An appropriate response to when people of your faction fire at your vehicle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Alabammer, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. MajiinBuu

    What if the lightning shot straight up into the air, not coming close to hitting anyone?
    "Well he could have hit one of us, he has to die."
  2. DatVanuMan

    F**K YEAH! To hell with that damned 4th factioner!
  3. Gleerok

    Only when some nanites blow your mossie out of the sky because he thought it was fine since I was hovering in the middle of the tank company (higher than tank/sunderer level)

    "Oh, fancy, you know how to hover in a tight location without killing yourself, let me poke you with my AP CANNON, it will be fun"

    It was fun for him too when I got the back of his Prowler and pounded him with my Heat cannon to death too ;).

    Whenever I see team kill, and it seems what I think it seems (someone killing a *******), I will leave him be. Now If someone impedes me from serving justice, he'll have the same fate.

    I don't retaliate when I am run over/caught in line of fire. **** happens, but when you are TKD because someone thought it would be fun...thats another story
  4. Stormsinger

    I usually fire a warning shot first
  5. sagolsun

    Not sure if attempt at humor or serious.

    Firing at a friendly vehicle = pick me up! It's rude to shoot at harrassers, particularly with automatic fire from high-powered weapons.

    Use common sense to decide whether to pick the player up or not. A gunner is usually better than no gunner, a galaxy or sunderer are troop transports by design and as a general rule, when attacking an enemy position, the more the merrier. That goes for deploy bonus XP as well as having more bodies to throw at the opposition.

    In general, having a passengers is to the driver's advantage. Stealth vehicles are an exception as well as some cases of organized play where there's no time to wait for randoms. Otherwise - pick people up, this is a team game.

    As for deliberate teamkilling, it rarely happens unprovoked. If it does, best ignore it. For cases of premeditated griefing - eg. ramming stuff into a 12/12 friendly galaxy, C4ing friendly AMS - use /report
  6. qquqq

    there is too much friendly fie at warp gates, just make it an invulnerable spot like VR Training,
  7. Azexia

    It was then we got invulnerability glitches they may or may not be working to fix those now hopefully the first one.
  8. oberchingus

    Can't wait!
  9. Paqu

    Only in america tho. And I did laugh back then when I heard that one.
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  10. Jaedrik

    "He did it first so that makes it okay for me to do it back to him."

    Can we not be 8 or so, please?
  11. GlueHead

    Did he even hit?
  12. oberchingus

    Yes he did. One of the Charlie harassers had to pull to the side to repair.
  13. EGuardian1

    Ask Bushdoctor about a certain AP Lightning and him ;) RonJahn was the Harasser he was chasing with the Canister and the troll laugh :)
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  14. oberchingus

    I will! In fact, was RonJahn one of the tankers I helped rage quit that time you and I ran into each other and I ran over you?
  15. EViLMinD

    Here's my thread, from a few weeks ago, about the same topic.

    This crap happens to me all the time in my harasser. People shoot and c4 my ride too often. I don't show such people any mercy, though. They made their choice to screw with someone like me, so whatever I do to them is their own fault. They started it. Not me. Never me. I may be a jerk but I have honor.

    My usually way of dealing with these bottom-feeding scrubbie traitors is to run 'em over. But... on occasion... I do more. Trying to regulate my revenge killings to a 2:1 ration. They kill me - I kill them twice.
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  16. Linus

    I TK everybody who tries to destroy or to damage voluntary my Magrider.
    I hate to see a new painted camo scratched.
  17. ronjahn

    Haha I don't think that was me, but I have a strong feeling of who it was.

    The only time I remember rage quitting because of harassers was back in the fall of 2013.

    MrArchangel chased me across a tundra on Esamir, and even though I shot him 4 times he still kept charging, back seat repairing, and firing that damn Halbred. They finally killed the tank, so I placed tank mines down around my debris. He drove over them and they exploded, but ya know, he was perfectly fine :cool:
    If you want to hear it happen, here's a link lol. It occurs at about 2 minutes in.

    I swear that guy got a pop up notification of where I was every time I pulled a Vanguard back then.
  18. Bushdoctor

    Much praises and respect to Arch I overheard his gunner Taconator had an open mic and he was saying something about Arch was concieved in the rumble seat and then forced to drive harassers at an early age. Supposedly this is why he is such an angry person; taking his rage out on enemy vehicles and picking body parts from his front bumper.

    This is a great story of a true legend of the Harasser. He is about to hit BR100... Video incoming very soon : )
  19. lawn gnome

    there is no real law enforcement in this game so at a certain point you have to draw a line and put people down if they are impeding you or your team.

    personally i stay out of the TK business of other people because i have no idea who is right or if anyone is right. if i am in heavy combat all TKs are forgiven because as stated earlier in the thread "**** happens", i will get annoyed and maybe yell in local chat but no action will be taken as long as there is a remotely reasonable chance that it was an accident or my fault. i do not avenge road kills either, because i know how often i run over invisible friendlies in the middle of the road (just driving along with absolutely nothing around and then a friendly tag pops up at the bottom of my screen with no warning). HOWEVER! if you prove yourself to be a dedicated TK in my eyes you will get the full treatment of an enemy, TK vehicles get C4, decimator, AV grenades, cannon from my skyguard, or whatever method most quickly disposes of your vehicle and TK infantry get whatever bullets i have in my primary weapon. i have had two incidents in the past 3 or 4 months where i had to dispose of TKers. one was a moronic skyguard who blamed me for killing his liberator in my skyguard (i had just logged on and not shot anything yet, and later when i looked at my kill log it also vindicated me), another was an idiotic galaxy that was physically in the way of an active biolab assault (i asked him to move and so did many others, then i fired a single rocket at him to try to get the point across more clearly, and when they started to TK me and many others around i opened up my C4 on them [galaxies are frigging tough])

    i try to report people also, but it doesn't seem to matter a whole lot.
  20. oberchingus

    Arch is an interesting character. Not just for being the most legendary driver I've ever encountered, but for others as well: He will chase people to the ends of the earth as you experienced, and Taco will continue to hit people right up to their warpgate shields. It's pretty impressive. Would love to see the video or hear the audio….the link didn't come through.