Anyone have screenshots of the new LA helmets on a player?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by DustyMonolith, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. DustyMonolith

    Thread title. Anyone buy one yet (for any faction) and have a screenshot they could share?

    • Up x 1
  2. GaryGibbon

    duude, no one has even logged in yet! Give it some time!
  3. DurandaI

    Yes we want to see them on player models!
  4. centurionvi

    • Up x 1
  5. centurionvi

  6. DustyMonolith

    You sir, are a true hero of the Republic.
  7. Corezer

    TR: rocket man...I think that was the name of the movie
    NC: war machine
    Haven't seen VS

    I think the movie was the rocketeer?
  8. vaxx

    Hmmm....not bad. I love the regular Composite Helm, but this one looks decent....

    Now I need to see the VS one.