I hope they received some improvements; they were alright, but not worth taking over any other grenade. Any takers?
Dont waste your time, with the heal gun and AOE heal. Those nades are a waste. Revive grenades are much better, especially since they re-enabled grenades exploding even when you die
You will eventually . Theres nothing better then running in after a huge firefight and getting 10x75exp revives! The cert cost pays for itself after a while One does not play medic and NOT cert into revive grenades. I just hope my cert farming Triage is still working
Revive grenades are amazing. I'm not keen on the healing grenades but the revive grenades are incredibly powerful. You can rez whole heaps of friendlies at once with almost no time investment.
Yea healing nades seems unnecessary, but Revive nades are a must have especially in large engagements
Healing grenades? No. Revive grenades? Yes. Would I use either? No. I'd rather spend the certs and better the Med Tool first. When you cap it out in the cert tree the quicker revive and 100% healed soldiers after revive is awesome.
Did they ever reduce the fuse timer on rev grenades? Every time I tried to use them it sat in the middle of the group for so long that they all just tapped out before it detonated.
You can't equip revive grenades and C4 at the same time though right? Or at they separate slots? I want to run C4 so I can actually help deal with Sunderers and stuff when I'm on my medic without having to change to HA but if I can equip revive grenade at the same time then it's nice.
Healing grenades are excellent if you can throw them at a massed group. The cert'ed AoE is nice, but tossing one across the other side of the doorway on the landing pad of a BioDome when you're defending you rack you up the points like no tomorrow. Better than risking blowing up advancing squaddies when you're just using frags.
C4 goes in the utility slot, so your giving up Resto or heal kits for c4 With the games low TTK, you better off rezzing them. They will get full hp instead of a slow hp heal. Plus it will also surprise the enemy a whole dead squad suddenly jumping up again and for you personally.. ALOT more exp.
I might seriously think about getting them if they got rid of the obnoxious bounce they used to have where they would overshoot where you were aiming the grenade
ill get em a ways down the road. ive got a lot of other big upgrades on my plate first(thermal optics for reaver rocket pods anyone? )
Once and a while they still are bugged and won't go off, but currently I'd rather spend certs on things that make other things go boom
Revive Nades are good, if they make grenades not behave like a tennis ball. Its like having a random factor when using them.
Revive nades are a little cert magnet when it comes to facility breaching. Ever see those piles of bodies right next to the spawn exits? Those are all corpses waiting to be harvested at once.
The usefulness of healing and revive grenades seem questionable at best given how silly grenade physics are at the moment. I can't imagine being able to accurately aim them at piles of friendlies unless you ran into the middle of them and threw it straight down into the ground, which kind of defeats the purpose.