Any weapon that kills with one shot?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Xibaster, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. Xibaster

    There is any sniper rifle in Terran that kills in one shot?
  2. IIXianderII

    All bolt actions will OHK with a headshot as long as your opponent does not have nanoweave. The commissioner will also OHK other infils if you headshot them from close range.
  3. Get2dachoppa

    Any of the bolt action sniper rifles can kill in one shot so long as you hit your target in the head. Assuming your target isn't wearing nanoweave, that is.

    If you're a new player, I'd recommend the M77-B for a cheap, entry level sniper rifle that can one hit kill with headshots.
  4. Gundem

    Who needs sniper rifles when you have your Standard Launcher.
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  5. zaspacer

    Let me provide an answer that is more precise than those above.

    The following TR Sniper Rifles all have the "potential" to kill non-Max Infantry in one shot:
    RAMS .50M

    Here are the conditions:
    1) You must hit the opponent in the head.
    2) If the opponent is not using Nanoweave Level 3+ for normal Infantry or 5 for Infiltrators, it will kill in one shot.
    3) If the opponent is using Nanoweave Level 3+ for normal Infantry or 5 for Infiltrators, you will only be able to kill in one shot if you shoot them from close range.

    I do not know the exact close range required to hit an opponent using Nanoweave Level 3+ for normal Infantry or 5 for Infiltrators. Can someone else provide that information?
  6. Vaphell



    inf with rank 5 is equivalent to other classes with rank 3 (1150ehp)
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  7. Xibaster

    M77-B is a good choice for a beginner? Because only cost 100 credits
  8. Lazaruz

    M77-B is a good starter rifle with one-headshot-kill potential. And it's only 100 certs. If you want to spend more money/certs, there's also the SR-7 and RAMS .50 for longer ranges and TSAR for medium. But as I said, the M77-B is a really good weapon for the low price tag. It does what it's designed for really well...

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  9. TheAntiFish

    Just use an Engineer + AV turret. Nanoweave doesn't help against that.
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  10. MrMurdok

    If you want to OHK, use a dumbfire launcher, for everything else, there are sniper rifles.
  11. Booface

    That chart the other guy provided is useful, but not great as a guide for beginners. Just to expand on what you said:

    If you are using the RAMS .50m, you can OHK against Nanoweave at up to about 73m, which is the length of a medium sized building.

    If you are using the RAMS with silencer, make that up to about 50m, which is the length of a smaller building.

    If you are using another bolt action, you can OHK against Nanoweave at up to about 50m, again the length of a smaller building.

    If you are using another bolt action with a silencer, you can OHK against Nanoweave at up to about 30m, which is the length of a small room doorway to doorway. Yes, you can headshot somebody who is inside the same small building as you and sometimes not get the kill.

    If those distances still aren't easy to visualize, next time you log in you can use waypoint markers to give yourself a better idea.

    For reference, most assault rifles, LMGs, and carbines won't OHK you, but they can still wreck you in less than a second at about 50m if the other guy is a decent shot (especially since infiltrators have 100 less health than any other class). So if you want to kill them in one shot, you need to expose yourself to some risk, no way around it.

    Don't expect consistent headshots unless you are sniping in close quarters; expect to make a follow up body shot to finish them off (or 2 extra body shots for a medic/heavy who's quick with the ability button). If you are sniping in close quarters, a good trick to note is that a body shot plus a knife can be a good way to make up for missing the head. Sniper rifles are also surprisingly accurate firing from the hip if you just pause your movement for a fraction of a second before taking the shot, though quick-scoping is more reliable once you get used to it.
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  12. Topher

    Rams .50 is the best in the Terran Republic.
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  13. Xibaster

    I think that the first sniper rifle bolt action that im going to buy is the M77-B for the low cost,RAMS cost a lot i think but i dont affirm because i desinstalled the game after erase my chars few days before because my low FPS,but im going to return to game again as a terran sniper,hopefully this time my game goes good cause y reconfigured the game,ontopic a good explanation of volt action sniper rifles,specially RAMS. But at the moment my first adquisition is M77-B for the low price. Thank you for the explanation.
  14. Hoki

  15. Lazaruz


    Wouldn't be a sniper harvest if I shot heavies :)
    To be honest I did shoot him before the clip, but he just kept running inside the Sundy and healing up.
  16. Stinneyt

    M77B is a good start to get enough certs to buy the RAMS .50 or the SR-7. I have the RAMS .50 but some of the better infiltrators prefer the SR-7.
    The TSAR-42 might be a nice choice if you want something else between the M77b and the RAMS/SR.

    I have the M77B, Tsar42 and the RAMS.50. All to auraxium. The RAMS.50 is my favourite out of the 3, but the Tsar42 has a bit of a different use case. But if I had to choose one, it would be the RAMS.50 . If I had the SR-7, I may prefer that, but I've never used it so I cannot give any valuable input.
  17. Leivve

    Chart is off, Suppressors are 5 meters not 10.
  18. cyb_

    What makes you think that? How else do you explain that you cannot OHK someone with nanoweave 5 using a suppressed M77-B / TSAR / SR-7, etc. farer than 30m away?
  19. Leivve

    I don't snipe a lot, so it might be a weapon to weapon thing.
  20. Vaphell

    don't quote me on the numbers, i've read somewhere that suppressors on sniper rifles are -10/-25. But the whole situation is BS: in this reportedly competitive game the relevant data is hidden behind ambiguous or outright useless descriptions and you can't make truly informed choices.

    Either way it's rather easy to see that if you change max_dmg distance modifier to -5m it has very little influence on the outcome, 2m tops. That 25m penalty for min_dmg and is where it's at.