[Suggestion] Ammo Slot & Armor Slot!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NeonSonic, May 18, 2021.

  1. NeonSonic

    How about having an ammo slot and an armor slot instead of just 1 slot the suit slot?

    Please constructive feedback only please to make the suit slot replacement as best as it can be. No whine posts please saying 'wah it will cause ppl to spam grenades' think of a counter argument to that instead of just saying something like 'dont do that since it can spam grenades or since it can do that' etc. Also the counter to that is the Flak Armor, GG.

    Anyway it can work like this for the Ammo Slot: Ammo Bandolier or Grenade Bandolier.
    for the Armor Slot: Nanoweave Armor, Flak Armor, or Shield Capacitor or that sprint boost armor slot.

    This hands down would balance the game out better. as you could carry ammo and armor at the same time which would make the game tons more fun to play and more realistic.

    Example in real war you can carry a kevlar vest and ammo at once. In this game u can only carry 1 or the other which is stupid as hell.

    Devs please consider redesigning the suit slot to be able to carry ammo and armor at once in this game to make the game more fun. This, what is presented here is a basic idea to help u guys consider making the game better as a whole when it comes to carrying armor and ammo at once currently u cant do that in this game which is really annoying.

    Thank you.
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  2. Liewec123

    nice idea :)
    not much else to add! :D
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  3. Demigan

    I think that if you do that, you should add more ammo options.

    It would be an ideal time to add faction-specific ammo types for example. Let's say the TR can equip incendiary ammo into the slot, and 30% of the bullet damage is altered into a small explosive damage instead (just spitballing the exact details can change).

    This way you can have a lot of faction-specific alterations in one go. Every weapon could function differently if this is equipped. Piercing shots, tracking ammo, Gyrojet ammo, incendiary/explosive ammo, plasma, debuffing ammo like toxic, ammo that stacks an effect for example Halo's Needler effect etc.
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  4. JustGotSuspended

    We could even just simply keep it as it is but allow 2 suit slots to be equipped. Additionally adding a third implant slot would be cool too. I wouldn't make these things ASP skill as we want everyone to have these game-changing things.
  5. That_One_Kane_Guy

    The issue isn't that there is only one suit slot, it's that there are at best 2 or maybe 3 slot items that people use in that slot. I'd much rather they make changes to the options available to make them more or less equally useful. What you are suggesting here is the opposite of that. Ammo is easily acquired, so in your new scenario there is no reason not to take the extra grenades. Now we have have the same issue as before but in a different slot. Although you've made Flak more attractive* by making grenades more prevalent, I doubt most would count that as a win.

    If you really want to spice things up let players swap out an implant slot for an extra suit slot or vice versa and make it an ASP perk.

    *And still only technically: Flak does nothing against special grenades. Fighting zergs that are throwing 3x more Flashes, 3x more Concs, and 3x more EMPs at you before Necro-ing everyone from the grave 3x as often does not bear thinking about.
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