Are you every going to progress the story?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RykerStruvian, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. RykerStruvian

    Okay. So, for the past eleven two-years, we've been fighting over these series of continents, no wait planets continents and the Vanu Sovereignty supposedly found alien tech. The New Conglomerate rebelled against the Terran Republic, and the Terran Republic is trying to get a handle on everyone. But what about the story? I remember in Planetside 1, I think it was possibly Ishunder or Solsar, there appeared to be some sort of alien structures. For the longest time I was hoping SOE would do something with it, but nothing ever came from it. With that being said, are we ever going to see a progression in the story?

    Another thing, Auraxis supposedly had a civilian population, which I assume largely picked up arms after either picking or being coaxed to join a side. However, where is the civil infrastructure? Every base on every continent largely appears to be a military installation, though at the same time there are some references to what it appears to be business or research companies. But what about residential areas, ports, etc?

    I was just wondering if there were any plans to at least put more background context into the game to give more depth as opposed to just zomg bad guis pewpwwew

    also: ever* :)
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