Anyone else think the Crossbow is lackluster?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AccelPrime, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. AccelPrime

    After having tried it out for ~2 hours I think it's severely lacking in killing power. I got far more kills/life using my Cerberus & Commie.

    And saying that the Crossbow is lacking at range is an understatement. Pair the slow velocity with a lot of drop and a 1-second chamber time and you've got a recipe for a horrible mid to long range weapon. It's not very good at close range either, because of the chamber time.

    Anyone got an idea of what this weapon is good for? And don't tell me "it's silenced by default so it's great". I can slap on a silencer on my Cerberus, have much faster velocity, larger mag, more DPS etc, at both ranged and engagements as well as CQC.

    And the Cerberus isn't even a good weapon :eek:.
  2. EmmettLBrown

    Play engineer. Cert recon bolts.
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  3. AccelPrime

    I'm talking about killing power, not reconaissence, which I thought was the Infiltrators role, but oh well :rolleyes:.
  4. Phyr

    What are you talking about, everyone knows new weapons are stupid OP at release. Well, at least that's what the forums keep telling me.
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  5. Hicksimus

    I like to strafe for a bit while they miss at 10 meters and then when I get bored I remind them that there is a reason modern militaries aren't all outfitted with crossbows. Complimentary teabagging and v6 included.
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  6. AzureKnight

    If you use it for Kill and hide, it works rather well. it needs an EMP bolt that bypasses shields for OHK on the head or removes shield anywhere else though.
  7. EmmettLBrown

    Nah, it's a **** weapon. The only use for it is recon darts for other classes.
  8. AccelPrime

    I think the fact that there aren't any "AMG CRUSSBoW OP :((!!!!"-threads proves my point :oops:.
  9. Torok

    I found the Crossbow fun, balanced, and badass.

    Really enjoyed it lol, looking forward to play it a lot in the upcoming days with the stalker cloak
  10. Phyr

    That was yesterday.
  11. AccelPrime

    It's great & all that you found it enjoyable, but i'd be more interested in seeing if someone can present me with areas where the Crossbow is actually better than the pistols we've already got available to us. As for infiltrator hunting, which seems to be the only thing it's decent at, the Commie is still better. It still OHKs, but it has a larger magazine size, is more forgiving, no chamber time & higher DPS.
  12. Chowley

    Its incredibly bad sadly, fun idea, absolutely tragic in practice. A bigger waste of certs than the Phoenix, thats saying a lot.
  13. LT_Latency

    Then use a different pistol??

    The only thing that could is turn it into another commisar
  14. Torok

    It's very silent while still retaining such a high damage at longer ranges when compared to pistols, it's definetly viable as a sneaky sneaky kills weapon.
    Give it a few days and expect some epic video footage from a lot of different players.

    Get gud
  15. belthazor3457

    Here ya go.

    For those saying it's great as a killy-killy weapon, here's a rule of thumb: "it worked great when I came up behind an enemy and got the drop on them via stealth" is generally not the best selling point - because there are a LOT of weapons that somehow seem superior all of a sudden when you come up behind an enemy with their back turned.
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  16. Morti

    I find it underwhelming. Most of which the headshot multiplier and 1 sec chamber time and velocity. If I could ask for anything though it'd be faster chamber time. Or ditching the bolt action alltogether and making it semi-auto.

    Haven't seen anybody trying to explosive bolt maxes. Snowflakes chance in hell at actually doing more damage than a primary.
  17. lyravega

    It is a TOY mate. TOY. Not a weapon :p
  18. dp_nox

    Yepp I got an idea but I'm not telling.................ok I will ;)

    Think about trying to kill vehicles with C4, specifically Sunderes & Lightnings. Both only get to burning after 2 bricks (1 for Lightning) of C4, giving the opponent plenty of time to react & repair.

    You can kill a Lightning with 1 brick of C4 and 3 Shots (=1 mag) to the rear - if you want to save resourcesand not blow it up right away with 2 bricks.That's a bit situational but it should be a lot more useful when trying to kill a Sunderer alone, especially as Light Assault (and Medic as well). You can't shoot it with a rocket or Mana Turret so you have to wait an eternity (feels like a minute or so) for it to burn down. With a couple (4) explosive darts you can kill it in less than 10 seconds - enough time unless there's already an engineer present.

    It was only this week when I threw like 20 bricks of C4 on a sunderer at Vanu Archives because nobody else would try to take it out and it would always be repaired to full by the time I got back...

    I'm still debating wether to spend 1.1k Certs for such a situational benefit, but since I started playing LA recently and having (quite a literal ;)) blast doing so, I just might :)
  19. FlamingSquirrel

    Your silenced Cerberus would give away your position to anyone who sees the tracer. As for bullet drop, I found it extremely easy to use at pretty decent ranges (100m+). Sure, you have to deflect up a lot, but personally I found it very forgiving.

    Besides, t's a secondary weapon.
    It's there mostly as a near-silent, hard to trace, short/mid-range sniping weapon that Infiltrators can use with the stalker cloak (that disables primaries). It allows them to perma-stealth behind the lines and pop people in the back of the head quietly.

    I can also see uses for it as a Light Assault who prefers a CQC Carbine as primary, but would also like to hit people when in a good position with no obvious tracer giving you away.

    It's not there to be a killing machine secondary that all classes will use in all situations.
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  20. Robes

    its super op