Anyone else enjoy the cat and mouse more than the kill?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by ChocolateLoveMuscle, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. ChocolateLoveMuscle

    Half the time I don't get capture points because I'm a perfectionist. Sometimes it takes me 10-15 minutes to set up and by that time the main battle is over half the time. However, I need to scan the ridges or terrain behind me to make sure no one is sneaking up on me or trailing me. Then I need to sneak to the next ridge and do the same etc. Then when I finally set up I can maybe get 1-2 kills or 1 miss and I move on. People are getting really smart and you can't linger anymore. Sometimes I get discouraged when it takes so long and some lucky HA stumbles on me from a the side I can't see and I curse. However, if I get sniped by another sniper fair and square I laugh and give him silent kudos. Then the fun begins and I see where he sniped me at and I try to go back farther and flank him. Sometimes I get him, sometimes I take too long and he's gone. To me this aspect is alot more fun then rushing in dying every 14 seconds but somehow getting a couple kills before you do and repeat.

    Today I didn't get very many kills but I had this one encounter. I was setting up and I killed someone. It was a small group and I took a chance and hit another but it wasn't a head shot. I cloaked and took off. I turn around and I see two snipers of the opposing faction sneaking from behind me into a ridge. I laugh because I accidentally caught them as they were sneaking up on me. I run to flank them from behind and some lucky HA killed me by just running into me. I cursed because he interfered with me trying to be the cat :)

    If you read this Ecklo, good fights. I've gotten you a couple times but you've got me slightly more. Look forward to chasing after you again.
    • Up x 1
  2. Aktarus

    i have to agree that many times i dont even try to cap, i just like to make them paranoïd .what i love the most is to infiltrate a base that is not already attacked , spot a few players that roam around , set a mine in a door and just shot a few pistol bullets in he's feet to catch he's attention and take cover in the building, they always rush you like "zomg zomg a freekill for my carbine"
    99,99 of the time they just frontly rush you trough the door absolutely sure that you will be a freekill and just explode like a watermelon when they walk on your mine.
    and the mine in front of a vehicle terminal is alot of fun too.
  3. muppofmalice

    Getting to the perfect position is atleast 50% of the fun for me. Having anti-personnel mines avaliable makes it even more fun since you can bunker in if you find a really good spot, to prevent people from sneaking up on you. Finding a high vantage point with good cover that's flanking a spawning point is really awesome. Sometimes I've gotten almost 1 kill/1 shot with all the bullets in my inventory, having found a good spot next to a sunderer. And don't get me started on throwing a well placed grenade into a overpopulated spawnpoint. Yum!

    Also if you miss/don't 1 shot somone and they start looking for you/running towards you I just think: "Let the games begin!" and try to do my best to predict them and flank (Obviously I try to kill them with sniper fire before they can get that close though!).

    Cat and mouse <3
  4. MagisterCrow

    Personally, my favorite moments are infiltrator vs infiltrator. Whether sniper duels or cloaking and running about trying to find each other, nothing quite beats it. I don't even feel all that bad about it when I lose.

    But yes, I love getting into position, taking a shot, then moving quickly for a new position. My squad seems to enjoy the sheer amount of panic it inspires. Makes foes panic looking for me, and they forget that there might be an engineer with a turret around the corner they just saw that shimmer vanish to.
  5. Timeraider

    God i yust love shooting in front an of enemy on purpose and make them change the direction they run in. Makes me feel like those movies where they shoot at someones feet to make him dance :D
  6. Caspartine


    Never thought it could be so thrilling and amusing. Shooting others seems like shooting dummies (in both of it's meanings).
    Yesterday - a massive TR group jumps on the bio lab pad. NC's awaiting us, so the next seconds are pretty messy, bullets everywhere, explosions...I land cloaked as one of the last, avoid the massacre and head inside for the capture. Soon after I realize I'm beeing followed...he could've farmed the masses with pretty much no risk . but no, he saw me in all that chaos and went after me. We played hide and seek for about 3 minutes through the whole bio lab when he finally got me and I lost the pistol duel. One of the best moments in the game so far.

    Also, the moments when you finally find the other cloaker somewhere on the ridge only to find out, that he's already aiming at you and will shoot first. You see the bullet fly towards you and pray. Will it be head or body? Body? You're fu*ked, sunshine, my turn! I just wait for that epic scenario we both shoot in the same moment and kill each other.

    On the contrary, most disappointing moment - tech lab, we just captured, wiped the spawn room, ppl slowly depart. Went afk to grab a coffe, when I put my headphones back on, I hear "Watch out, enemy infiltrator in the ..." *sniper shot*, cloak sound, and silence. So the hunt begins...after 5 minutes of playing this game (he clearly knew I was there as well) someone shot him right in front of my eyes. I was so close to shoot the TR in the head!:D