an honest question to AA maxes...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by captaincupcake, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. Vultraz

    I main HA, and I love it when enemy aircraft start hovering in front of our faces prepping a lolpod, because we just blast them to **** with our rocket launchers. Same goes when manning an anti-tank gun on a vehicle (I even use sunderer mortars to kill aircraft trying to lolpod my squad to death.)
  2. captaincupcake

    your squad must be so skilled if it doesnt have dedicated air support. i mean **** teamwork when you get anis and aa maxes right.
    why should a defensive system counter an air 2 air combat centric ESF? trick question... it shudnt. if infantry doesnt render over 400m why can flak shoot over 400m if that just means the pilot has no business with ground? enough with the lolzyoubad4chanimsogood **** and answer me that
  3. Liberty

    Your OP was pretty much spot on.
    • Up x 1
  4. Doodles89

    The 1 v 1 ESF/MAX battle is actually surprisingly balanced right now. I'll explain (because nobody believes anything is balanced):

    -The burster max will shred unsuspecting ESFs, hover ESFs, and an ESF that tries to kill it, EXCEPT WHEN:

    -The ESF has composite 4 (something like 2000 certs), The ESF gets off some nose gun hits, followed by rocket pods THAT HIT THE MAX DEAD ON (meaning you get the X with the circle around it) This is NOT easy to do though since the ESF must be firing these rockets from pretty far off distances. The MAX also had to pretty much stand still. Good maxes just move and you cant kill them in one pass (not enough direct missile hits)

    If done properly, the ESF can kill the MAX and get out with like ~15% health. I've killed many MAXes this way, but they all stood still for me and I'm BR51 with many ESF hours... I still think the burster is actually slightly overpowered since ESFs have to invest waaaaay more certs and skill and time to do this, but watever.

    2 maxes = easily dead single ESF

    2 ESFs= easily dead MAX

  5. captaincupcake

    once again window lickers. this isnt about my skill, i dont die but im literally walled out of areas because if i try and engage enemy pilots (do my job) i get blasted to half hp and cant pursue (or do my job) this isnt about the killing. AA maxes are a ******* wall that no air can pass whether it wants to kill ground or not.
  6. Nasher

    Why should it not counter it? You think just because you took air to air weapons you should be un-killable from the ground? By that logic all infantry and ground vehicles who don't carry an anti-air weapon should also be un-killable by aircraft.
  7. LoveJuices

    I tank and fly most of the time. Or grab my crabsuit during a biolab defense or crack but I think AA MAX is one of the most satisfying roles in the game. I'm saving up another 150 certs so I can get my second magazine extender even when I put in less then 20 minutes of it a day on average. Something about those thundersticks just blasting off and rattling my desk with the sheer deafening bass of all the cumulative hatred infantry have harvested for ESF for months now.

    There is no matching it. I just wish lock-on spam hadn't chased away most of the fliers. There is very little in the skies to shoot at now a days ; ;
  8. Sifer2

    I tried playing Dual Flak MAX some last night. Had not played it in a while. Don't know what they did but it now feels worse at killing air than just spamming lock on rockets. It's just crazy inaccurate now. Even if you lead the target you can just look at the tracers flying all over the place. It's basically low altitude area denial. But your better off just going Heavy now I think.
  9. Nature

    Havent seen many flying AA maxes or infantry in generals. Seen a few flying magskaters and flashes tho.
  10. captaincupcake

    its called air superiority for a reason. air counters ground but air counters air with retaliation from ground if proximity is breached. not air supports ground in destroying air. thats just stupid to think
  11. LoveJuices

  12. Iksniljiksul

    That is not how it works, but thanks for the sentiment. Why don't you try it out, everyone has dual Bursters by now because they are necessary. Aircraft are the single greatest threat in the game, no matter what one thinks of the changes made. If it flies it dies, and yes it's the most fun activity in this game to blast aircraft to pieces out of sheer loathing for what they have done.
  13. BlueSkies

    as for a bunch of other windowlickers how do infantry defend themselves when they dont have g2a. i roll engineer so does that mean i dont have the right to be in an area where there is a ESF? i think not.

    as for a bunch of other windowlickers how do infantry defend themselves when they dont have g2g. i roll medic so does that mean i dont have the right to be in an area where there is a single MBT? i think not.

    clearly we must nerf Air and Armor hard
  14. Eleniaki

    I'd respond to your personal attack but frankly why bother, there is nothing I can say that will make you look worse than your own posts are doing.
  15. Teekoon

    I have fun when I pull out the AA MAX, which is probably once a week. I love blowing up planes. Hell yeah it's fun. I don't care if I'm at risk of dying or not. I do lots of stuff in real life where I don't risk dying and have lots of fun. :p

    I play support engineer a lot, especially in biolabs, which doesn't put me at very much risk of dying. I have fun doing that, too. I'm not sure it's the possibility of dying part that is fun for me.

    Don't get me wrong: being in huge firefights or small skirmishes is a lot of fun, and maybe even the most fun in this game, but it's not the only fun.
  16. FeelTehRUSH

    hes a dooche but he does raise a valid point. ground is better at countering air than air itself.
  17. Arcanum

    Nope. That answer your question? Do you want me to stop bursting ESFs, is that it? Sorry, can't do.
  18. Syylara

    As you stated yourself, you're able to rack up enough xp to be considered extreme menace basically as a given before dying and you think the imbalance is against you?

    That's thick, right there.
  19. Talizzar

    Seems like you are the only one hurt here. You started the thread.
  20. Brusilov [TR]

    i kept skipping over this thread... cause i knew it was probably just another whiny bitcsh.

    I was right, but i'm glad i read it now. Lol... OP, you suck man!! hahaha

    I really enjoy flying, but i'm enjoying your tears over Burster MAX's even more at the moment :,D