And another "Lattice Alert" ended...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vanus Aran, May 30, 2013.

  1. schwarzklang

    Tunnelside2 ftw. who needs tactics.. Just follow the lattice tunnel. The bigger zerg rolling down the tunnels wins. People want that.
    For me it sucks. xp/hour permanently decreased by 20-40% for me.3-4 hours on the same 2-5 bases. The lattice system is way to restrictive.

    i dont really see Planetside 2 to survive the next patches.. The game gets worse and worse after each patch. Soe have to merge more server soon. I promise it to you guys.
    And SOE does as little as necessary. Look the account wide unlock feature, what a joke. They give us NS weapons and camos thats it. As little as necessary. Just to shutup the whining about it. And it worked out well.

    And mines.. they got blinking LEDs on top.. wtf is that? Only because the peoples incapability of adapting to situations involving explosions, mines, minegurd, flak amor, irnv scopes and awareness..

    Look at the feature list for June what a joke!
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  2. Boomotang

    You saying there is no such thing as "ghost capping" is like me saying there is no such thing as a "zerg". It's all just semantics.

    This is how I define "ghost capping": 1-6, maybe a squad worth of soldiers capturing a territory that has less than 6, usually less
    than 3, defenders.

    If you say that doesn't happen, then you're nuts. it's just how people describe it in their own way, which I'm pretty sure you understand. I'm not sure how YOU analogize it, but I'm guessing you describe like a "spec ops" group distracting the enemy front lines, like most people do.

    The "zerg" is pretty much everyone except for you and whatever outfits or teammates you're working with at the moment. Most people see large amounts of troops and they say "ZERG!". Is it completely disorganized? Sometimes yes.

    Sometimes this is what I see. Alpha Squad is taking the horizontal generator. Bravo Squad is taking the vertical generator. Charlie Squad is setting up a flank 50 meters from the Western wall with a Sunderer to help with these efforts. Delta is pushing to the cap point. Echo Squad is in the air providing CAP. Foxtrot is rolling in with an armoured column. That is what I call warfare. I would analogize it to a battalion assaulting a facility. Not a "zerg".

    The difference between the two analogies is that the Battalion analogy is far more accurate in what they do then the Special Forces analogy.
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  3. PhiladelphiaCollins

    Or you could, you know, not follow every zerg pack. Or here's another shocking bit of news, there's more than 1 path to most bases and more than 1 way to get to them. Stop being a tool and use your head.
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  4. axiom537

    When I play a game my incentive is to win as well. Every game has and needs rules and structure, without them neither side can plan & strategize. What type of strategy game would chess be if every piece had the ability to move freely in any direction at any time with little to no restrictions?

    The HEX system has very little structure, and as such it requires very little strategy, since movement is not limited and capturing and holding territory becomes meaningless. If you can pretty much move where ever you want, then there are no constraints with which the enemy can use to predict and plan strategy around, only react. Under the HEX system most of the choices fell in the lap of the attackers, leaving the defenders very few choices, and those choices, where mostly reactionary and dependent on the actions of the attackers. This is why we constantly saw attacking forces meandering like snakes weaving around the map, any defense set up in advance was easily by-passed.

    The lattice system is a huge improvement to defending and I think it brings real & improved strategy to the game. That doesn't mean It doesn't have room to be improved and I definitely think there is plenty of room to add some elements from the HEX INFLUENCE System. I would love to see one or two minor outposts added around some of the big bases or even a few that are on the lattice be removed from the lattice system and use adjacency, as long as they are not linked adjacently to each other allowing for attackers to by pass the main base.

    I also think generator blowing needs to be put back into the game(Provided that it will require something like a squad to take it down and they will need to stay and keep it down otherwise it would auto-repair or the empire controlling the facility will need to fall back and kill that squad)
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  5. Udnknome

    I really don't understand how you think you are "skilled" when at the same time you refuse to contribute to the success of the "zerg". Truth is, as it was in EVE, you are only skilled in 1 vs 1 battles and team play completely eludes you.

    If this is the style of gameplay you long for, lattice doesn't prevent this, it only removes the ghost cap feature from the game. You can still fly a ESF behind enemy lines and pick off people who are straggling to the front in 1s and 2s. You still get your streaks, you still get your kills and your 1vs1 play that you supposedly still long for. The only thing you can't do is cap.

    Quit lying to everyone about your motivation, it is solely the ghost cap and not some 1vs1 play style that is missing. Nothing prevents you from camping yourself or a small squad behind enemy lines without a cap.
  6. bNy_

    Weirdest thing tho is that this MMO will grant you less kills than any other FPS game out there (pretty much). Especially if you run with a zerg which this new lattice system promotes doing.
  7. Udnknome

    This makes absolutely no sense. Are you saying you can't take down targets because there are too many people shooting at your targets?? I'm guessing you would be the most baddass FPS player if it wasn't for all the assists. What are you getting at??????

    Maybe you mean the meatgrinder that is the zergfest.. you die too much.

    Team players can (and do) flank the zerg and get tons of kills. This is still possible. While the lone wolf might just follow the crowd with limited visibility of the battlefield, those that have communication and can see the whole battlefield are successful.

    Join an outfit or find a leader.
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  8. Partybooper

    Then try taking a biolab when it's the only option you can go to advance in a 100 vs. 100 situation. If the defenders aren't completely dumb you will never take it.

    "You have tactics and options, simply switch lanes!"
    Really? So that the enemy who is currently at the stalemate can freely retake the lane you just captured? Great! ...
    Before the changes, when influence and hex was still there, you had tactics. Non-standardized capture timers meant to have the option to capture the adjacent territory around the biolab, lowering the capture time dramatically and increasing the time to defend it. Sooner or later you could wear out the enemy platoons defending the biolab. Now? It's just hours of meatgrinding, which satisfies today's casual gamers. They don't want to go for the bigger goal, capturing a continent. They just wanna do pew pew as fast and easy as possible.
    I like that from time to time as well, but not permanently. Lattice at prime time is a permanent meatgrinder though.
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  9. Snib

    I never said anything about wanting to 1v1.

    And your argument is entirely silly. I can camp behind enemy lines all day now and won't see a single enemy because without being able to cap they neither have a reason to go there nor a reason to evict us from there.

    The lattice has effectively removed the strategic option to split enemy forces by forcing them to save another facility or risk it being taken and their supply lines being cut off (which mattered back when influence mattered - which IMHO was another great system that should have been kept). That's not ghost capping, that's them failing to defend. All your whining about ghost capping is just because you're too lazy to even look at the map and just want to be able to lock down in one place, shoot the same spot for hours while your certs tick up. Well bravo, have fun doing that, not my thing (nor that of many other people - e.g. since the patch Esamir is by far the most popular continent on Woodman, always great fights there, was even population locked tonight).

    That being cut off has absolutely no effect these days irks me the most btw. Even in the lattice system you can keep on taking territory even when cut off from your own warp gate. I see that happening all the time when looking at the Indar map. I liked it much better when you needed to stay connected to your warp gate to advance. That forces you to defend certain territory. And also removes a lot of the true ghost capping (you know the solo infiltrator on the cloaked flash just running from base to base as far from/behind the frontline as possible).
  10. Udnknome

    Again, Wrong. For example, you can do vehicle denial at the nearest tower to the fighting by blowing up the terms and laying land mines. You can generally harass the pubies that go back to that same tower and try to get aircraft and rearm said aircraft. You know you can put tank mines on the air pads to great effect? These are the straggling reinforcements I'm speaking of.

    I don't really consider myself a master strategist. I'm sure there are people out there than can get more creative and come up with even better and more effective strategies. Don't tell me there isn't a way to affect the battle as a whole just because there isn't some big sign that says "ATTACK HERE".

    I agree that the lattice cut off should be the first priority, the only reason it isn't is mainly because vehicles don't cost enough.but that's another discussion all together.

    I'm sorry the rules have changed and you have to figure out how to support the faction rather than just support yourself.
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  11. zukhov

    All these anti lattice threads are exactly like ghost capping. You can't win the argument so make another thread.

    Lattice coming to Amerish 122 up, 34 down

    Lattice coming to Esamir 146 up, 59 down

    Try and argue that away (again.....) or just make another thread. I'll post this again for you. I am getting the hang of this game now and its no effort. Soon it will be just a cut and paste job.
  12. bNy_

    People being scattered out on the map, long distances and that so many of the people playing are so afraid of dying result in this. And before you go and call me noob and all that, keep in mind that I at least make 200 SPM.

    And yes, rolling with a zerg is the stupidest thing you can do if you want kills because there are rarely any zerg vs zerg action... and do some probability math on how likely it is to get a kill when you have 5 available target hiding behind force fields and 50 people shooting at these force fields.