Are lolpods intended to shred tanks to pieces in a second?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Killy80, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. CDN_Wolvie

    My issue with pods can be summed up like this: Pods are good at everything.

    Killing infantry? Check.
    Killing armored vehicles? Check.
    Killing other air vehicles? Check.

    Seriously, they can lay into infantry just as well as a Zepher, tanks as well as a Dalton, and other ESF better than lock on Air 2 Air Missiles. They are easily the most versatile vehicle secondary weapon in the game, especially with the Infra-Red vision cert, there is no combined arms with them, they are the arms, on a weapons platform that is the quickest, most agile that needs no other crew whose one down side is a comparatively low overall hitpoint total (even though those the previously mentioned advantages make it harder to hit while easier to get somewhere safe to repair, thus pretty effectively negating that disadvantage in a skilled pilots hands).

    And they have been nerfed already. This one might possibly have some design issues from the outset :p
  2. Lambchopz

    It's not about reacting, it's about positioning and paying attention. If you know there are ESFs in the area (and you should, if you are paying attention. They are loud and people are always spot-spamming them) you should be more mindful of how you position your tank and try and keep an eye on them to make sure you expose your backside to them as little as possible. Also watch to see if they hover, cause that means they should be an easy kill with any Tank.
  3. MorteDeAmgelis

    Can I ask the RoflPodders if the ESF is MEANT to Shred tanks with ease whats the Lib for?

    I am curious. Everyone always says that ESF are the counter to MBTs, so whats the point in the lib? I thought the Lib was the "counter" to MBTs?

    Personally I think there should be some adjustments regarding air (Nerds and Buffs!)

    - Reduce the size of the Mag of the RP by 50%
    - Remove the ability to reload RP while firing the main gun OR Reduce reload speed on the RP
    - Increase Flak Resistance of ESFs / Libs
    - Increase Velocity of Dalton Shells (Not sure by how much)
    - Decrease Splash damage of RPs

    This would mean that ESF's can still kill an MBT in the rear if ALL ROCKETS HIT. (Promotes Accuracy)
    RP reload means that it would be harder for an ESF to solo an MBT (Pushing AT Work to the Lib)
    Increasing Flak Resistance (ESF's and Libs can stay in the fight for longer to take out tanks)
    Decrease Splash (Makes it harder for the ESF to kill Maxes, their direct counter)

    With this I was hoping to push the AT work in more favour of the LIb rather then the ESF.
    This is because this is want I feel the Lib was meant for and hoping that the ESF would then favour air targets over ground targets and but still allowing the ESF's to quickly take out tanks if the situation was favourable.
    And make the ESF work WITH ground forces to take out AA Nests or for a bunch of HE Libs to fly over and take them out removing their destructive power vs Tanks.

    Thoughts? Suggestions? Bad? Good?
    A constructive replay is better then just saying "no" or "Yes" both of which I will ignore.
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  4. CDN_Wolvie

    I think you are on the right track but personally, I would want the rockets to have a time delay (0.5-1.0 sec?) from point of impact to when they explode. And boost the A2AM somehow (need to think about that more). I think that would essentially keep them the same as suppressing an area and even awesome in some situations if the pilot was really good at timing but give others a chance to respond, while making the Liberator's weapons going off instantly on impact clearly a more defined role. Infantry and Tanks that hold still would still get waxed but it would change their fantastic utility in Air 2 Air combat significantly.
  5. AccelPrime

    Well, with my Magrider I can turn pretty quickly, strafing helps too. With the unique traits of my main factions MBT I can escape a death given by rocket pods. FACT.
  6. SharpeShooter

    sadly you're lying. if a Rocket ESF is low, pointing right at your back pipe there is no getting away from it.
  7. AccelPrime

    You've just been saying "NOPE, you're wrong and i'm right" for several replies now, so this'll be my last reply

    NOPE, i'm right, and you're wrong. Skill > endless whining. If you're TR and you're rocking the anchor mode, I can see why'd you cry about something like this. Still doesn't justify it though.
  8. smokemaker

    Killing tanks with rockets pods is very satisfying.
    I vote no change.
  9. Nintyuk

    Ok, we get it, you get off to flying ESF's in this game. You obviously don't want the status-quo to change at all other wise you wont be able to get off quick enough. But there's a lot more than just you playing this game and there are people who have good reasons for having a different opinion. This entire thread is a threat in your mind to your perfect play session so your trying to attack it with all the finesse of a frustrated toddler with a teddy-bear as his only weapon.

    Why don't you just unwatch this thread and try and forget about it. it's not like you were taking on board any of our points anyway.
  10. smokemaker

    Dont care

    I vote no change.
    whiners going to whine.

    ESF and rocketpods reduce tank spam. Game mechanic working as intended.
  11. Shinrah

    MBT´s dying in <2 sec IF an ESF hits 8-10 rockets in the BACK armor? OMG really? Wanna know something? If you come across my Magrider with AP and SRB you´re dead in less than that if I hit you in the back. Anything that hits an MBT in the back armor will kill it within seconds. And aside from that TTK in this game is super fast for ANYTHING, doesn´t really matter if its infantry vs infantry, infantry vs vhcs, vhcs vs vhcs. Everything can kill everything within seconds if done right.

    Even if you don´t want to hear it, Libs and ESF´s have the highest skill ceiling in this game. There isn´t any other unit out there where the difference between a novice and a master is that huge.
    There are those ESF pilots that wont even try to evade when you put a rotary clip in there rear. Then there are those who turn on a needlehead while flying backwards and are gone from your sight, just to blast the living hell out of you a second later.
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  12. Nintyuk

    I guess the main issue is there's nothing a new player can do against aircraft. It takes a long time for someone to unlock any dedicated AA for when on the ground and Air to Air is the hardest thing to do in the game. So you get a constant influx of players feeling like aircraft are untouchable while experienced players tend to be playing in a group and so Air can be reduced to just a nuisance.
  13. Kedyn

    If tanks aren't going to be able to kill infantry as quickly as they used to with the next patch, then rocket pods need to be less effective against tanks. If the only thing you can do with your tank is fight other tanks, then why the hell would you pull one in the first place?
  14. SharpeShooter

    God you are so ignorant its amazing lol. If I was in anchor mode and I died to a ESF because I couldn't move fast enough then that's ofc down to the fact it takes time to get into driving mode, and not a problem, its a limitation of the ability. However, you're being a troll as you know I was not talking about these situations, but rather the times when you're (i.e. moving) driving and a ESF comes up from behind. If you want to delude your self then go right ahead you're only making your self look like a complete fool.
  15. Nintyuk

    To fight tanks...
    Why is that such a alien concept?

    Tanks will be needed to stop movement between bases, and most movement between bases is in sundys and flashes. If they don't have cover from friendly tanks their easy pickings. Main battle tanks even come with a dedicated anti-infanty weapon in there secondary.
  16. Kedyn

    Tanks should still be less vulnerable to ESFs, especially since all a tank will be good for is suppressing other ground vehicles after the patch. It takes one Burster to discourage one average ESF (not kill them) - it takes one average ESF just seconds to kill a tank, regardless of how much flak they're being hit with.
  17. smokemaker

    Yummy, some targets are funnier then others.
    Tank rear armor keeps them from over running the maps. ESF's are the cure. Rocketpods rock.
    I vote no change
  18. XRIST0

    Dude you are VS , you have a tank which slides around .. It would be much easier to evade those sorts of attacks .

    Also the amount of people who fly the Scythe and use photon pods are the main problem , you guys have far more air support than any other faction .. Simply because its the best aircraft

    Look how easy it is ..

    Thats really a heart warming story , chances of the saron hitting or the magriders ap rounds are slim to none unless the pilot is stupid .

    Saron doesn't destroy aircraft in 1 hit anyway unless that has changed and the magrider really isnt the best tank to take down esf with .

    If the scythe gets the jump on you first , theres nothing you can do to save your tank really .
  19. Nate

    Tank back armor needs to be improved. That would solve the instant death to ESF pods. Mitigate some of the large numbers of infantry missiles. And allow tanks to maneuver more on the battlefield.
  20. JDS999

    ok i get it this thread is split up into 3 groups more or less
    group 1: the armchair tankers that doesnt think air should instigib him while he is activly instigibbing multiple infintry
    group 2: the flyboys that love taking out tanks and using lol pods.
    group 3: the people that think its to0 boring to play AA

    lets review
    group 1 is playing the wrong game
    group 2 is playing the right game
    group 3 is playing the wrong game