Any reason to fly a reaver on mattherson unless you are godly skilled best pilot ever?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BozoDaClown, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. BozoDaClown

    It seems level 100 scythes are all that are in the sky now. I do not last long. Maybe 2 milliseconds...possibly 3 (on a good day).

    Is it me or has anyone else noticed this?

    Does mattherson NC even fly much anymore?

    Can anyone own all these level 100 scythes that fly around in wolfpacks? Explain please..

    BTW that is ALL there is...NO JOKE..
  2. RogueVindicare

    Dunno what you're talking about.

    The most Scythes I've ever seen in a single area actually fighting was perhaps 6. And that was one time.

    I see 2-5 Mosquitos overhead in every, single, major battle against the TR.

    Let's not even talk about NC Liberator packs roaming southern Indar.
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  3. Emotitron

    You are over extending them. Pay attention to where the battle lines are and where friendly aircraft are. If you are a new pilot, you don't want to be flying on the sharp edge of the blade. Stay back and and watch the fights and engage only when you think you have a pretty good sense of where the hostiles and friendlies are. These maps are VERY tight and if you fly for even 30 seconds too long in any direction you can very easily fly into a vultures nest.

    When you do engage, don't get tunnel vision. If you are chasing someone remember that that person is likely leading you into unfriendly territory. Only chase if you are willing to lose your airplane in your attempt to finish him.

    Play it safe until you start to get some air sense, because SOE has made the air game EXTREMELY hostile.
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  4. BraSS

    I see a LOT more mossies in the air then scythes, and reavers are rare as rocking horse sht thesedays.
  5. EliteEskimo

    You'll do better on the ground in a Vanguard. NC has some decent armor crews, but since QRY put their Reavers away in the hangers until the ESF update comes around I'm not sure you''ll have to much epic pilot support on the NC side. I still see Reavers when I'm in NC territory.
  6. ZeroErrorz

    the only way to fly a reaver now is to fly at max alt with speed frame m20 and a2a missile, ganking enemy ESF and getting a2a missile rage tell is fun
  7. Ender

    I do just fine when i'm on my NC and flying a Reaver. In fact, most of the scythe pilots are brain dead.
  8. ZeroErrorz

    why ?, i thought nc matherson is the only one having the most air quitter
  9. Lugia3

    Confirming it is great fun to camp behind the Southeast Indar warpgate and blap ESF's as they fly away.
  10. Epic High Five

    Mattherson is extremely brutal on new pilots because there's a lot of people who have been doing nothing but, day in and day out, since beta. That combined with the already high skill floor for flight means that if you're looking for kills and certs right now, grab and airhammer and afterburners/tomcats and go for the lock+hammer+ram. You'll probably lose your ESF too but I guarantee you that the level 100 you just took out is a super extreme menace.
  11. BraSS

    When playing the other factions you will not see ESFs circling your warpgate when you own 30% of the continent. NC you do. Mind you its a great time to pull a stealth skyguard and go to town on the top of the cliffs just outside the warpgate. Had a great Vehicular Manslaughter run yesterday on bunch of mossies, libs and a couple scythes.
  12. CommodoreFrank

    Mattherson NC is not the best place to learn the skies. We're almost always outnumbered, so you have to be extremely cautious and pick your fights. It also doesn't help that A2A missile spam is at an all time high right now.