother healing anyone in the first place(I am one of them). Letting them play HA with ARs will suddenly find themselves more useful... by being able to have their favourite weapon and also a new toy to deal with the hordes of vehicles out there.
    3. Yes, they do. It's frustrating playing HA because of the fact that you're pigeonholed into a short range weapon.

    There is absolutely no reason to be against giving ARs to HA. It provides more choices to players without breaking balance.
  8. Bill Hicks

    If you are a serious NC Heavy, you have the GOD saw, or the EM6; as TR or VS, your weapons are basically assault rifles anyway.
  9. WalrusJones

    There is also the fact that our TARS, CARBRs, HV45's can slaughter people at most any range better then most of the carbines or MG's could.......

    The weapons wouldn't get weaker, the class would.
  10. Tommyp2006

    Does the VS have any good long range LMGs? Never tried them out myself, but the TMG50 and the Gauss Saw are actually better than the assault rifles at all ranges.
  11. Paperlamp

    Pulsar LSW seems to be the favorite all-rounder. Their higher bullet damage LMGs seem to rightfully be avoided though.
  12. WalrusJones

    If one of the main draws of the class is using their class of weapons, giving their weapons to someone else would tick them off rather bad, actually.
  13. ThundaHawkPS

    Ursa is fantastic mid to long range.
    0.4 vert recoil and 640 velocity on a 167 damage weapon and all you give up is 25 ROF from the Flare.

    This is coming from someone who has used the SAW and every other NC LMG extensively. The Ursa is really good. Likewise, I've been using the TMG50 recently and it's actually superior to the EM6 for its intended role, contrary to what I previously believed.!/5428010618048119649/weapons My delicious Ursa stats. Only going to improve as I get more used to it.
  14. ChaosRender

    The Eidolon is your long range option as a HA, it is your battle rifle. And since all Vanu weapons have no bullet drop they are all good at long range, so it mostly about how hard you want to hit, and the battle rifle wins there.
  15. MarthKoopa

    Not if it's a basic weapon type like an assault rifle.

    Giving a rocket launcher to a medic? That's crossing the line. Giving an assault rifle to heavy assault? Not a big deal.

    The point of playing a medic is to heal people, not to use assault rifles. People shouldn't be forced into medic if they want assault rifles, but they should be forced into medic if they want to heal.

    There's a clear difference between defining class traits (healing, anti vehicle, stealth, mobility, etc) and really, really basic weapon types that wouldn't change a class drastically(carbines, smgs, ARs, LMGs, etc)
  16. WalrusJones

    I am not a medic.

    I am a Combat Medic.

    We ate your medium assaults.
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  17. Paperlamp

    Yeah, ARs are all combat medic really has going for it. They're the best 1vs1 guns at mid ranges, and medic otherwise doesn't have much going for it as far as combat effectiveness. LSelf heal is nice but not that nice.

    Right now I play medic for -

    #1. The certs
    #2. That special feeling of being a team player
    #3. The guns

    Self heal is nice, but other classes have far more appealing combat options.
  18. DJPenguin

    No, the people playing the class would just be upset thinking they're no longer a unique snowflake who's weapon defines the class instead of the toolkit that's given to them. Engineers share battle rifles with HA's and carbines with LA's. I don't see engineers being weak or their players being upset over it.
  19. WalrusJones

    It really depends on how you play, that self heal.
    If you play well, it serves you better then the shields, due to the fact that you are not preserving something you already have..... And actually restoring it instead.

    When you really get momentum, that self heal allows for some rather insane killstreaks.

    The uniqueness of battle rifles isn't an advertized class feature, nor are they that good....

    Comparing weapons like the TAR to the carbines, however.....
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  20. HadesR

    HA already have enough weapon choices to suit all tastes .. Don't really need anymore
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