Are you excited for the lattice system?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LGhost1904, May 21, 2013.

  1. siiix

    cant wait for the fail.. followed by a permanent roll back :)

    we could put bets on how many hours or minutes it will take for the servers to crash one by one
  2. Nocturnal7x

  3. Rhapsody


    Lattice wont change anything. All it will do is bring to the forefront PS2's downsides (large scale battles that dont exist due to View range auto-limiting and shoddy netcode which causes abilities to not trigger or trigger to late, as well as ammo packs/grenades having insain delays) All because were forced into engagements were at-least 1/3 of a factoins population are fighting each other because they have no choice.

    You'll also still see 'blobs' moving around the map as there still will be no real 'penalty' for being cut-off from your warpgate.

    Lattice will make things worse, not better.
  4. vincent-

    I don't see you making a thread that's called suggestions on improvements for lattice with these ideas as the center for the topic.
  5. Hibiki54

    I would actually like to see both used, just on different continents. Lattice on Indar, Esamir and alleged Islands. Hexes on Amerish and Hossin. It would force "leaders" to think differently in terms of strategy on each continent and help develop younger players.