Any other TR heavies bummed by the striker preview?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Paltry Porridge, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. Paltry Porridge

    As somebody who hates the annihilator, but is forced to use it for his outfit, I couldn't be more disappointed with what was shown.

    I HATE lock-on weapons, unless they have a dumb-fire component, or something that requires aiming.

    Having to press a button 5 times without regard for aim feels like slap to the face for TR. Lock-ons, while effective, are the most boring weapons in the game to use.

    Sure, it looks effective, so much in fact that it seems to trivialize the annihilator, but I won't be purchasing it.

    Reskinning an annihilator, requiring button presses and changing the variables just doesn't cut it for me.

    Anybody else feel the same way? I guess until somebody posts on reddit/twitter they won't care anyway.
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  2. RobotNixon

    Would be nice if they made it like a TOW or Mana AV with a wire guided kind of control to it IMO
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  3. Gary

    If you are forced to play a way you do not like find another outfit.

    Secondly i think the Striker is going to be awesome but if given the choice i would take a Lancer any day. It probably has less projectile speed and locking distance compared to the Annihilator. It is definitely going to be powerful against ground vehicles that usually skip countermeasures for more direct passive defenses. Blockade armor, Frontal Armor, Side Armor, Top Armor and Mineguard

    Edit - No one takes mineguard instead they complain Mines are to powerful so removed it from the list. when infact taking mineguard makes mines completely useless.
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  4. Kon

  5. Rudette

    I am bummed that I'm out of station cash >.>

    Striker? Do want.
  6. Tekone

    So you didn't like the Striker in PS1?
    I admit, I'm not sure why they decided to not allow MAX lock-on capabilities, AND dumbfire mode.

    I am going to laugh when these launchers turn out to be just as 'novelty' as the empire specific unique heavy weapons.
  7. Gary

    Stop spending certs, Wait till you reach 1000 certs count that as your baseline, any certs you make past then are free to spend the 1000 is a buffer for a new weapon, When you get the new weapon your get back to your 1000 base line You can get any future weapon you want :) Been doing this for some time and eventually decided to raise it to 2000 buffer :)
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  8. Rudette


    Do you have a sub? How long does that take? >.> I might make 100 in a session, it would take me like a week to get a weapon.
  9. Gary

    I have an alpha squad boost and pay monthly for 1 month membership, When i started doing the baseline i had the 1 month member ship 25% and alpha squad, It takes time but once you get to it you are fine and it gets fun :)
  10. Rudette

  11. Sabreur

    I'm not TR, but I do feel like they got the shaft compared to the Lancer and the Phoenix. Even if the Striker is powerful enough to match the others, getting another lock-on mechanic seems silly. Personally, I would have given them a fast dumbfire launcher instead - sort of like the existing ones, but much faster and with much less drop so that it could reliably hit targets at long range. Anything other than yet another lock-on weapon.
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  12. Paltry Porridge

    I honestly never played PS1. I just despise weapons that are exclusively lock-on and the concept of lock-on in general. I don't think it belongs in an FPS.

    Sure, you didn't really need aim in games like Wolfenstein and Doom, but do we really need to regress to that point?
  13. Jonesing25

    Yeah I am bummed that I can't dumb fire it....probably sticking with the decimator
  14. Ganjis

    Striker in PS1 was a very short acquire delay and then required you to keep the target painted until impact. If this was broken (by a tree, for example) they went dumb along their current trajectory. That kind of lockon weapon I don't really have a problem with. This fire and forget nonsense we get in PS2 is not so good.
  15. SpankyH

    I play TR heavy assault almost exclusively, and I am not pleased with the Striker that they have demoed. Not pleased at all.
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  16. /clutch

    It needs a dumbfire mode.
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  17. NaySayer

    I agree. Maybe it should be lock on standard, and dumbfire cert-able
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  18. MajorHertz

    In all honesty, it's garbage. Welcome back to the misery of the **** phoenix user. If you didn't have the pleasure of PS1, welcome to the world of hiding behind walls and spamming the enemy with video guided rockets *****. This caused me to specifically run an infil character in PS1, the phoenix is a no skill weapon with massive mitigation abilities. It effectively negates terrain cover and can be used to scout out enemy placements. The fact that it's coming back means I need to cert up my infil....and I hope whoever came up with this in the dev team gets 2 flat tires per week for the rest of their life.
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  19. Nintyuk

    The irony is until I see it's effectiveness against aircraft I would much rather have the striker rather than the phoenix as a decent solo counter to individual aircraft is the only gap I feel I need to fill in my arsenal.
    I'm NC for life but I can't help but think a swarm of missiles from one person is a better way to get rid of a aircraft rather than trying to hit it manually with a missile of unknown controllability.
  20. GraphicJ

    All I know is that I want the NC's launcher soooo bad. It's a freakin AT4 in disguise.

    I don't want a OP or Weak launcher. I just want a FUN to use one and apparently the Phoenix has a lot of it. D-amn you NC. :oops:
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