Anyone else going to drop this game when PS1 goes F2P?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheArchetype, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. PharmD

    PlanetSide 1 is a unique game. There really isn't any other game like it out on the market today. If you look at EverQuest and Vanguard there are a hundred different games in that genre, especially World of Warcraft and even Guild Wars 2. PlanetSide 1 doesn't really have any competition. I think that is why you're going to see the game become pretty popular again when it goes free to play.
  2. QuantumMechanic

    After having played so much Planetside 2, I think it would be difficult to go back to Planetside 1's super miserable FPS mechanics, horrible netcode that never got fixed (A-D-A-D anyone?), and lousy "flying camera" flight mechanics.

    But pretty much everything else about Planetside 1 is still better.
  3. Gavyne

    We will see sir, we will see. I see Planetside 1 vets playing Planetside 1 again when it goes F2P, I don't see it becoming "popular" as many would like to think. Games that are supposed to be popular are already popular, they don't need a subscription model change to make them that way. Anyways, I do hope SOE makes it F2P for the Planetside 1 vets to enjoy. I mean why not, SOE is making everything in their lineup F2P.
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  4. Hydragarium

  5. Hydragarium

    1. Planetside 1 did not have headshots (or any kind of body part detection - you were a solid mass). This is a horrible way to handle any shooter that offers any kind of high powered single shot rifle.

    2. Longer TTKs is probably one of the most awful things about PS1. I can't stand putting an entire magazine into a person wearing basic combat armour. A single bullet to the head should have done the trick. "Realism" mods such as Project Reality has a much better gameplay experience with its near instant TTKs and hard to revive bodies.

    No he's actually pretty spot on - the graphics in PS1 DID suck balls - as he so eloquently puts it.
  6. Munq

    I think my braincells commit suicide everytime someone relates chess to ANY other computer game. Since we are exaggerating, let's say PS2 is like Formula 1 race car and PS1 is like Trabant.

    And no, I'm not going to PS1. It was fun while it lasted but PS2 is decades ahead of it, despite its flaws. On top of that I'd rather keep my nostalgia of PS1 instead of taking a dump on it by reinstalling PS1 and playing it again.

    "Memories grow sweeter in time"
  7. Dubious

    PS1 graphics were awesome, 10 years ago
    But its not cause of the graphics we kept playing, but cause of gameplay

    Ill agree that weapon "physics" is better in PS2, but everything else is better in PS1
  8. DoctorWhose

    Yep, definetly, at least for a bit.
  9. GamerOS

    I can't wait for PS1 to go free 2 play, not just me but a large portion of our outfit is going to try it.
    The gameplay and mechanics of PS1 just seem so much better and much more complex compared to the puddle of depth that is PS2
  10. Sebastien

    It's funny because PS1 started out **** as well, except people had nowhere to go.
    People who are leaving, and only coming back when the game gets better are shooting themselves in the foot. This game will only get better through player feedback, SOE listens, but they can't listen when there's nothing to hear.
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  11. Munq

    Yes like the thumper spam in the 1 man wide corridors. OH THE FUN. Now THAT is how I get boner in computer games. The fact that usually the only way to take a base was to mass up a proverbial boatload of MAXes and have them autorun into generators/spawn room makes me just cumbuckets. Or how about just making the base run out of nanites? Those are some surgical precision tactics right there.




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  12. Eleo

    I'll play PS1 and regulary check out PS2 to see how it is evolving.

    And for people with their nostalgia ******** talking about their 80's computers please let me laugh, perhaps you never really enjoyed it when being honnest with yourself, I found myself regulary playing master system games with nostalgia and guess what, I have fun playing them again and I generaly complete them once again and I dont feel spoiled anyhow.

    Every week end I play nintendo 64 games such as mario kart and mario party with friends and we always have a good moment, even tho they have **** graphics compared to the newest episodes have better graphics (sic).

    There is a moment you cant just bring the "its just nostalgia" ******** and face that games released 20 years ago might be more fun and that graphics is a bonus and nothing else. Jesus Christ look at minecraft and his cubic world and 16*16 textures and yet it is so fun millions of people bought it.
  13. Soylent

    Let me assure you that everyone who filled out that beta application had it on excellent.
  14. NinjaKirby

    The video or two I've seen put me off a bit because the ground texturing looked *that bad*, but since you say that, I might also look into it when it goes F2P. Since everyone here seems to hail it and it's "meta-game", it has acquired my interest.

    I already have to pay a high Subscription fee for the classic Ultima Online, can't really afford it for another classic MMO...
  15. ddp

    No I wont go back. :( I dont like the thinking aspect to video games anymore, glad they got rid of it.
  16. OMGSquirrel

    I'll play it again - how much depends on how many people it draws in. Whether I keep playing Planetside 2 depends on what they do to it in the coming months, and if they go ahead adding things like orbital strikes in spite of all the roadmap downvotes.
  17. LT.Col

  18. LT.Col

    oh man u actin tough pick on nerds? Should I call you Orge?

    no actually son you are pure weak in not knowing there was more then skyrim. How much paste did you consume?
  19. JesNC

    This so much. Funny how people always seem to ignore that simple fact.
  20. FeiXue

    Maybe PS1 graphics really did suck balls but guess what, everybody rendered. Go watch some WG raid assembly videos and then come back and tell me how you much more prefer bells and whistles of all 32 entities you can see. It's a f*ing shooter. Like I give half rat's *** how awesome that dude I didn't see looked. But hey, I can marvel him on kill cam, yay!
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