Any TSAR lovers out there...

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by PanzerGoddess, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. PanzerGoddess

    Or am I the only one lol. Or does everyone believe in the 12x scope must have omg!!!!.....No really the TSAR is super awesome
  2. Dcrd

    I don't know what's up with that scope, but The Tsar is super awesome indeed.

    Hail to The Tsar!

  3. PanzerGoddess

    rofl That is a badass unifrom
  4. Krytical

    It's okay, but a lot more limited than the SR-7. Both can easily get headshots at medium range, but unlike the SR-7, the TSAR-42 is really limited in long range encounters due only going up to 4x scopes. The slightly faster reload is not worth it in my opinion.
  5. Sworaven

    Yep! What kind of attachments do you guys use?
  6. PanzerGoddess

    well thats the deal. I dont fight at longe range encounters. Its medium or close and with the 4x I have no problems sniping people point blank lol. I use the 4x CH scope with the forward grip. That is my preferred, but as far as medium range, IMO it cant be beat as far as stopping power.

    This is a weapon used for close combat ranges, not a long range at all. I like the SR-7 but I prefer the "intensity" that the close range battles bring, as well I am always hacking etc, or going ninja mode.

    and btw it is only limited on the range ....which isnt exact that "great" range is not everything lol
  7. BadOmen

    What benefit does the forward grip bring to bolt actions if you dont mind me asking, seems like a waste of certs
  8. PanzerGoddess

    it looks cool rofl :D