Anyone notice almost all Vanu are using an SMG now?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SkepticJerry, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. SkepticJerry

    The Eridani SX5 is now the VS weapon of choice? I wonder why??
  2. Obscura

    ITZ 2 OP!!!
  3. TheBlueMagician

    Because SMGs are really effective close range, and most encounters in this game are close range?
  4. Autarkis

    OP is a troll. Everyone is using SMGs. They're brand new and very good in CQC, which is 80% of infantry combat.
  5. Bill Hicks

    No wonder the VS are easier to kill lately. SMG rounds are like warm gentle rain on my resist shield.
  6. PapaMojo

  7. Zer0range

    And with no bullet drop the Vanu SMG is chewing through enemies like nuclear weapons through whatever.
  8. SgtBreastroker

    I'll stick to my trusty Pulsar-C and Orion thank you very much.
  9. Sebyos

    Idk what you are talking about I never hear one and they are pretty easy to distinguish. Many weapons are better than SMGs to be honest and even in CQC.
  10. Necron

    I see some, but it is not an epidemic like you make it out to be; at least, not on my server.
  11. AnotherNoob

    I thought it was pretty much an infiltrator only gun. I don't see how you could prefer it to other weapons if you have decent choices, which all but infiltrators have. The smgs look cool though, apart from the TR's :(
  12. Nepau

    God damn, I'm the last to know again! I really need to talk to the Armorer, since he keeps giving me this damn flashlight labeled "Beemer"

    *Mutters bloody murder as he walks away to the armory*
  13. Nhilys

    I don't, it's actually a downgrade from the serpent in cqc and too much damage fall-off at range.
  14. Shinrah

    So, after SOE released the new SMG Sirius SX 12 all VS started using the Eridani SX5? Am I unaware of some awesome stealth buff?
    So I have to assume you are:
    • Up x 1
  15. TheBlueMagician

    Uh, are you suggesting they use it for sniping? The problem with the SMG at range isn't whether the bullets drop, it's whether the shots land where you want them to due to recoil. Anyone using an SMG to fire at you beyond short to medium range has either 1) a huge drop on you; 2) dem hakz; 3) no brains; 4) someone else to keep your attention while they put in another clip to finish the job.

    Once you get in short to medium range, bullet drop isn't really a relevant issue for any side.
  16. PartNinja

    Everyone is using the new SMGs, because they're new and fun.

    People get to obsessed with this planetside2 math. Screw those spread sheets that list TTKs. TTK is worthless if you can't fire the weapon well.

    Other than Infils (which is a 100% must have for CQB), SMGs are perfectly acceptable CQC weapons for other classes. I only play VS and my main is a LA. I used to run VX6-7 (This was before serpent and didn't see the stats difference to be big enough to warrant the cash) as my general purpose weapon, and Nova shotgun for CQB tower fights, and slug ammo for longer ranged engagements when I can get a good sniping spot. The shotguns are great for 5 meters +/- but not very good at all passed that (easy to get caught with yours pants down). The VX6-7 (or the Serpent) can kill targets easily up to medium range, but only have a 30rd mag for CQB (which dumps quickly). The Sirius SMG fills a very nice gap for me. It can easily wreck 2-3 enemies in CQB before a reload, and has more range than buckshots when I need it. I just loose a bit of longer range, which is fine with jump jets and with soft point ammo, damage isn't much different compared to other VS weapons.

    Also, the gun itself handles differently than other guns. Even without double lasers, the hip-fire is VERY tight. Recoil is very manageable as well (all even on the move). Combine that with a large magazine, I can hit people much more effectively and get those kills. Firing the gun just FEELS better, and the increase in kills I'm getting shows this.
  17. illgot

    what kind of bullet drop is anyone getting at 20m?
  18. Oriius

    As someone who's primary weapon is a shotgun I, personally, welcome more people using smg's. The more people trying to fight at point blank all the better, oh so much better!

    Though as a VS player I haven't noticed many smg's at all on the VS or the NC, so far most I have seen have been the TR ones and usually on LA's, not come across many infiltrators using them yet, kinda disappointed honestly. ;p
  19. Darzok

    There is hardly any one using it form what i see given how most other weapons are better than short range.
  20. Lakora

    Only ones I really see using the SMGs are Light Assaults and Infiltrators... Mostly Infiltrators.

    EU Miller.