Are the Devs ********?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 000AmidimA000, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. 000AmidimA000

    I feel confident being able to post this with impunity, since forumside has become a godless cesspool that is ignored by DBG and their profit train. They obviously give zero ***** about us, as they were considering giving us that $40 **** stain they call an anniversary bundle without the heroic boost included. With the heoric boost, it's more like $40 for 6 months of double exp, as the other parts to it are worth aproximately as much as used toilet paper. Congrats on trolling us for our money there DBG... brilliant thinking on your end.

    Oh, but on to the main point. You have ruined tank combat. It's not tank combat anymore... it's harasser combat. Why don't we just rename this game to Harasserside 2, as you obviously don't feel like balancing the ******* vehicle any time this century. You are sooooooooooooooooooooo slow to fix any of your imbalance issues. Hence... I call you ********. You are below the curve in learning capabilities, and you seriously are below the curve in adapting to feedback. Why don't you just be honest... why don't you just tell us that you ******* hate us and our ideas and you love our money instead. Go ahead and say it... it's ok... we all ready know. The worst part is, maybe if you fixed the game and the balance issues, it'd be playable and people would put more money in to it and you'd increase your bottom line. As it stands... since DBG has taken the reigns, you've done nothing but add ideas that seek to hit us in our wallets. You have done zero to add ideas to increase the actual longevity of the game and make it a more playable and enjoyable experience. You guys have really... really... ****** up here. Please... please for once... think of the players over your profit. Please fix the balance problems you have with vehicles and classes, and do something genuinely good with yourselves. I'd tell you it'd make you feel good on the inside and help you go to sleep at night... but knowing you money hungry pirates at DBG, I'm guessing you don't have souls and are too busy laughing your way to the bank to give any ***** about the good of the game.
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  2. RedArmy

    hmm, where do we start....
    First off its a skeleton crew working this game now, so the ability for any meaningful updates are out the window any time soon.
    Second, learn to drive. its just a Harasser. they arnt hard to kill. and if you didnt get killed by one, youd probably get killed by C4 or a Liberator. Oh wait, youve complained about liberators before havnt you?
    Third, they do read these but try not to respond cuz they get such backlash about minor things its not worth their time anymore.
    fourth, "YAR MATEY, YE BEST WALK THE PLANK FOR INSULTIN THE CAP'N!" now where be me ale...
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  3. AxiomInsanity87

    No cap'n guzzles ale ye scurvy land lubber.
  4. Imp C Bravo

    They don't respond much simply because the vast majority of posts (not necessarily threads -- but individual posts) are completely not worth responding to. Case in point -- the OP.
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  5. FieldMarshall

    No money and no staff.
    Last i heard, PS2 was barely starting to make a profit. Barely.

    They are certainly not "laughing their way to the bank". More like crying.
  6. ALN_Isolator

    Limited staff, limited resources.

    They ARE working on new base design for many places throughout the game (such as removing the A point from inside towers) and the ANT and construction system, which is huge.

    We may give them a hard time about breaking some stuff with every update but that gets ironed out within 3 days.

    Have faith.
  7. Liewec123

    i hope they don't, thats one of the very few awesome moments left in PS2 all of the other bases with actually defensible points have been ruined, Crown for example used to be the most epic base of PS2, you'd have 5 hour battles going on to conquer and own the prestigious jewel of indar, now its just another lame base that favours the zergball than the defenders.

    there are some bases with the capture point so far away from the spawn room that the attacks can deploy a sunderer outside of the restriction zone and still be closer to the capture point than the defenders...

    capture points SHOULD be in places favourable to the defenders!
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  8. Gundem


    Rip towerstomping
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  9. FateJH

    Do we have at least as many active devs as the OP's subject line has asterisks?
  10. breeje

    you call it harasserside i call it noob tankerside
    yes it's easy to kill a tank with a noob in it, until you meet a experienced tanker
    then your harasser is burning before you even see him
  11. Eternaloptimist

    I don't care what you call the game so long as my infantry avatars stand a reasonable chance of handling (or even just surviving) whatever comes their way...........hard to hit harasser, hard to kill tank or hard to hit/kill airplane. I've played about the same amount of time under DBG as I have under SOE and I think the game has developed more under DBG. I'm glad to hear they are just about in profit now - that is a good direction to be going in.

    I used to be very annoyed at the growth of explosive spam (grenades, lolpods, tank HE etc.). But apart from one shameful lapse -when hopelessy drunk as it happens- I invested in Flak armour instead of ranting in the forum and now I feel a lot better thankyou.

    Adapt or die (but please don't rant/whine while you're deciding which one to go for unless you are very, very funny and witty in how you do it).
  12. Daigons

    The sad fact is that even with an experienced Magrider crew, it's still fairly easily to take down by any other MBT or Harasser if the Magrider finds itself in the wrong terrain like 99% of the time. It might be a different story if the Magrider got a major boost to it's base speed to cover up it's lack luster design.
  13. 000AmidimA000

    If they didn't make so many bad design decisions they wouldn't have wound up like this.
  14. breeje

    what design decision i don't see it
  15. HappyStuffin

    They may not be profiting very much and functioning with a skeleton crew, true. But their lack of interaction with us and failure to adapt to the evolving needs/wants/bugs has made them dig their own grave. They haven't paid enough attention to us and this is the result.

    And no, Reddit doesn't count. It literally doesn't count for anything official. If they don't like getting caught up in minor details that we bicker about here, than I think they need to find another job because bickering over minor things soon become large and contentious issues.
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  16. DefendYourBase

    They ARE functioning with a skeleton crew. They split resources from Planetside 2 for H1z1....

    Then fired the most creative game directors....
  17. ALN_Isolator

    I still get plenty of LA mileage tower stomping in bases without points in them.
  18. Taemien

    I'll wager the OP doesn't have the gall to name the devs by name. Like a face covered coward of a terrorist he uses the generalized term of 'dev' to make a personal attack on them. No gall, no stones, and no balls to call them out by name.
  19. Ronin Oni



    Also, reported. Cuase I'm tired of this mindless drivel.

    Wanna know what killed forumside OP?

    invalids like yourself
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  20. DefendYourBase

    Its a$$ kissers like you who justify lazy irresponsible behavior of game developers. So they screw us... Over and over and over and over.... And guess what? over again!!

    Oh not to mention sabatoging PS2 fpr H1z1 was purely for greed because Dayz made several million after launch and Smedly played it.
    Practically said "thanks bohemian interactive for making DayZ... So we can copy you and try to take some of them profits!!!"
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