Annihilator + Decimator Bundle coming

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by DCTH, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. DCTH

    So ... todays sale is the Annihilator. Not sure if i want to buy it, since there is a bundle with it coming in two days (search for Annihilator and Decimator). I think there'll be also some weapon-camo in the bundle, but i'm not sure (searching for "weapon camo" brings up the same bundle, but i couldn't find out what camo exactly will be in it)

    So, the real question i guess is: Is the Decimator worth it? I guess it's good against NC-MAXs in bio-labs!?

    Would you wait for the bundle (given it is actually on sale and not just a bundle) or just get the daily-sale today?

    Wait for the Empire Specific launchers to come out.
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  3. RAQemUP

    It will include the Urban Forest weapon and/or armor camos at least.
  4. drNovikov

    They should give you SC every time you use that overnerfed weak piece of pixels called 'Annihilator'.
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  5. Slaidd

    I'm not sure I'd waste the money and I definitely wouldn't invest certs into them. The annihilator is a complete joke. If you can get a hit on someone with it, the damage you're doing is about the same as a stiff breeze. You'll be dead or your target will just move away from you long before you manage to kill anything with it.

    The decimator is just short of trash. While it does to the most damage out of the current stock of rockets, that damage is still very weak. You litterally have to get a hit on a prowler with every shot you have on you to kill it. So, if you're by yourself or you're facing a small or larger group of tanks, you'll be dead long before you kill anything with it. If you do manage to kill a prowler with it, congrats you probably just killed someone that was AFK, taking a squirt.

    Basically, the current stock of shoulder fired rockets are pathetic and will, more times than not, merely serve to alert a tank to your direction for an easy kill.
  6. Negator

    the Deci is a beast. Are you really implying a single heavy should counter a tank straight up?
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  7. Rhinzual

    The Decimator is a slow piece of crap is what I'm saying.
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  8. mindbomb

    they are both bad.

    The stock rocket launcher is better than the decimator. The annihilator is much worse than the av turret for tanks, much worse than a burster max for air.
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  9. Slaidd

    The Decimator is too slow to use reliably, not when you have to get within 30 to 40 meters with it first before you have a chance in hell of hitting with it. Unless the tank driver is AFK that is, then you're golden, otherwise good luck getting that close to a tank for ONE shot, let alone the 4 or 5 it takes to actually KILL said tank.

    And yes, I'm saying that a HA should be able to buy a shoulder fired anti-tank missle with infantry points, that will reliably take out a tank with one shot. The cost and timer for said rocket, should be commensurate with the cost and timer for the tank. And don't whine about balance this or a tank should be that....there have been real infantry launched anti tank missles around for DECADES that will one shot a real tank, there's no reason there shouldn't be the same type of deal in PS2.
  10. cKerensky

    In real life, you take a lethal shot and you're dead, you don't see 100 soldiers charging a tank colum and one-shotting tanks.

    In planetside 2, you take a lethal shot and you get back into the fight 10 seconds later.
    Having a weapon ONE SHOT a tank is a terrible idea (from front or side arcs, anyway), otherwise there would literally be zero reason to ever run tanks. Period.

    So, no, there shouldn't be an HA missile launcher to one shot tanks. That's a terrible idea. There's plenty of tools in game to kill vehicles fairly easily, the most reliable called "teamwork".

    One on one? Tank should always beat an HA 90% of the time, and my guess is, that's what happens.
  11. Rhinzual

    Modern day RPGs work exactly like that. The warhead detonates and a jet, not a spray, but a jet of molten copper just goes through the armor of the tank and kills everyone inside. So being able to one-shot a tank with even weapons that a kid could use (wish I was joking there) is very possible. Heck, even the advanced stuff like the Javelin can do so at ranges where the infantryman is completely safe. You'd never see them charge a tank because the anti-tank weapons available to them are that effective. That and it's usually in urban areas which we don't have in this game.
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  12. Riot5

    Having just got the NS Annihilator, my only real issue with it is that sometimes the missiles completely miss, even if the target didn't pop flares or hide behind an object. The tracking on it needs some more work.
  13. Ormadil

    Wrong. The tracking is working as intended. They simply used a trick to break the lock. It tracks the target to a point roughly 10 seconds in its future along its current course. Not hard to break, once you get the hang of it.
  14. Slaidd

    Why is it that a tank should win against an HA 90% of the time? That's ******* ********. By your ****** up logic they should just get rid of infantry all together as there's no point in playing one.

    Teamwork, plenty of tools, sure, tell that to the all the infantry that have been getting farmed by tank columns for the last 2 months.

    Teamwork don't mean **** if you can't get out of your spawn room. And this is why right now as an infantry, when you see a tank column coming, you leave, because you have no chance in this game of possibly defeating or even temporarily repelling that. It's ******* STUPID.
  15. Negator

    Youre a terrible player with terrible opinions.

    If you can't hit tanks with the Deci, youre terrible. In fact you should uninstall before spreading more terrible ideas.
  16. Slaidd

    Riiight. Ok. Sorry for taking your time away from farming with your tank. Please re-commence with your overpowered farming machine. The sheeple infantry I'm sure will keep spawning for you, won't be me though.
  17. drNovikov

    1. Infantry weapons that oneshot a tank already exist. Javelin, Kornet, RPG-32 and so on.

    2. In real life tanks do not magically repair in no time and at no cost. In this game you can just pull back a little and repair faster that infantry does damage to you.
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  18. VKhaun

    The decimator is worth a buy, but I regret my annihilator purchase. I think empire specific + decimator will keep most folks happy, maybe NC will still want an AA lock-on, we'll see.
  19. Zaik

    Don't buy any bundle with the annihilator in it, it's not worth a penny.

    The decimator on it's own is okay, however the only thing it really does that the dumbfire launcher does not is one shot an ESF. The dumb fire launcher will give the pilot about two seconds to bail before it burns up if it was in perfect condition when it hit, but they never do.

    I don't think the decimator does enough damage to reduce the total number of hits to kill by one on anything unless it can survive 6 direct hits. I think the only thing that can is vanguard front armor with additional front armor attached. It might have a slightly larger minimum damage splash radius against infantry, but it's pretty terrible damage so there's no point in buying it for that.

    In real life tanks aren't instantaneously constructed on demand by any random guy in a uniform.
  20. Zaxc

    Anihilator and the first SMG batch are the reason why i'll never buy stuff on release anymore from SOE, Anihilator is very sad in its current state, not worth its name.