Andavari is fine.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by iller, Oct 3, 2020.

  1. iller

    Spent more than an hour there. ...yah we pretty much only fought WildCards but anyone on Connery understands you either fight TWC or you basically don't fight any large fights period if it's against VS.
    It is what it is
    The base is still perfectly Fine for infantry fights... you just gotta switch from 1x reflex to like a 3.4x and maybe switch off the brainlet laser sighter for a longer distance attach. Or if you're Vanu ... dont, LOL. Just keep pew pew'in away at any range and always be perfectly accurate either way.

    I don't wanna hear anyone b*tch that it's a total HESH farm now. Maybe unlock some Construction components first if you're that kind of complainer and try making some friends too. It'll go a LONG WAYS if we see more bases devolve back into an actual Combined Arms capture meta
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