As more realize the balance NC experiences mass exodus

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpaceTurtle, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Mathematics

    NC weapons are fine. Learn to play.
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  2. Protios

    You'd be amazed how effective a single Prowler can be when it's the only armour on the field. Should climb out of that Mossie sometime and try it.
  3. Locke

    As a member of the largest active outfit on NC Woodman (CT) I can tell you this isn't the case. We normally do quite well when we hit a continent but as a server it does feel a lot quieter than at launch in terms of non-outfit numbers. There are a few other groups like the 151st (FFS) who run platoons as well but overall I don't see that many people staying or new established outfits of any size springing up. Looking at territory holds early-late evening we were getting crushed anywhere we weren't helping out.
  4. Tzizimitl

    Man, are you kidding me? I play NC and we've got the best MBT's, decent fighters and I played TR in Beta, TR guns blow goats unless they're up close in your face. Vanu tanks have their own advantages so they compete a bit, but Prowlers are utterly awful. NC isn't screwed because of poor balance, we've just always been shorthanded and we seem to have few organized outfits and squads that actually take the time to educate new players.
  5. Warruz

    Waterson recently has seen a huge increase in NC population, not enough to topple TR in terms of numbers but overall the server seems for balanced in terms of pops.
  6. James161324

    It doesn't seem to be happening bad, but the 666 is keeping the pop up, we still usually are about 33 percent or higher on perk hours.

    The big problem i have seen playing is the zerg loves esamir, the 666 doesn't.

    Heck if i was lonewolfing i would leave nc, but i'm in a outfit, and already invested quite a bit of cash on my NC chacter. I can't blame them for leaving. The NC is just not fun to play if your not in a outfit right now. The TR inf is just so much better than the NC, the carv stock is on par, with a blinged out em6
  7. Sardypants

    The only really big issue is that the starting guns for NC tend to be significantly worse than the starting guns for the other 2 factions. The problem isn't so much the skilled FPS vets who have station cash, its the average new gamer who makes a character. The default Gauss SAW for instance is much harder to use effectively than either TR or VS starting LMGs and that takes its toll both in specific battles (if a fight is a veteran NC player and a brand new battle rank 3 NC vs a veteran VS/TR with a brand new rank 3 TR/VS, NC is at a disadvantage) and across the maps.
  8. MykeMichail

    This. Tonight we had 51% TR, 27% NC and 22% VS on Amerish on Briggs. We defended a Biolab against TR, 2:1, for about 2 hours straight, but in the end, the TR zerg won. But the server population was actually only 29% TR, about 36% NC and 35% VS, so TR was getting a massive XP boost whilst zerging the continent down.

    Yes I know what you're thinking - just go and attack them elsewhere, but as soon as we switched, the TR zerg followed.
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  9. James161324

    The TR zerg is just a pain in the ***, they spam air and armor so much, and then inf comes and wipes out the other zergs. I have not seen a nc zerg beat a tr zerg, if they are the same size.
  10. Tuco

    lol, warpgate warriors.
  11. Naix

    (Connery) The Indar faction spread is usually an even 33% during primetime, the other continents will Al Gore based on what faction has 60%+ population on them during that time. Stop whining, I bet you believe the world will end on the 21st too.
  12. Fish225

    My outfit is currently discussing jumping from NC. I'm a bit worried because I've spent the majority of my SC from Alpha Squad and am unsure if my weapon unlocks will follow. =/
  13. Jaradcel

    You must be playing on US prime time or something, right?

    Australia's server is a joke, so most Oceeanic's I know moved over to Connery since we were playing Thebes on Beta. NC has gone to hell in the past week, especially obvious in the last few days.

    I just spent the night in a 2squad platoon with my outfit, and we *barely* pushed Amarish and capped it. Not even two hours later, TR rolled in and literally steamrolled us, 70+% to our 20-30%.

    Fine, let's try moving continents. Oh wait, we've been stuck in front of our warpgate on Indar for the past week, unable to even get into our plants. Esamir? Vanu have been pounding anything that moves close with air (And we certainly don't seem to be seeing enough air on *our* prime time, despite my own outfit having a few dedicated air jockeys. That's just not enough to turn a tide versus 20+ scythes and libs)

    As mentioned, the HA NC starter Gauss is a joke. If I open up on the guy point blank I *should* win in a HA v HA equal gun challenge. Mid-range to long-range, we can agree that the Gauss needs serious burst control to do that. Doesn't happen. I will admit some of it might be lag. I've literally unloaded on a guy in my face and died to see him still at full health (with no medic beaming him) Why I have lag when I have a 150mb/s pipeline with dedicated gamer priority that I pay good money for, as well as an i7 and a beefy graphics card and very little on-screen action going on, I don't know. Could be their end too. I see China's PLA outifit has decided they want to go with the Commie Reds after all.

    Worse? I can't really afford to justify the certs to pick up another gun when I'm trying to scrimp and save my way to 1K for the AA rockets to try and even out some of the hell in the sky.

    Note, we don't just "go it alone" - although we do do that. We've also gone with the zerg (when there's a zerg... none I've seen in the past couple days except scattered troops) and we've had our guys try to comm with the command channel.

    It's extremely disheartening. It's extremely annoying to know there is no lock to having more players join a "winning" side (Admittedly, it would cause a whole other can of worms if they did that) It's perplexing to know that the unique HA gun for the NC is... a shotgun. It's perplexing that in a straight fight, the faster reload and twin barrel of a TR or the circle-strafing antics of a Maggie beats my gun on direct hits.

    I'm staying with the NC because if it's going to be hard mode, then so be it, especially since I've been NC since PS1. But it's just annoyingly whack and it's not getting better if we don't voice it out.

    Edit: If it wasn't clear in the first paragraph, I play Oceanic times. Please don't condescend to ask me to "leave and go to the Ozzie server" when I do not, in fact, live in Australia/New Zealand and the router cabling makes it actually *WORSE* for me to connect to it.
  14. BuzWeaverPS2

    One thing I've also noticed is a lot of the Vloggers play VS or TR. Its far and few between you see NC Vloggers, granted its personal preference what people play, but your more popular Vloggers typically are running VS followed by TR.
  15. Kayos

    I'm on Connery and find it very balanced at prime time PST when I play. Not sure what it's like during the day when I'm at work though.
  16. Pwnstarr

    I started PS2 a complete N O O B with an NC char. I switched to TR to join a friend. I had no idea what I was joining lol. Our Zerg is ridiculous lol, it does feel like I joined the winning side. I wish I hadn't invested so much time and SC into my TR char before realizing this :p I want to start an NC toon again, i definitely "feel" the NC weaponry and faction story more than the other two.
  17. DreadPirate

    I'm on Connery as well, I don't find what the OP is talking about to be true. Unless he only plays at some very unpopular time of the day. NC isn't having population problems on the server and threads like this are only perpetuating the mass NC hysteria that's going on these days.
  18. Kidou

    Numerically the NC's weapons on average have lower TTK with the exception of their pistol and starting Carbine. They could probably use a very 'slight' buff. Probably tweaking rate of fire slightly.
  19. Badname2490

    I find it hilarious because I always view the NC as really upset college hipster kids being space OWS....and they're start to disperse just like it.
  20. TheEvilBlight

    I've been VS since PS1; and though the three sides started at launch roughly equal on Soltech, it's beginning to heavily skew VS whenever I log on... :[