[Suggestion] Area Shield Idea

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KaletheQuick, Aug 2, 2015.

  1. KaletheQuick

    I recall that there were some area shield ideas that were up on the PTS awhile ago. (I wasnt there, so if you remember specifics, please let me know).

    So, large dome shields for bases. Instead of impermeable barriers, they only detonate a percentage of AOE weapons. Lolpods, PPA, most tank shells, grenades, etc. Perhaps make it cancel drop damage protection, preventing air drops. So, when you spam lolpods through the shield maybe half detonate at the barrier, and half go through. A skilled pilot can just fly through the barrier, but that forces him to be close to ground fire, allowing us to red baron him.

    This would not nerf A2A, but provide some semblance of ground and artillery protection to the inside area. It could also be tied to a generator, forcing the empire to send in their AT-ATs to take out the generator.

    I came up with this idea because air combat is fun, and I don't want it specifically to be nerfed, and I think AA is at an ok place right now (when people care enough to pull it), but I think that some sort of additional protection from air for the infantry would be nice.

    Also it would open up the game to mortars and other artillery, as these shields would be a direct counter to them.

    Sunderers (or some other future niche deployable ground vehicle with AOE abilities) could have it as a defensive ability. Increasing the % detonated with rank. Either as a poppable ability with cooldown, or a deployment ability, or both.