[Suggestion] any Steam Deck Users?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Golconda, Jan 25, 2024.

  1. Golconda

    played a bit of Planetside on Deck while handheld and yes I die a lot of 1vs1 but still, playing this game on an handheld device (with a trackpad, which is so much better than an analog stick) is just so good! I play mostly an hour per day in bed before sleep. For who has never tried it, performance is quite good for a "console" standpoint, you get from 60 fps in 12 vs 12 to 28ish fps in big zergs vs zergs with medium graphics and shadows off, while if you want to keep shadows at min (like me) you have to tune down a bit the res (but it's not really a problem since you play on a little screen and you can enable a specific FSR built-in into the deck).
    I'm not good at tinkering with graphics sadly and I don't like potato mode. you can get much more FPS by lowering graphics fidelity, maybe another decker around wants to share his settings and/or control scheme?

    btw as a suggestion, If the devs released a deck specific graphics profile like cyberpunk and other games did it would instantly give PS2 a spark of celebrity among all these lively handheld PCs/steam/valve/deck/linux communites, and who knows maybe some deckhead may possibly be tempted to plug a mouse and keyboard into his device :O
  2. NobleLluis

    I am about to buy the ps5 just for play planetside 2,but i switch to about to buy the steam deck if all you say is true,because i questioned in the past how run planetside 2 in steam deck and the major part of people say i wont get more than 10 fps in 96 vs 96 battles. Do you recommend the steam deck to play planetside 2?
  3. Golconda

    only if you REALLY want to play this game on an handheld device. deck is the only option here because playing PC planetside with analog sticks is quite hard. you also want to play handheld so you can lower the resolution (don't go lower than 960x600) in order to keep medium graphics or shadows and keep > 30 fps in biggest fights. If you want to keep potato mode then you shouldn't have issues playing on a bigger screen without lowering the res.

    If you want to play mostly docked with mouse and keyboard I'd suggest a newer device like the rog ally or legion go because you wouldn't need trackpads anymore and those devices are more powerful than steam deck.

    keep in mind that if you play handheld you are putting yourself in great disavantage against mouse and keyboard users and people with expensive peripherals and PCs, while on ps5 you would be on an even field (but you couldn't play handheld unless you buy ps portal that could potentially add input lag due to its streaming nature)
  4. NobleLluis

    I always forget the keyboard and mouse vs pad Gameplay. Thanks for the clarificartion,i think i still go with ps5.