Anchor neft needed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Saool, Oct 21, 2014.

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  1. Saool

    The Anchor is the NC LMG that I probably get killed by the most. During Server Smash it is used second only to the Orion. Because the Orion apparently needs to be nerfed because it is used a lot, clearly, so does the Anchor.

    I have not bothered to look at any stats to back up my argument in any way, but that does not matter. I don't like it so it should be nerfed as soon as possible. Its ammo counts needs to be reduced and both it's vertical and horizontal recoil increased.

    Get on this now SOE.
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  2. sindz

    Ill do it for you :)



  3. Bankrotas

    So what's next? SVA-88 nerf?
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  4. Spacelife

    The Orion is the default gun whereas Anchor is 1000 certs. It makes sense that new players do worse, even though they have a fantastic gun.

    Better comparison would be Betelgeuse after the ammo buff vs anchor.
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  5. Frostiken

    I'm sorry, your nerf thread about the NC is taking up valuable forum space dedicated to three parallel threads about nerfing the Orion.
  6. Frostiken

    So what you actually meant to say was "Nerf the TRAC-5, Cycler, Gauss Rifle, Repeater, Magshot, Bolt Driver, 99SV, Scattercannon, Pounder, Falcon, and the Vanguard." Right?
  7. Prudentia

    from 50 bullets to 45 is not a buff
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  8. sindz

    You cant compare Betelgeuse with the anchor yet, since one gun has been out for weeks and the other one has been out for years.
  9. Spacelife

    Never having to reload or run out of ammo is a huge buff. In most cases where you spray 50 bullets you're not doing it right.
    I think everyone agrees, hell even the VS leet players, that the Betelgeuse is stupid good.
  10. TheMish

    Yeah but things are never overpowered enough for them.
  11. Goretzu

    The SVA-88 in KPH and Q4 KPU. :eek:

    Nefts are everywhere! [IMG]
  12. Prudentia

    did you ever sit in a Base turret? it uses the same code as the VS auraxium weapons. you kniw how kong it takes till the cooldown kicks in after you fire? you can reload the weapon before it cooled down.
    also the Battlegoose lost all it's attachment for the heat mechanic. so while the Butcher of the TR atleast still has Soft point ammo the battlegoose has nothing and both are are lacking the Foregrip that is essential for T9 Carv/Orion
    The Battlegoose IS the best Infantry weapon with heat, but thats simply because the Phaseshift sucks every ball in existance and the Eclipse/Darkstar have just enough ammo to get a single kill, maybe 2 in CQC when not hipfiring
  13. _itg

    No, no, no. It's time to nerf the Liberator.
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  14. Goretzu

    Well time to neft it anyway. :eek:
  15. Xasapis

    Please, retaliatory threads are not needed. Please lock.

    (Just because clueless people make nerf threads, you don't need to spam the forums with counter-nerfs)
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  16. Huishe

    Anchor doesn't need nerf, anchor need buff to prenerf levels! Did you just... oh, you mean nc lmg, not prowler ability.
  17. Surmise

    Funny thing is despite you having no proofs or numbers, if Anchor would have 644 RPM(now has 600) it would THEN have same TTK as Orion VS54 but still wouldn't have 0.75 ADS speed so still would be inferior .
  18. Surmise

    You seem to be desperate, Anchor is 1000 certs, Orion is free given to BR1 and MSW-R is 100 certs (so easily used by br15s too) Anchor is primarily used by NC players who think it's closest they have to cqc LMG and it's KPH isnt so far from Orion, funny.
  19. sindz

    No, actually you are, with you dismissal of actual stats and thinking your own subjective opinion is the truth. I just posted the numbers that show that the anchor is outperforming msw-r and the orion. And if NC players use the anchor primarily because its the closes CQC LMG they have, then great for them since its outperforming the CQC LMG's MSW-R and Orion.
  20. IrishPride

    These nerf threads, what are we gonna do with them :(? lets all go back to our super nintendos and play super mario bros! There ftfy :)
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