Annoying Infiltrators of your server.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Parallus, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. Parallus

    Alright, so each server has those famous/infamous infiltrators that are always present in a good fight.

    Here in Connery I can say:


    I really dont remember the names of any other infamous infiltrators on Connery, so yeah.

    Want to make list of those skilled infils out there from each server.
    So, who are ones in your server?
  2. dasichri

    First rule of infiltrators

    You don't talk about infiltrators.
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  3. Parallus

    What if infiltrators talk about other infiltrators?
  4. Navinor

    Ok targets marked. KGB, BND, CIA, NSA, MOSSAD and the other bad guys are on the way.

    Targets will be terminated within one hour. I wish a good day gentleman ;)
  5. z1967

    All of them...
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  6. Kalivix

    I hate every single one.. they are all bloody BR 100 as well.

    I wonder why it is all the BR100 players end up playing a inf....
  7. Parallus

    serious posts ples, these jokes are no fun.

    EDIT: By the way, when I mean Infiltrators, I also include SMG Infiltrators. Not just the marksmen.
  8. JP_Russell

    Well, I wouldn't call any legitimately good player "annoying," but no list of the best PS2 snipers is complete without bringing up Emerald's Mustarde and Elusive.
  9. GrizzV

    Well, you posted such an idiotic topic... so excuse me if I have a lil fun with it.

    I take it you can't handle smg infs yet? You'll learn rookie.
    For now, you are the hunted.
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  10. LodeTria

    I don't really know any names or remember any that stick out, but I'll say some play styles instead.

    Point sitters in deep-cloak are probably the most annoying. Most of the time they won't kill anyone and just die because the point won't flip back so I know you're there. Bonus points if you use Q while hiding.
    Camping the terminals are also pretty annoying, but I don't hate them as much as point sitters, at least they do something. I won't fall for it twice though, so you better get far away enough for me to assume you are not there if you want it to work again.
  11. Yuukikun

    I think you misspelled ''free kills''.
  12. Ghosty11

    The last one to kill me when I stopped to check the map.
  13. Rikkit

    Infils annoying?
    Snipers? Mäh!
    Most of them won't hit you, when you're on the move,
    Most of them are far to easy to countersnipe.
    And the few remaining, will most likely die, if you get close to them. (I Love the hunt)

    cqc infils? Mäh
    Place your Motion Spotter and play with at least medium graphic settings.

    The only thing that annoys me, is an ennemy infil who keep his Motionspotters online...
  14. NinjaTurtle

    Elusive and Mustarde are the best I think.

    Edynz was an amazing Infiltrator on Waterson but hasn't been on for ages. Has over 50,000 kills with the Sirius
  15. Ronin Oni

    Annoying infiltrators?

    You mean the guy on our team, hiding in spawn, not even shooting radar darts?

    I never bother to look at their names... they're nobodies :p
  16. Verenz

    Well I play on Ceres.

    So it's mostly quite casual.

    Then there is Darkelfdruid.

    I first saw him when he was BR40 and I knew he was going to be trouble.

    He makes me want lel in frustration watching his videos because I am sure there will be some footage of me getting destroyed somewhere in his channel. I did at least beat him in a fair air duel (with fair meaning he was shooting something else when I ganked him in a stealth vortek reaver) just as he beat me in a fair fight (in this case fair means it was a hover duel and he had 75% health left with me dead). Now I just can't touch him, I lack the dedication to practice lol.
  17. Boildown

    Have a snickers:


    But seriously, every Stalker cloak infiltrator ever.

    And even when you decide if you can't beat them, join them, you find out Infiltrators are so cert-heavy, you can't, not really. Not for a while.
  18. RHINO_Mk.II

    The only annoying infiltrators are the ones who spam darts and motion sensors. The rest I couldn't care less about - they have meh weapons and crummy armor, and can't sneak anywhere useful, like into a well guarded cap point.
  19. Jur270

    Darkelfdruid failed78 mikebrown are tottally undefeteable in ceres in infi or air
  20. JokeForgrim

    Best infl i have seen on youtube, glad he's not on my server :p