Are anti personal mines *invisible*?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by m44v, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. m44v

    Today I stepped into three mines of the same guy. The first time I was "haha you got me", the second "uhhm, ok", the third "what the hell, where did you plant them?" I recorded the whole thing and I watched frame by frame and I couldn't see anything.

    I'm starting to wonder if there's a bug with mines, like they render to the player but not to enemies. During beta I had no problem seeing enemy mines, but right now I have yet to see one, the only one I see is the one that I plant myself, and you can't really be too picky about where you plant it, you throw it and in lands where it lands. Lots of times I have put my mine in pretty visible places yet people would still step on it, and the Betty mine isn't really small and inconspicuous.

    Or there's a glitch that allows you clip mines with the environment so they cannot be seen?
  2. Tuco

    At least you weren't like me, "Oh look a star on the ground what is......." BOOOOM!
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  3. Lokarin

    I think they go invisible if the owner changes class... can't be sure.
  4. Neodrauka

    People are sneaky about their placement. Inside the textures of certain objects and such. Could be just a sneaky trap layer.
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  5. m44v

    I know, but these mines where placed in staircases, when I place mine in one is pretty visible.
  6. Neodrauka

    Could be an exploit as Lokarin suggests, but I haven't heard one way or the other. Best to just keep your eyes peeled, or take non-predictable routes :p
  7. Dubious

    Cant say I have seen many mines, but then one I almost stepped on and then shot to pieces I got grief for, so I guess it was friendly, but there were no indication if it were friend or foe..
  8. Neodrauka

    The only mines I've run into have been just outside teleporter pads.



    Clever...but cheap as hell lol
  9. chronium

    I believe you can only see them if you use that night vision scope whatever its called.
  10. Neodrauka

    That could be it, I know it's the case for AT mines. Thermal / IR sorts them right out. Stick out like a solar flare.
  11. Dubious

    AT mines can be seen with the naked eye

    Dont think there is anything that tells you if it friend or foe though..

    In PS1 there is green rings around friendly deployments and no ring around enemies
  12. Tasogie

    oh god here we go, They are starting on the AP mines now.. waaa it isnt fair I want them too. or waaa take them away AP mines should one shot kill me.....

  13. General Sherman

    It's what they're there for! LOL

    Personally I prefer infantry terminals and cap points, for some reason people never look down when there is a colorful glowing thing in front of them.
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  14. Chiss

    They're pretty annoying, honestly.

    I've died to quite a few of them, and never seen one on the ground before...

    If they're invisible, its a problem.
  15. Neodrauka

    Haha. I usually just take a death on the chin, and work on methods to circumvent. Only time a death really gets my goat is when it's committed by a blatent exploiter or hacker, which is quite rare.
  16. Tasogie

    hehe yer me too.
  17. supahitecjetfyta

    i love my Betty, shes helped me hold off a small squad many a time.
  18. Iksniljiksul

    No, but they really should be extremely hard to spot. Mines cost so many resources it's crazy, and a player can only put down two with max certs. Meaning I can only defend one spot at a time. Which is fine and all, but most people just blow up the mines so one has to be creative in placement. Mines tend to weed out the chicken-heads from the herd (those who just rush everywhere and only want to shoot at things; the same people who whine about every **** thing being unfair).
  19. m44v

    They are not hard to spot, they are invisible
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  20. medbot544

    Perhaps they do bug and are invisible but my personal guess is that they are clipping below the floor. Devs might want to go over the height maps for NC/TR versions.