Annihilator Rocket Launcher - Well F Me I Guess

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ToolMan, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. ToolMan

    Server Downtime 12.19.2012 - The Annihilator Rocket Launcher is now available to all empires. This weapon has the ability to lock on to both aircraft and vehicles.

    In other words, those of you who spent SC cash to get the Hawk and the Crow rocket launchers so you could run 2 kits against ground and air targets, you're screwed. Now you can spend MORE hard-earned money (or hard earned certs) and accomplish the task with just one.

    Completely following the Diablo 3 model that saw it lose a huge amount of players to exactly the same thing. Keep coming up with ways to water down the items you've already purchased so you can milk people out of more money.

    I realize that this is a business and that you're here to make money, but people get really cheesed off when you continually tap the well of the consumer. Eventually we'll just quit on you, like people quit on Diablo 3.
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  2. Seron

    Hang on, we havn't seen the stats on it yet. I would assume they would have a decrease in dmg or speed. Otherwise ur completely right
  3. blahpop

    yeah i really love how i droped $14 on both rockets so i could have both now i need another $7 just to save a loadout slot
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  4. VoidMagic

    Does it dumbfire, is the damage reasonable?

    Listen... giving HA a way to deal with vehicles is very important to the meta right now... Pay to win be damned... $7 to save the PS2 infantry game... hell yea I got $7.

    You all can cry all you want about the obvious bleeding of our wallets, however you can't cry that infantry is UP and then cry because there's new infantry weapons available to even the score... that's just stupid.

    If the launcher is worth it, and it gives infantry a leg up, then so be it. I however am sure it's another craptastic one, or they'll nerf it next patch... :/
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  5. Ixal

    Lock on launchers are already extremely weak. Making one even weaker would make it unusable against most tanks and likely also Libs as they can take a lot of damage.
    Likewise the existing launchers are already pretty slow. Even slower rocked speed means they are unusable against ESF and maybe fast tanks (Lightnings, Magriders with boost).

    Your post? Yes.
    People complain because SOE sold them (not given, sold) weapons to deal with vehicles last week. And now they want you to spend money again to get the improved version of the tools you bought.
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  6. MarlboroMan-E

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  7. Flarestar

    lol. That's awesome. I forget who it was, but props to the guy that called a ground/air lockon launcher being added back in the first massive thread about the launcher changes.

    Anyone want to bet that it uses the exact same lockon mechanics and characteristics as the existing ground and air launchers but can't dumbfire, meaning it will be terrible against air and ground at the same time?
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  8. blahpop

    caps bro caps *lil key on the left side*
  9. Kaoschan

    As Op forgot to post the whole changelog.

    The new Launcher is LOCK-ON ONLY and does not have a dumbfire mode. No stats currently aviable due to servers being down and no datasheet being posted ... just wait till you whine.
  10. blahpop

    have you seen the dumbfire of the other lock on launchers worthless
  11. SenEvason

    So much complaining without any stats on it.
  12. Przemogce

    ------------SECRET LEAK-------------------------------

    26.02.12 - Introduce new "BISON" G2A rocket launcher to the players -> Lock-on air targeting is the fixed version from hawk one, missile is 15% faster damage increased by 10%, nerfed dumb-fire remains

    03.01.13 - Introduce new "GAZELA" G2A rocket launcher to the players -> Bison rocket launcher + improved/fixed dumb-fire

    10.01.13 - Introduce new "GIRAFFE" G2A&G2G rocket launcher -> Gazela rocket launcher + ability to lock on ground targets

    17.01.13 - Introduce new "CRAB" rocket launcher -> Giraffe rocket launcher + increased lock-on range by 10% increased dmg by 10%

    No more leaks as for now !! Bring me the Money !!
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  13. ToolMan

    No, my rage is that they could *easily* fix the items we've already bought without forcing us down the never-ending purchase path of a "new" item.

    Of course, if SoE wanted to be on the up-and-up, they would have unlocked this version for everyone that has already made the double purchase or cert unlocks. But of course, that's just silliness.
  14. TeknoBug

    I rented both lock ons and thought they weren't really worth the SC or certs, glad this came along but I bet you the rocket travel speed is still ****.

    ??? g i m p is censored???
  15. Hadri

    Why are you forced to buy the Annihilator?
    I still prefer the G2A lock on launcher, dumbfire on ground is way better than lock on, on ground.
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  16. LeBanterSaurus

    The G2G launcher is defunct it should be removed and we should be refunded for it imo. Unless they change it somehow so it's worth using again.
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  17. Blazini

    With the over populated Air and tanks I will gladly buy this lol
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  18. RadarX

    This weapon does not dumbfire and has slightly lower damage.
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  19. SinerAthin

    I just wish it was Default so that the players who didn't pay for the game would also have it.

    This game needs more infantry with better anti-vehicle abilities!
  20. Quovatis

    It's not actually in the game, despite the patch notes. At least I couldn't find it.
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