Annihilator Squad+Drawing distance = Nothing leaves the Warpgate!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dvine, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. Odin

    do yourselves a favor and join the infantry zerg, i quit flying (which was my favorite thing to do) because of the annoying missile spam. Don't try to argue with anyone about it (they are happy there is no tanks or planes in big battles).
    Just stop using tanks and planes, join the giant cod map and try to enjoy yourself.
    Seems the majority of people dont want planetside they want a infantry game so thats what soe is giving us.
  2. Aege

    At this point people paid money for the Annihilator, so you can't do anything to it without burning them.

    I've always used the Annihilator since the day it came out. The VS Nemesis is a slow lock-on piece of crap, and when you dumb fire it ejects the plasma ball like a monkey throwing p00p. That's why nobody is using it.

    I'll take the Lancer over the Annihilator when they put it in. Lancer squads could decimate armor since it's a direct fire bolt.

    I don't see how this is fixable. All pilots, whether ground or air, are going to complain about it. It changes nothing. At times you will have the advantage when everyone is packing Decis for an assualt, and be disadvantaged when you are trying to assualt a facility with 30 lock-on launchers on it.

    In your complaint, all you would have had to do on your end is change tactics, grab some snipers and thin out the HA. If you had that, the HA would not stick their heads up long enough to lock on to anything.
  3. BengalTiger

    Stay at high altitude and dive on targets. With stealth 1 they won't see the plane on the map.

    Drive at full speed from cover to cover.

    Drop flares/smoke- with one person doing it every several seconds. That way a whole team can be immune when crossing open fields (last time I checked flares simply shut down all guided weapons that are nearby, no matter who the target is).

    Shield up in a Vanguard when expecting to get hit (knowing the range, speed, lock on time it's possible to shield up within 3-4 seconds of the salvo hitting, with p!mped shields that leaves 4-5 more seconds of getting hit with impunity if all shots hit the front or turret).
    Wait behind cover till shields recharge- even outside the vehicle looking for the bad dudes. They might render.

    It takes lots of time for missiles to gain lock and travel to the target. If you know they're going to come, don't wait till they hit.
    Anticipate, predict, counteract. Deny the other team their abilities.

    For the lazy and/or not teamworky people:
    Assault, infiltrate. There's even a few classes which specialize in this. :p
  4. Conq


    Since early in beta my outfit's biggest event has always been what we call a Duck Hunt. Perching in front of the SE warpgate on Indar and killing everything that comes out with bursters and rockets. To beat us, you've got to send in the infantry. Even if they can't stop us directly, it divides our attention enough that air eventually can.



    See you Monday! :)