Are Aimbots the norm?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badvudo, Mar 9, 2013.

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  1. draiocht

    I just /report anybody that I'm suspicious of (within reason) and move on. It's a lot easier for SOE to investigate hacks than it is for players to.
  2. ViXeN

    Good post and I agree.

    I guess "legit" wasn't the right choice of words. I should have said REAL hackers. People who actually are using hacks.
  3. Wobberjockey


    wait, what?
  4. WorldOfForms

    There's this phenomenon in psychology called Confirmation Bias. If you are convinced there is a pattern going on around you, you will find it everywhere. If you think that every Tuesday something terrible is going to happen to you, you'll notice every little thing that isn't perfect and confirm in your mind that the universe has it out for you on Tuesday.

    If you really think 1 in 4 players (or more!) are using an aimbot, I have news for you: Confirmation Bias.

    There is just no way in the real world that this game has that many hackers.

    Is it really so difficult to believe that people have better aim than you? Crying hack is an excuse to not get better at the game. When someone beats me, I think, "Well I sucked there, he was good. What could I do to win next time?"

    If you lose to someone and think "Hacker!" then here's nothing for you to learn from. And you'll remain bad (and you'll cry more).

    Of course, due to the nature of Confirmation Bias, I'm sure no one who believes this game is full of hackers will stop on think, "Hey, wait a minute, maybe it is mostly in my mind!"

    Nope, they'll probably just think I'm a hacker, because I'm "defending" them.
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  5. FigM

    the easiest way to spot those hackers is to see them use rocket launchers that hit things instantly, so the target is hit before the graphical animation of flying missile even reaches the target.

    Also, a lot of hackers are repeat offenders and they have appropriate names like "cantreportme" or bunch of weird characters
  6. Being@RT

    There's no way this could be something to do with latency?
  7. FigM

    Not when they shoot down approaching ESFs with Decimators. Not hovering, still flying. And not 1 lucky shot, but repeated multiple times
  8. FlayvorOfEvil

    That's even more unlikely, because the vehicle terminal is not within the range of any snipers. If a sniper were to materialize long enough to shoot me in the head, I can guarantee that he would have been shot at least 30 times.
  9. Tact

    Hey buddy, I think I've read the entire thread, so here's the best response:


    I've played since launch... for me It doesn't matter how many i've seen, been killed by, or /reported. (which isn't that many)

    My only advice is come to peace with the games that you play. Try to remember if hacks didn't exist, you'd only have to face the reality that someone else is better than you at a video game; it's really not hard to do when you put your life and all of existance into perspective.

    Here's a pic to help you along: (appologies if its too big, i'm sure the mods will delete it if they feel it too large to be appropriate :p)


    So when you think someone is hacking remember how utterly meaningless it is to be getting frustraited over something as trivial as a video game. Even if they are hacking (yes there are a few), it doesn't matter, enjoy the game and try to make it a pleasant experience for all. :)

    TL;DR = Relax, let go, and share the love - might i suggest the game Solar 2 to help with that. - Peace :)
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  10. Mustarde

    1. Deploy or drop out of ESF with parachute
    2. Bring bolt action with silencer, and flak armor
    3. Go to stairs overlooking vehicle terminal
    4. Shoot people standing still waiting for magrider in the head
    5. Profit???

    I'm not saying its impossible to be hacked or whatever situation you were in... but I kill dozens if not hundreds of people at vehicle terminals each day and some of them get into their vehicles as they die. I do this at the crown, on Mattherson, during primetime, ALL THE TIME. So it can happen, without hacking.

  11. Slyguy65

    You do realize aimbots aren't all insta killing...most people just have it do things like compensate for bullet drop or COF.

    To use an aimbot only for headshots, and run around just insta killing everyone...well those are the idiots. Smart people would use it sparingly. To avoid detection and play on VANU....its just fact, if you get killed by a TR from over 50m away multiple times, people will call BS but VS can get away with crap like that easily and pass it off as "skill" soooo ya.

    Just a tip for all you ignorant people thinking aimbots are just headshot-o-matics.
  12. Phazaar

    You just suck, OP. It's alright though, you're clearly new, keep practising and you'll get it, nps.

    Also, suggest you look into some of how the server->client (and visa versa) information is processed. It will explain an awful lot of your 'aimbotters'.
  13. smokemaker

    Yea i know. But there is nothing I can do about it. I am not going to spend my time worrying about every death and wondering if it was legit. You do this and you lose the fun of the game. And in reality, if its some closet cheater and he has some super great score, I would'nt even know. I dont look at others scores. And if he cheats and keeps it hidden, then I wont know. Should his PC burst in flames, I would hope so. But I will not waste my time on it. His loss for not being able to play legit.

    I am here to enjoy the game. I have lost that vision in other games due to cheaters. I refuse to let them win here.
    All I can do is play legit, and how I like, and enjoy the game.
    I will not waste anymore time on the cheaters.
  14. Mishkel

    I think I'd roll with perception is its own reality and then use most of the description you had in your full post.

    Simply because bias requires data and we are never going to have that data. So when you say "if you really believe 1 in 4 (or more)"... well um what if we had the data and it was 1 in 4 or more? The fact is.. we don't really know how many people actually cheat.

    What I believe is that the less you pay attention to other players (whether they cheat or not and anything else that can be annoying)... the more you will enjoy the game. Most of the time I don't pay attention at all.. but sometimes its just hard to ignore. Tho for me I'd say on all of Mattherson there are at most 20 people that I think definitely should have been banned long ago. I'm not sure what the total population of Mattherson is.. but lucky enough for me.. I think its quite a bit more than say.. 80. (that's supposed to be funny.. but probably isn't :( )
  15. lolno

    If they're smart about it, they don't run one all the time, that would be too obvious and get them banned.

    'Skilled' as
  16. FlayvorOfEvil

    I know it's possible to do because I've done so my self, but I'm saying there was no people there and it doesn't even take me more than half a second to spawn a Flash.
  17. TheJosephChrist

    With the JAG I can destroy HA (with shield) at medium range.
  18. Mustarde

    You're right, it's impossible that an infiltrator was there with a silenced weapon killing people as they went to the vehicle terminal. Must have been aimbot. You win
  19. CriticalThinker

    Yes, I'd say hacks/cheats are very common in PS2. First of all, PS2 is a Play4Free, massive MMOFPS with client side hit detection. If you think there are no hackers you are just delusional or a hacker.

    Most of the hacking in PS2 is subtle hacking that can easily be covered by the thin facade of "skill". Things like ESP - virtually impossible to detect, especially on the player level. Things like aimbots... people cry "bullet time!" "leading targets!" "bullet drop!" "velocity!" but do those things really matter in CQB which is where most engagements occur? Not really. Looking at a player's K/D... isn't going to be a clue. TTK in PS2 is extremely fast and it's pathetically easy for infantry to die. Headshots... meh, you think even the most rudimentary bot doesn't have a setting? Accuracy? Heh just shoot a wall for a bit it'll go down...

    The most common cheat I see is recoil removal. It's very common on TR HA's who use the minigun.
  20. BlueSkies

    holy necro thread batman
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