As an Infiltrator, you know you are doing a good job when...

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by SinerAthin, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. BloodyPuma

    Acutally playing infiltrator in PS2, is very educational. Im playing od european server. Every day, every 2 hours I am learning new words in so many different languages.

    For example I can tell in +12 languages that im:

    -no skill [place male reporductive organ here]
    -cheating [place female reproductive organ here]
    -person sexually harasing someone
    -person with edyp complex
    -rich kid of rich parents
    -who is my mother

    And of course daily crying about aimbotting[ cause i actually shot a guy staninding still], wallkhacking [cause im higher then them] etc etc. The more errors the guy did before he died - the more cries via tell.

    I even stopped reporting this, but at first it was a shock for me - its my first MMO in my few decades of gaming :)
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  2. DarthGoogle

    Why i never ever have a hate tells even when i kill the same person repeatedly..
  3. BloodyPuma

    Kill him, kill his 4 mates guarding him, move 50 meters toward sunderer, kill him again + his guys, move directly toward sunderer, kill fresh people running on you + him, proxy sundy, kill everyone after spawning, do it after running of smg, then after running of pistol ammo, then stab as long as you can. Hate guaranteed. Easier for them to send tells then to man the sundy guns.
  4. InfamousOrnio

    When you headshot everyone near a Sunderer and the get so paranoid that they move out of the area.
  5. TherealScrable

    When you just run into a group of enemies, which aren't paying attenton to you and knife all of them.
  6. MrIDoK

    When you manage to sneak into a group of enemy engies, ask for ammo and kill the first guy that gets off his AV turret with ammo in hand. Priceless.
    Edit: and leave with 3 dead bodies behind and full ammo. Thanks random NC engineer!
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  7. Raptor425

    Go into a base solo kill 6 people (assorted HAs, Engies, and Medics) Hack an Equipment Terminal and pop a medkit. Then procede to kill them all several more times and capture the base >:)

    Also used an Ammo Box an enemy Engy dropped to resupply. Thanks dude :D

    I felt so badass doing it.

    My Infiltrating loadout:
    Eridani SX5: Forward Grip and a VHO Reflex [x2]
    Manticore SX40 (Soon to be a NS-44B Commissioner with a Laser Sight :D)
    Reacon Tool (duh)
    Hunter Cloak 2
    Nanoweave Armor 3
    Frag Gernade
    Medical Tool

    Tell me what you think about it and tell me how to improve it :D

    I use emotes alot :p
  8. Get2dachoppa

    Usually if I have the time to hack an equipment terminal, I don't even bother with using a medkit to heal myself. Just switch to combat medic, heal yourself with your class ability, then switch back to Infiltrator or whatever else suits you. Saves you the cost in resources. Again, that's assuming you feel safe in taking the time to do that.

    I prefer flak armor myself over nanoweave. Saves me from enemy mines so many times. Well worth it. EMP grenade is an option too, but I'm admittedly bad about using it myself.
  9. Raptor425

    You have to keep in mind is that I use that class for Infiltrating and for my Battle Flash *Insert evil face because this fourm doesn't like them :( )

    I have done the Medic thing but I hardly play Medic so it isn't upgraded. I prefer to uncloak and pop the healy thing then recloak and keep running because I'm usually being chased alot :p. Easier to use in a pinch and I would rather spend 75 easily replasable reasources then risk dieing in a large fight. Also all I have to do is resupply and I get a new one :D

    Might try out the Flak armor though. I die to mines alot of the time.
  10. kisven

    When you use your bolt action with suppressor like a shotgun mixed with the knife to get seeming instagibs to the point where heavys give up on trying to kill you.
  11. SirIBON

    Hehe, this make my day.
    This is exactly my humor :)
  12. Xocolatl

    Unless you keep getting impossible kills (most likely because either one of you are lagging), any good player wouldn't accuse anyone else of aimbotting unless they actually are. You might be killing some kid over and over. THINK OF THE CHILDREN, MAN!

    As for me, I know that when 5 or 6 guys ditch their place on the line to come and hunt for me, then I'm doing a good job.
  13. Rohxer

    Yep, good tip. I didn't even know about this until I'd been playing more than a month.

    I still die 90% of the time to small arms so never run flak on my infiltrator. And with Nanoweave at max level I usually run over mines and still survive with 1-2 bars of health left (after which I immediately run to a terminal to heal!).
  14. SinerAthin

    Well, we were losing a Biolab, so I decided to pull out my Sniper rifle to deal with the NC dancing outside.

    And then I kind'a entered one of those uber-trances where you shoot and score consecutive headshots on moving targets that you'd normally never hit. Your brain's processing power and physical prowess goes into overdrive.

    Those moments are weird. Usually I'm a crappy shot, but sometimes... I get moments where my head goes crazy (and so does my aiming), almost like someone is controlling my body o_O
  15. Xocolatl

    Must be nice..I don't even have the sniper rifle unlocked yet, haha.

    My best times as infils are always with pistols, running around hacking things, and pistol/knifing people as they try to fight my own army makes me feel like batman.
  16. Ormadil

    You have been touched by Vanu, my son.

    For me, it's when I am sitting in a crevice, sniping people in the area, and an enemy sunderer comes from behind, drives just over me and deploys, as I sit under the dang thing and wonder if he is really serious. Then the first couple guys start pouring out and I realize I am in knife range...
  17. Arkos

    When you look at your minimap for a moment after dancing with an enemy infiltrator and killing him for the 3rd time in as many minutes and notice the 2 liberators, 2 scythes, magrider, lightning, and four other infantry all looking for lil' ol' you...
  18. Rohxer