Anyone knows server where NC are not dissorianted

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SolitarioSoldat, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Tribalbob

    I suppose I can see why people might think the 666th are a zerg outfit, but if you take a moment to consider the following: At any given time, when I log into the TS server (RRT Shoutout!), we usually have about:

    2 Full platoons of infantry
    1/2 a platoon of armour
    1/2 a platoon of air
    1 Spec Ops squad
    1 RRT squad

    Keeping in mind that we do have organized leadership in multiple tiers (from command to platoon lead to squad lead to radio ops), so we aren't just rushing around as a zerg might. Each operation and target has a significant reason behind it.

    If we capture a base and roll on, there is a good reason for it - usually one does this when there's an opening to push back their enemy before they can regroup. We always prioritize targets for the empire over what our outfit wants.

    Unfortunately, we only have so many units at any given time and we can't be everywhere, but if you like organized play with mature players, the 666th is a great home. At the very least come try it out and if it's not your thing, no harm, no foul. I think for every person who calls us a zergfest, there's five more who give kind words. I have nothing but the upmost respect for VS and TR and I love that we have such challenging opponents - afterall, it's no fun winning ALL the time ;)
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  2. iller

    A large majority of casual gamers (including some devs) can't get above "completely playable" FrameRate in this game.

    Therefore Finesse is often irrelevant in battles for large facilities and your argument is invalid.
  3. LetMeTouchYou

    I'm a TR on jaeger and i frequently have great battles with NC since the game first went public. Maybe your just logging on at the wrong times. Usually TR and VS Control a separate continent while the NC control the last. Most of the time its the NC that take control over TR than the VS.
  4. Savvon


    We have our share of ignorant players...

    However, we also have some really good outfits. One is called 'Teddybears'. It is lead by a guy named Grundy and he is always surrounded by at least 30 guys and very organized. Almost every night we end up taking control of 2 continents. Some fights are epic.

    If we had just 20-30 more players on, we could easily take out VS and TR. It's all about numbers it seems.
  5. Boom929

    Call DD's a zergfit all you like. Outfit members know the reality and get to have the full experience every night.

    At our best, we are an unstoppable, coordinated force that will warpgate TR and VS within a few hours. At our worst, we all still have a ******* BLAST playing this awesome game.

    If you're going to get bent out of shape about the size of the outfit or if you're going to make judgments without doing some homework first, then the outfit is not for you and you should move along.

    If you're interested in joining one of the largest PS2 outfits that regularly operates in a disciplined, strategic and FUN manner, our forums can be found here and we look forward to seeing you at on the battlefield.
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  6. Iksniljiksul

    One gets fairly good xps for capturing bases but not defending. Let the bases fall then go retake them again. That's a flaw in the game design.
  7. Fuse

    +1, steer clear of Mattherson. Me and my friends are largely waiting until we can move our character without losing a few hundred dollars worth of unlocks. NC are gated on 2/3 continents 99% of the time, only making real pushes when the other two factions go to sleep.
  8. Morpholine

    Time how long it takes to take a roughly-equally defended tech plant, and how much experience you gain while doing so.

    Then, suck it up and perform a similar experiment from the defending end.

    You may be surprised.
  9. Delax

    It's the smaller outfits, like the one I'm in, that stay behind to defend the bases properly. But when it's a zerg from the enemy, that's responding due to the 666th zerg and you essentially move along, leaving us all to fight a losing battle due to overwhelming. Because of this behavior I opted for a smaller, more team oriented outfit that specializes in assaulting and defending bases, not zerging about.

    This is constructive criticism, not "I hate you" criticism, so don't take it as a personal attack. If you would just leave even a third of your forces behind to defend, before moving onto the next tile, us defenders wouldn't gripe so much about the tactics and behavior of your outfit.
  10. RectalSailboat

    Well, I would advise strongly against Waterson. Dem blue territories be rare.
  11. Phrygen

    Waterson NC situation is horrendous. Heavily outnumbered and outgunned frankly.

    Its not jus pop imbalances... simply fact of the matter is TR and VS infantry weapons are ridiculously superior to NC weapons. I switch over to my alt TR and its so easy.

    Frankly once they do the retroactive account wide unlocks, my TR will become my main. I'm tired of using sub par infantry weapons, being forced to use the warden or sniper rifles just to land shots at anything but close quarters (i don't play medic so i cant speak to the ARs). The t9 carv is LIGHTYEARS beyond anything the HA NC have access too, and frankly the TR carbines seem more accurate to me at range as well. I hear the NC have access to the lowest recoil carbine... but i still seem to do better with the TR carbine.

    anyway, between totalbiscut and angryjoe going TR, and sub par guns... Waterson seems like a wash. DVS comes through and will take a continent that isn't populated every once in a while, but then the TR and VS catch wind of it once they are done on the other two continents and slam the hell out of us.

    And that whole 666 sounds nice, but alas its a west coast server. Lag is not cool in this game.
  12. TheBand1t

    I live in Mississippi and get very little lag playing on Connery. I hopped over from Mattherson due to our subpar performance there and haven't looked back since. It is a VASTLY better atmosphere there, even if I don't run with the outfits.
  13. TheFirstOmen

    Connery has the best fights, best outfits and best fun. We get the added bonus of Friday Night Ops, too. Several developers also play on the server so it is a lot of fun to suddenly realize you've killed a developer of PS2. NC is a blast. Right now we can usually capture a continent or two during primetime, although it depends on the day. Once the rumored buff for NC hits, DD is going to be steam-rolling everything.
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  14. Ashnal

    I play on Mattherson with a small outfit/squad of 8 people with the tag CASL. Were usually in the air with ~4 people either in two Liberators or a Liberator and 2 Reavers. Once in a while we will get a small armor column going with a repair sundy.

    The warpgate isn't as bad as some people make it out to be, but it does occasionally have the ****** that intentionally flips your liberator.

    We typically have a small secure territory in Indar, wildly varying territory in Esamir, and we regularly control a large portion of Amerish. We lock Amerish most of the time and Esamir once in a while.

    We have a few good small NC outfits as other Matherson NC have mentioned, though people should know that our server is also home to The Enclave TR outfit and Azure Twilight VS outfit, both fairly large.
  15. Mjolnir

    LOLWUT? NC is barely EVER gated on Mattherson. I am in the WMD outfit on that server; we are very organized and routinely run 2 fully platoons as well as an air wing. In the past few weeks we have locked Esamir AND Amerish multiple times. We have never locked Indar, but we are NEVER pushed all the way back to the warpgate when I am playing there.
  16. 0positivo

    I play all the way from Italy on Connery, and haven't noticed any major lag so far. I was actually kind of impressed
  17. Dkamanus

    Waterson is a mess with NC. We at the [COBR] run normally with a 16~20 man squad most of the day, and we set our minds on an objective and we take it 90% of the time, the other 10% there's a HUGE zerg or bad tactical thinking on my part. Considering the map, it's quite easy to determine which parts are going to be attacked and what must be defended. With 20 players, you can hold a base long enough for reinforcements to come up.

    Wish I had 2 full platoons under my command. Would stir up the Chaos on Waterson =P
  18. Garlock01

    Alas it is a sad tale by others that have no understanding of how a large outfit works. We seem like a zerg because we field (last Saturday) 300 people all in communication and being lead by an OPs commander... That would be (at times) me. I do not stick to base defense unless it is passed up the chain that it is warranted and then not only do we defend but I can bring to bear multiple platoons to clean up. I am not saying other outfits are useless, far from it, I welcome combined operations and fielding an entire server of people pushing towards one goal. We are not in competition with other outfits we welcome coordination and cooperation. As for VS and TR on Conery complaining about us...LOL Good, you should be complaining. I wallow in your sorrow and frustration and I am pleased by your lamentations...

    How I see a Zerg is a mindless, uncommunicative mob of people who follow no known leadership and rush over any and all that get in their way. As for the 666th we communicate and we have an OPs commander. That commander has a goal and an intent and the individual platoon commanders strive to complete that mission. We are a large community of like minded players who get together and do well. As for the other smaller outfits that say we are better because we communicate more and they are tactical...well we have 3 layers of communication from squad to platoon to division to command, it can be as complicated or as simple as people want to make it. We accept all adult players and we have a lot of fun running around, proving and disproving tactics (Known as Science)

    If you are interested in a large, friendly, organized NC outfit on Connery then the 666th is for you, if you aren't interested in that then find an outfit that is for you. At present we have over 1200 members in game in our outfit and I can honestly say I have spoken to more than half of them, I run training constantly as do all the officers and NCO's and if you seek out greater roles then you will be noticed and given rank and more responsibility. All of the smaller outfits would be saying the same thing if they had our player base, but they don't. but imagine if you would a combined operation on Indar with the 666th going West and a bunch of other outfits going north... it would be glorious.

    I welcome the incoming "we are better than you because..." or the "We are VS or TR and we are better because..."

    Lamentations make me warm and fuzzy...
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  19. Ganelon

    They tend to zerg up in Woodman all the time, they maintain air superiority by crashing their ESF's into other faction's ESF's all the time (as they tend to have a higher population online most of the time).
  20. MangoPunch

    Do you have anyone in your outfit with the command channel cert? I'm fairly sure DD command would redirect some of our forces to help if you let us know you're having trouble.
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