Ammo supply exp cap - what is it for?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SuperLexatron, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. SuperLexatron

    Seriously, for the life of me I cannot work it out - why do you cap this exp and nothing else?

    The only reasoning I have ever seen is: 'because it can be abused'

    WHAT? Like nothing else can be abused? Literally everything that gives exp can be abused (and does)

    Fun-fact: All the people actually abusing game mechanics to get infinite exp are using medic. There are plenty of videos out there giving examples of this.

    SOE: Ooh this guy has supported too many of his teammates in a vital position, better stop giving him exp.

    Seriously, why stop here? Stop revive exp after so many revives. Stop healing exp after so many heals. In fact **** it, stop all kill exp after so many kills - after all it can be exploited.

    Could someone explain this to me? I feel like i'm missing something. Is this just another case of SOE-logic?

    Edit: On a more constructive note:

    Pros: See more engineers on the battlefield (currently their only real incentive is vehicle combat/MAX teamplay/Long-distance tank sniping.)

    Cons: You get more people exploiting it? (which as explained, is more efficiently done by a medic, for obvious reasons)
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  2. AnnPerkins

    SOE can go through the kill logs and ban people that abuse the kill/rez xp and from what I have hear have done so. I'd imagine it would be a bit harder to do for resupply xp.
  3. Cirevam

    SOE got tired of people going to an empty hex in the corner of the continent, laying down ammo packs, and spamming pistol shoot+reload for easy XP. That's basically the only reason. I've also noticed that the cap seems to be per-person, so resupplying the same people gets me zero XP eventually but moving the pack over to some different people will give me XP again. Also, just about everything has an XP cap, but some are nearly impossible to hit. I never hit the repair tool cap while fixing everything in an amp station, but I'll hit it if I park a repair sundy under some turrets while fixing different turrets with my repair tool. And of course there's the three-hack limit for infiltrators.

    It is a pain that we have to keep seeing RESUPPLY RESUPPLY whenever we're getting nothing for supplying ammo, but that's how it goes... hopefully the cap will be raised if we bother SOE enough. I'll keep dropping ammo in the meantime.
  4. SuperLexatron

    Sounds logical, also sounds like they're punishing the players playing properly because their system is too primitive and cheap to catch the real exploiters.
  5. AltF4Fun

    I dont get this chage either. The number of people that exploit something like that must be very small.So why take away reward for all just to punish such a small group. Let them have it. Its not like SOE would loose a lot of money or something.
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  6. Elrobochanco

    I've put it into other threads but what makes it excessively silly isn't that it exists. We all understand why. But that it has not improved at all since release and it punishes players increasingly for how much they are assisting their team is what really makes it stupid.

    The certs for the ammo box make it last longer and cover a larger range. Which while useful to the players receiving the ammo, negatively impacts the length of time you can get XP from it since you just hit your cap that much easier. The certs need to be reworked to be useful to the engineer, and the system needs to be reworked to log it better.

    Simple Suggestion:
    Ammo boxes should have a finite amount of ammo in them before they "cap", Ammo boxes should go poof when they no longer give XP, and the engineer should be notified with a sound effect.

    Certing up an ammo box should increase the amount of ammo in said box (thereby making it more difficult for low rank players to exploit and giving higher rank ones more benefit).

    Certing up an ammo box should make it resupply players faster. This makes the difference between a high rank engineer and a low rank one mean something to their squad (like a medic does).

    The range of an ammo box should only increase on every other rank up (like how some tings jump up like medic tool or recon dart range).

    There that sounds way better/useful doesn't it.
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  7. SuperLexatron

    Bang on! Much more constructive than my rant. This is the kind of system that would make sense.

    SOE go about things so backwards it truly is a wonder to me. They put a band-aid on most things instead of just healing the wound.
  8. Hicksimus

    It's important to remind us that teamwork is less important than kills. SoE enjoy not thinking for themselves and so they will stick to 1990's scoring mechanics.
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  9. Littleman

    Having started up new toons on Waterson, I've taken up the engineer (at least he's not gimped at support like the medic without certs) and this frustrates me to no end. Right now, my solution is to just plop down an ammo box ever I'm situated or whenever I pass a group of friendlies bunkered down. Even if they have an ammo box nearby already, I drop mine down too. Baby toons are freaking useless and limited in the grand scheme of things, and I have a very hard time raking in the certs as is.