Apparently VS and TR are the same faction.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gungan, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Gungan

    Because on Waterson they never fight eachother, they just gate camp NC.
  2. UzumakiW

    Don't know what kind of junk you're looking at, but I, as well as a ton of others, are constantly pushing into TR territory. So sorry if all of our forces are not going after each other and a few creep onto NC territory.
  3. HadesR

    Think its more an issue of the hot zone indicator not working ..

    Was in a mass fight for Zurvan .. thought I would " Deploy " to get a better position and it wasnt even listed on the map as being able to do so ...
    I've also deployed to a hot zone before and its been 2 people

  4. Dkamanus

    If you are talking about Indar and Esamir, believe me, both terrains heavily disfavour the position in which NC is (and would have the same results for TR and VS as well). Amerish is a place where we don't see ganging up on NC, mostly because the map is much more balanced.
  5. Thentar

    Really so all that fighting near the VS warp gate I was involved in and all those TR I killed last night...that didn't happen? Hmmm it was a pretty vivid dream. Or the or the other day when the VS took Indar on waterson and I was flying around the TR warp gate keeping their aircraft from getting to far out of the warp gate...that never happened?!?! hmm That must have only been a bit of a wet dream.