April 29th Maintenance Update

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Apr 29, 2014.

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  1. Bragg

    EVE online, had 76 hours downtime. I was meant to be 24 hours for moving physical servers to new location. But i got little extended. And that game is still running strong. :D
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  2. DJPenguin

    Compensation time for those who have Upgraded Now?
  3. monchee

    It's hard to have symathy, all I know is it's happened every patch I've been around for but this time it's different- like they don't even know IF they CAN get it back up again.
  4. Chebus

    You, good sir, are clearly not in the tech industry. Debugging time is hard to estimate. If they knew what the problem was it would be solved.
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  5. DankBudha

    The internet gave too many people the power to say dumb, rude and intentionally abrasive things without the fear of standing in front of that person and potentially getting their face pummeled.

    I doubt most of you human dignitaries would act like such gentlemen if you didn't have the ability to do it in seclusion from reprieve.

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  6. monchee

    I've never dealt with the hardware but I know one thing- no business goes about things with zero anticipation of things like this, and the evidence points to a lack of preperation. I have more than enough exposure with other professionals to know that kind of anticipation is just how you do proper business.
  7. Chromos

    Your display picture is NC, but your words sound so Vanu. :c
  8. Takoita

    Hopefully maintenance folks will be able to root out the problem and maybe even solve some of the previously reported server issues.
  9. KimKardashian

    Why is this update taking so long? What are you guys adding? Cant be just a simple membership change, can it? Hossin maybee???? if so ill wait another day no problem cuz we've been waiting a year xD.

    From what i hear its just the membership. Correct me if am wrong.
  10. Javik

    Raaaage.. raaaant.. demands.... nah Just Joshing you guys. Thanks for the update, thank the stressed out dev's and network engineers, keep feeding them high octane coffee and all will be ok. oh have you tried switching it off and on again?
  11. BarnacIe

    Monchee is right about cried wolf. What RadarX said is quote for quote what SOE were saying in 1999 over and over and over and over and over and over again.
  12. Phinigma

    Cmon guys let's get these devs some pizza and redbulls stat! Who wants to throw in with me? :D
  13. monchee

    It's not a troll, and there's no entitlement of any kind, it's an honest response and you don't have to like it, so you want to insult me, that's fine. That says a whole lot more about you than it does about me. Maybe you're mad at yourself for having bought in.
  14. iller

    Lol, I see some people weren't around for the great downhack of 2011 if they're complaining this much about only being offline half a day

    Come to think of it, wasn't that exactly 3 years and 10days ago to this day? ooOoOOOooo ....2 sp00ky :eek:
  15. Javik

    Remember the Eve patch that wiped the Windows Batch files so your PC wouldn't start, that was ..... unfunny
  16. GoodFight

    "Just" the membership being completely changed on every single game they run.
  17. MittRackRObama

    I agree anonymity will change human behavior and that's a well documented fact, but so much as implying the use of physical harm given a similar public situation does not go a long way to vindicating the credibility of your point of view.

    1. Person A is beyond rude in his/her comments

    2. Person B punches him

    3. Progress is made???????

    Edit: MURICA!
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  18. RadarX

    We certainly understand there is a lot of frustration and we absolutely want your feedback regarding this. We do have to ask your posts remain constructive. Thanks in advance for your help on this.
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  19. GoodFight

    Yup, where EVE devs overwrote many people's boot.ini...
  20. andy_m

    My only beef is that, as a fully paid up member, I am missing out on my passive certs (again), which never get reimbursed. Sure, a double XP weekend may be on the cards but that rewards everyone, not just the members (yeah, the people who actually fund this game [as well as the peeps who buy SC of course...]).
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