Anyone Experience Extreme Frustration Trying To Raise Their KDR?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tortricat, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. Tortricat

    On my Vanu character, my KDR has been on a downward spiral for a while. I got it up to 1.746 (not including medic revives) but it went down to 1.718 and with another session it was down to 1.708, with my session last night it is now down to 1.701. I don't know why I am not playing as good as I used to be and I have been very annoyed trying to get it back up. I try to at least increased my KDR by .010 points every day, my goal last night was to reach 1.717 but I failed and it is at 1.701 now.

    Maybe I need some new weapons, what are some good Carbines and Machine Guns for a Heavy? The weapon for my heavy vanu that I have used the most has been the Eidolon so I am open to any other battle rifle type weapons but I am also interested in other Machine guns. I am looking for a weapon that is good at medium and long range. The Eidolon has been great at medium and long range, not the best at close range but I have still killed many enemies up close with it.
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  2. BlueSkies

    Step 1) Stop caring about your KDR

    Step 2) Profit
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  3. Ballto21

    >Dont notice how many kills youre getting
    >If you must, learn to snipe
    >Snipe exclusively for a week
    >Congrats, your E-***** is now bigger
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  4. Ronin Oni

    Don't worry with KDR.

    If an outfit requires a certain KDR, then look for a different outfit.
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  5. Detrich


    Like, mine is awful. I've always been pretty decent at shooters, but in this game I die a ton. I think it's because I play too aggressively, or maybe it's just that I'm not that good. Still have a fun time though. And I'm not even 1:1 ...
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  6. Klypto

    Orion is a multi-purpose LMG. Use that one

    If you care about KDR that much and it's not as high as you like, and the curve seems a bit steep, you need to pause for at least 20 seconds after every death and really analyse the situation where you died. Formulate a plan to counter or avoid the situation in the future and identify personal weakness. Are you being blindsided? Loosing out on 1v1's or operation / gun performance? Too far forward/ back?

    Key Part:
    You cannot blame anything or anyone but yourself.

    This includes:
    Unfair Odds

    Excuses are potholes on the road to victory. If you are the source of the problem it is easier to solve and correct for.
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  7. AnuErebus

    I've been in the same boat. For most of last year I was annoyed because my KDR was slowly slipping one decimal point at a time. The key to reversing it? Stop looking at your KDR and thinking it needs to go higher. That's only going to lead to frustration which means you'll probably wind up with a lower KDR.

    Instead of focusing on KDR, focus on what you're doing. You just died. Why did you die? Is it because you moved out of cover too soon? Did you forget to check a corner? Did you try to take on more than you can actually handle? Did you face an enemy with a weapon better suited to the situations? Did you not notice the enemy approaching on the minimap? Did you simply not aim well in that encounter? There is always a reason that you died. If you can take a moment and figure out what that is and then work to mitigate it you'll find yourself dying less.

    And don't get bitter about things which you deem unfair. Yes, the shotgun is much better suited to close quarters than most weapons. Yes, that tank can insta-gib you. Yes, that sniper did just land a headshot on you as you fell from the galaxy. You're going to die. Don't dwell on it and just try and make your next life a little better.
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  8. Booface

    Don't worry about it. KDRs are wildly skewed. If you play a lot of sniper or MAX, or spend most of your time in vehicles, you can have an astronomically high KDR. If you play normal grunt classes then even if you're good it's going to be much lower.

    When I snipe for a day, I'll usually finish the day in the 7-15 range. If I do tank or lib runs with my outfit, also in the 7-15 range. In a MAX suit, probably around 10-20. But when I join a fight up close as a light assault or heavy, or try to support as a medic or engineer, my KDR is going to be closer to 3 or 4 on a good day and even less if it's a meat grinder.

    So I guess if you really care about KDR you could just exclusively snipe, MAX, and gun for vehicles. But that's going to get boring and it's not going to help your outfit win any fights. Stop caring about KDR. Do what you enjoy as a first priority, and what helps your friends as a second priority (hopefully there is overlap).

    And switch things up. I love sniping and being a sneaky infiltrator, but even I know that if I snipe and stalk all the time it's gonna get old.
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  9. Juunro

    Honestly, the only people who give a damn about KDR are people like DasAnfall and AC. I can't think of any other outfit that actually does, and those guys only give a **** for recruitment purposes.

    In a game where you can be instantly killed by a tank shell from a 500 meters away before you have time to react, KDR matters little.
  10. Hibiki54

    What is so important about KDR?
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  11. Prudentia

    My highest K/D Infantry weapon is the default Carbine Solstice. and i haven't used that thing since march 2013. yet my K/D is higher then ever and i can win pretty much any fight that doesn't involve a full squad of INI or MCY.
    The goal is not to play and get a good K/D, it's to play good and get a K/D
  12. Jawarisin

    I'm keeping this quote forever...
    Darn I love it, I'll save it on my computer, and it deserves a place in my signature :)
  13. Liewec123

    i had a vanu alt who i only every played Magrider on, had some ridiculously high KDR until i got bored about playing carefully. XD
    imho its so muh more fun to ignore KDR completely and play risky :D
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  14. Thrones

    Most people will tell you not to focus on KDR. To them it is not important. To you it apparently is important, so you can immediately dismiss anything they have to say. If KDR is your focus, then read on.

    When talking about KDR, you have Life time KDR, Session KDR, and Month-to-month KDR. There are several ways to track your KDR, using Recursion stat tracker, viewing your stats on, or visiting the player page on If you want to improve your lifetime KDR, you have to kill more than your current lifetime KDR each session, forever. Easy right?

    Ways not to die:
    • Move alot, or Never do not stop not moving. A stationary target is the easiest to kill. Plain and simple. Pretend that you are always in the cross-hairs of a sniper. Always.
    • Redploy, Find yourself in a jam or out of position, hit U and run for cover. Pretty much everyone will hate you, but your KDR will not
    • Max Heavy shields, Max Nanoweave armor, get medkits and chug them if you are missing any life.
    • Operation Human shield; all those people who do not care about their KDR, let them run in first. Allow them to clear mines, because apparently respawning is fun. Provide cover fire and support them, but let them catch the bullets first. If you are at the front of the pack, you are out of position
    • Rambo was a great movie, however this game is not a Rambo sim. It is dangerous to go alone, and serves very little purpose. Deployment shields on sundys are the dev's way of telling you that this is not a one player game. Imagine if you travled with 6 heavies, how glorious the decimator rain would be
    • 24v24 fights are the best fights, 96v96 means all cover will have a barrel pointed at it, 12v12 is simply not enough targets or a few people camping. 48v48 is doable, with a platoon.
    Ways to kill:
    • LMG, Compensator, Forward Grip, 2x scope. Stay away from HVA
    • Setup your theater of operations - Are AV mines placed? Are Proximity mines placed? Have I pulled a Sundy?
    • Know your effective range. If you are using a weapon with a narrow Hip Shot, you should be in CQB. If it has a wide hip shot, you should focus on aiming down sights
    • Flank your enemy as often as possible, if you see everyone running in a doorway and getting mowed down, do not go through that door. Slide around back, go up the stairs, and take the camper out from the side/rear.
    The Art of the KDR War
    • Attack, and retreat. Go up with the group, kill a few, then back out, repeat. I've had plenty of enemies charge into a room where I was, unload rocket launchers, entire clips, and grenades and I lived. Because I was no longer there. I got out while I could.
    • Take the shot. Every once in a while we see a.. let's say.. engineer over on a hill, about 150m away. Well that is a very long distance to engage. Take a few quick shots at him, make sure they will hit. It could be that they are low on health and running for cover. Those two shots could send him back to the spawn room.
    • Know when to engage, the opposite of take the shot. If there is an enemy that is moving from cover to cover, if you engage him you will put a big "please kill me" mark on the mini-map. Flank him, retreat, stalk him, but make sure when you engage you are ready to put them down. There could be 3 others right behind him that you did not know about, so make sure you have an exit plan.
    Well this got long
    • Free KDR - Pull a lightning, ESF, EST, or a sundy with a kobalt. There, you just fluffed your KDR by about 5-8 is you are bad. It will not be honorable, but your KDR will go up. I would be perfectly happy if they removed tanks and non-transport air from the game. Right now it is just too easy to farm kills with them.
    • Kills per Hour. So you are focused on KDR, the end game goal is kills per hour. 30kph is pretty low, and I want to consider it average, however I am not entirely sure it is. 100KPH+ is what your pros rake in. They know how to fight, how to live, where to fight, and when to log-off. If you can maintain a 10kdr, with 100kph, congrats you win the game and can uninstal
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  15. Hatesphere

    Agree completely, I used to hit tab every death and fret over the numbers, now I stopped caring. I have far more fun being that guy who manages to rack up an unexpected kill streak against the odds, then hanging back and making it easy. I still manage to sit around 2kdr at the end of most sessions though, so I think I'm doing alright.
  16. Gutseen

    Mkay, just get some ballz (like tear 'em from a facking dragon and sew em to yer sack)
    Prepare for IownUside 2 by performing 70 push ups while listening to yer favorite TR epic speech.
    Load BuglazyDevSide2 while having some fine butt music leik Diz

    feel det testosterone level pumpin in ya? Gut, get an Lmg & start killing, while yelling in proxy chat somtn' that starts with the word "HELL", teabag erry single **** u see.

    Thats 'bout all
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  17. grazr

    My life as an infantryman seems to be dying a dozen times, then finally getting into a decent position and killing a dozen times. My session KDR's will usually balance out at 1:1 at the worst and i'm a seasoned gamer who would consider 10:1 in any other game atrocious. The main way of staying alive though is fighting with a squad, at the very least you can get revives, and indirectly you'll have your flank covered for the most part.

    But definitely exploit vehicles and try to play it safe with a tank or ESF, you might not be killing as often, but you'll also be dying even less frequently.
  18. Prudentia

    thats a damn good song to stomp some primitives :cool:
  19. JudgeNu

  20. HantuDuppy

    If your K/D ratio is high, then I have no respect for you.
    It means that you're the type who looses bases while you're sitting safely behind the spawn shield shooting out instead of rushing the point. It also means you either spend most of your time as a sniper or pilot, which means I hate you in addition to the loss of respect.
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