April changes are making me want to play VS, not TR

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Paperlamp, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. Paperlamp

    I'm extremely disappointed in the Cougar simply not being the mid-long range carbine we've been asking for forever, but the Hailstorm being completely ignored is a close second in the disappointment.

    The Hailstorm has needed a revamp for a long time. Since it's been released it has been the worst SMG in the game by a significant margin. Having 10 extra rounds but lower RoF and horrible accuracy is not a good trade-off at all(hmmm...sounds like some other TR guns....) in a weapon with 50 rounds already.

    We've also got the Lynx being turned into a bullet hose that's still just another Jaguar really albeit with more "faction flair", and in the Cougar we receive yet another close-mid carbine that we certainly didn't need. We now have 5 close range carbines all with very similar time to kill, 1 mid-long range carbine that's a niche weapon at best, and the burst which is ... even more niche to say it nicely. I don't even hate the new Lynx but we're still simply without a GD-7F/Serpent competitor.

    Then there're Prowler nerfs on top of that, and the MCG is still going to suck.

    And uh...hello? The STRIKER! AKA the sucky faction specific annihilator that is pretty much never worth using if you access to the annihilator.

    We're also still stuck with the most boring ability for our MAX and tank. Prowler is still an extremely easy to hit box as in literally box shaped, and a glass cannon that can't do anything but sit way back and shell people farming easy kills. Yeah it's gonna outperform the other tanks because infantry farming is just more rewarding, that doesn't mean the tank is in good shape overall.

    If the PTS changes are all we get, there is no reason for me to keep playing the faction. I am sick of all our guns being penalized so heavily for 10 extra rounds, sick of having way too many close range bullet hoses of which generally one or two stand out from the rest.

    These are extremely lazy and poorly thought out non-solutions to the TR's problems.

    The fact that this was supposed to be the big turn-around for TR and yet it's making me want to play VS instead is pretty disappointing. Honestly VS got the best weapon in the Zenith - basically you made an improved/way more accurate Jaguar and gave it to VS. I don't understand.

    Not to mention all the other problems with the game - really poor hit detection and buggy patches, the UPGRADE now ordeal which was incredibly sleazy.

    Okay... rant over. I needed to get that out.

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  2. Mrasap

  3. Crackulous

    Ok. Ditch the TR.
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  4. asdfPanda

    Overall, the patch seems to be a whole lot of number tweaking and thumb fiddling, without a whole lot of new idea implementation and interesting new abilities being thrown around. I'll voice my thoughts in two areas: the Hailstorm, and the Serpent.

    I rarely call for weapons to be overhauled in ROF, unless absolutely necessary. However, the Hailstorm has a good rate of fire at 800 rpm, but at the wrong damage tier of 125. In order for it to compete with the Sirius and Blitz, a new 845 rpm TR smg needs to be added, or the Hailstorm needs to be buffed to 845 rpm.

    The old Lynx was the unsung hero against the GD-7F/Serpent. 800 rpm, 0.75 ads, best moving hipfire spread among carbines, in fact, it has the same moving hipfire spread as SMGS. While the GD-7F and Serpent can throw more lead in CQC(should've been a TR trait), the Lynx can land more shots at a lower rpm because of it's more accurate hipfire. Now, the old Lynx is gone, leaving TR with no competitors to the GD-7F and Serpent.

    The new Lynx, while being an interesting counterpart to the Jaguar, does not compare to the old Lynx for CQC engagements. It's good, but it isn't that good. The old Lynx was the GOD of close quarters.
  5. Fangry

    PS2 got to many weapons
    Looking forward to PS1, where TR got the fastest weapons, NC the hard hitting ones and VS the alien ..
  6. Akeita

    You got a 632/167 carbines with SP and ALS, this actually rock close range stuff, don't you f**kin dare saying that this is not enough, this thread below pretty much explain everything

    You guys got an audio revamp

    MCG actually "Cannot" miss if ADS actually, it's a maxium hip fire accurate with no CoF
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  7. MGP

    Can i have some of the stuff you're smokin'? MCG ADS CoF is wider then any of TR LMG Hipfire CoF which are pretty bad already!
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  8. Maljas23

    I am looking forward to the April update.

    Lynx might have gotten a slight nerf in CQC, but it fits the TR rof trait and has fantastic ADS and hip fire accuracy. Worth the trade

    The Cougar is being underestimated by a lot of TR. I guess most have not realized that TR is only faction to have a 167 dmg carbine with SPA. (Unless I am forgetting something??) It has good hip fire and ADS accuracy, and deals the full 167 dmg out to 15m. 15 meters!! I do realize that some TR wanted a true long-range carbine, but this thing is no slouch at med ranged combat. This thing is a monster.

    MCG RoF boost via attachment is not really what most of us were asking for but I will be grateful for anyway. The DPS and TTK difference with the attachment is dramatically altered. Add the fact that with the attachment, the starting RoF feels extremely close to that of the Carv's RoF of 750. Combine this with a new FIXED CoF in ADS means that it will be a death machine in CQC, but still be able to reach out and touch up to around 30-40m.

    If we must keep the FART attachment for the MCG, I suggest making it a barrel attachment so we can an at least continue to choose from the two most used rail attachments (laser sight and Extended mag). Aside from the fact that I think the MCG should have a larger default magazine size, I feel that the MCG with the rof attachment should be the default MCG anyway. If that doesn't happen, I will be happy with this.

    Ah, almost forgot. Still waiting for those Striker changes to hit the PTS. Curious as to what SOE is going to do to it.
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  9. Bankrotas

    My theory on this: most low TTK and high dps weapons are quite restricted. Carbines have low velocity and up to 3 damage tier drops, SMGs too have quite heavy damage drop and aren't good for ADS midrange combat, shotguns have limited ammo capacity and damage range.

    Now imagine a weapon with best TTK in LMG place with 100 bullets+lazor or 200 bullets, no 2-3 tier damage drop, semidecent velocity. My guess there is price to pay for 100 bullet best TTK lmg and that price would be the lack of attachements (though a scope would be nice HS/NV one)

    P.S. I'm not saying it's op or something, more that, it's my reasoning why they did that.
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  10. Vikingo

    If I remember correctly this is not the first thread you made about changing factions, c'mon just change already. After you do perhaps you will realize that the grass is not really greener on either side.
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  11. iller

    April is full of loathing and what the hells. Not one part of it enhances my gameplay even 0.1%

    Also Hailstorm is fine, all other SMGs are OP and need to be brought down to its DPS by getting REAL falloff penalities
  12. MostlyClueless

    All out Carbines rock the close range stuff except the T5-AMC, which isn't a great Long Range gun and the Trac-5 Burst which isn't a great gun full stop.

    We don't need another Close/Mid Carbine, we have the Jag, Trac-5 and Lynx for that and a fourth one is completely pointless. What we need is a gun that can actually fire at Long Ranges, something like the Pulsar C or Razor.

    The Cougar is a good gun don't get me wrong, but it's filling a role we've already got overstuffed in our carbine selection.
  13. Pootisman

    They are adding another carbine? Really? We already have so many carbines, we dont need another one. Make the existing ones more different!

    In general, be more creative with weapons SOE, we dont need 10 weapons of one class with small differences ... PS2 is set in the future! Make cool laser, plasma, electro and gatling guns.
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  14. OldMaster80

    No doubt soon or later they will have to implement the alien technology of Core Combat.

    To the op: if you're going to change faction just because of a carbine then you do not deserve the love of the mighty republic!!!
  15. Kunavi

    Having fun on PTS I surmised the following;

    - I won't touch that Cougar(No puns).
    - I still won't use the MCG.
    - I can drop the Armistice and use the Lynx in its place where applicable.
    - I still won't use the Vulcan at all.
    - TR weapons in general felt more controllable in PTS, let's see if that makes it to Live.
    - TR weapons in general sound a lot better in PTS, they BETTER push this to Live and KEEP improving them
    - Some TR weapon models were touched up but that's just BABY STEPS compared to what should have been done by now and the new Lynx looks like the half front of a TAR glued on a Trac-5, it can't be finished can it? Looks "Nerf".
    - I still won't use the Striker(No changes so far).
    - I still won't use the Prowler(Again no changes, only NERFS).
    - I still won't use Lock-Down(No changes).

    So.. TR weapons feel more stable so we can FRIGGIN' AIM now, Lynx replaces my Armistice for Engie/LA(MmmOKAY), a couple of new sounds and a couple of new models.

    And then it's all NC and VS new stuff, for some reason or other. I don't remember us getting pampered with new stuff when the other Factions were given tools to work with that they absolutely lacked or when they got buffed, or when they got new Cash Shop items(Like with the Infiltrator Lumi).

    "Uh-Oh the TR are up to us and demand that they finally become able to COMPETE!"
    "But we can't do that, the VS will cry!"
    "Let's give the VS the best Carbine to keep them playing! Give the NC one too just to keep them occupied!"
    "OK! How are we buffing the TR then?"
    "Mix and match old models! CopyPaste sounds! And give them a Super-SABR...! No wait we used that line to blanket the Trap fiasco, tell them they're getting a SUPER TX2 EMPEROR!"

    At least they changed those MBT 2ndaries for the VS and NC which were just OTT. Now we can all use the NS Halberd! Oh the JOY! HOW ABOUT INSTEAD YOU REALLY BUFF THE VULCAN AND WE FOCUS ON FACTION SPECIFIC EQUIPMENT AND MAKE IT WORK, BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW, THAT'S KINDA WHAT PS2 IS ABOUT!!??

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  16. Paperlamp

    NC is getting a 167 carbine with soft point as well.

    Cougar is good up to a certain range after which it starts getting hopeless because of the drop-off and recoil angle. Which is very similar to how the Jaguar is good up to a certain range until its horizontal jitter is throwing bullets off target too much.

    It isn't that good at the longer side of medium ranges, certainly not on par with a Mercenary.

    Some people will say that in spite of the worse drop-off, the RoF makes the TTK similar. But that's not how longer ranges work, having to hit with fewer bullets is better because you can't accurately use your full RoF. The recoil pattern also reduces its effectiveness further.
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  17. Stormsinger

    This is Auraxis. If the grass appears to be greener, that's just because it wants lure you closer so it can kill you. Unlike trees, Auraxian grass cannot actually reach out and smash your tank into a flip when you aren't looking.
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  18. Tentakewls

    Zenith sucks man, wtf are you even talking about. Why pay 1k certs + attachement certs when everyone can just buy the Serpent which is just better at a quarter of the cost. You can play VS all you want, hope you enjoy our **** damage per mag trait.
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  19. Stargazer86

    So far, my opinions of the upcoming patch can be summed up with "meh".

    For as much April was touted to be "TR revamp month!" we sure as heck don't seem to be getting much from it. A reworked Lynx, changed MCG, and a dubious new carbine aren't exactly what I'd call 'major updates'. Top that with the fact that the Prowler is actually getting nerfed, the Vulcan still sucks, the Striker still sucks, and Lockdown still sucks...

    Yeah. Meh.
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  20. Latrodectus

    I've already started playing my VS character more and more each day. As much as I hate to say it, I just honestly believe the current dev staff is incapable of tuning TR faction traits so that they're both fun and balanced. If our ES facets aren't thoughtfully reworked (or at least give some hint that they're working towards such a goal) this month, I'm just going to make the permanent switch to VS.

    At this point in the game I simply feel like I backed the wrong horse faction-wise when I started out. The hand-holding aspect of our larger magazines is quite a boon when you first start playing, but there's not a lot in our arsenal that shines when you feel you're ready to take your gameplay to the next level; or, at the very least, when you want to change up your playstyle.
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